The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 633 The Mantis Catches The Cicada And The Oriole Is Behind

Henry's men quickly removed large black plastic buckets from the boat.

When they opened the plastic bucket, there was a layer of frozen chicken legs used for disguise, and the bottom was ephedrine, the raw material to stop methamphetamine.

Then someone moved over some white plastic buckets, which contained a large number of jewelry of unknown origin.

Hong Hanyi sent someone to check the ephedrine and jewelry. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he asked his men to drive an off-road vehicle over.

The door opened, and there was a mountain of cash piled inside the car!

"There is 600 million in cash in the car, and I will transfer the remaining 900 million to your bank account later."

Hong Hanyi said to Henry.

Henry asked his confidant to check the cash, and after confirming that it was all genuine, a smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Hong, it's a pleasure to do business with you."

Henry said very happily.

"me too."

Hong Hanyi smiled slightly, then gave Yang Qi a look, Yang Qi understood it, and immediately took out a bottle of red wine and two glasses from the car.

"Mr. Henry, come, let's have a drink and celebrate our happy cooperation."

Hong Hanyi said, poured Henry a glass of wine and handed it over.

At this time, Henry had let go of his guard and drank the wine.

At this moment, Hong Hanyi suddenly took out his golden pistol from his arms.

bang bang bang...

The gunshots sounded, and Henry was instantly beaten into a hornet's nest.

And this gunshot was a signal. At the same time as the gunshot sounded, Hong Hanyi's men took out their guns and massacred Henry's men!

In the blink of an eye, Henry's men who let their guard down were wiped out!

"I am grass, black eats black!"

In the darkness, Qin Lie was slightly startled to see Hong Hanyi being so cruel.


The dying Henry asked with all his strength.

He didn't expect that Hong Hanyi would suddenly kill him.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't plan to spend money from the beginning."

Hong Hanyi smiled slightly, and shot Henry in the head again.

"Yang Qi, you are responsible for staying and cleaning up the scene. The others will immediately bring the goods to me and move them to the car, and leave in ten minutes."

Hong Hanyi then ordered.

As a big drug lord, Hong Hanyi is quite profitable, but in order to manage all parties, plus he usually spends money like water, his own savings are actually only a few hundred million, but this transaction will cost 1.5 billion , he couldn't get the money out for a while.

Later, after discussing with his confidant Yang Qiyi, he finally decided to be a black man and eat a black man, so that not only would he not spend a dime, but he could also prostitute a batch of ephedrine and jewelry for free. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

And the fact is as he expected, Henry was easily deceived by him, or if he fought recklessly, even if he could kill Henry and others, he would lose a lot on his own side, how could he be unscathed like now .

As boxes of ephedrine and jewelry were transported to his car, Hong Hanyi couldn't help showing a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

It stands to reason that he can almost retire to pension after finishing this vote, but he will not do that.

He has already made up his mind that he will enter the European and American markets after realizing that batch of jewelry. He wants to build a drug empire all over the world and become a drug emperor that everyone admires!

"Brother Qin, when are we going to do it? If we don't do it, they will run away."

Qi Tianchang, who had been following Qin Lie, asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, just wait."

Qin Lie squinted his eyes and replied, he was going to wait until Hong Hanyi's men had finished moving the goods, and he would be caught off guard at that time.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally all the drug materials and jewelry were transported to the car.

Just when Hong Hanyi was about to give the order to leave, Qin Lie gave the order to start.

bang bang bang...

The gunshots sounded, and several outlaws died violently on the spot before they could react.

"not good!"

Hong Hanyi, who passed by the god of death, gave a loud cry and rolled over to hide behind the off-road vehicle.

He first observed it secretly, and when he found out that the person who attacked him should not be a policeman, a monstrous murderous intent surged in his heart.

"Kill them all for me!"

Hong Hanyi roared angrily.

No matter who it is, as long as he dares to plot against himself, he will die!

In fact, his subordinates have already made a counterattack without him giving orders.

At the beginning, Hong Hanyi was still winning, and felt that it would not take long to kill Qin Lie and defend his dignity, but soon he realized that something was wrong, because his subordinates were killed one by one. any casualties.

As an old fox, Hong Hanyi has already begun to retire in his heart.

He was about to drive away, but the moment he showed his face, a bullet was fired.

Fortunately, the bullet was a little off, otherwise he would have gone to the Palace of Hell to report.

"Damn, there are snipers!"

Looking at the single hole in the car, the back of Ehong Hanyi, who was single, also broke out in a cold sweat.

"Brother, you hide there and don't move, I'll drive."

The most loyal Yang Qi told Hong Hanyi, then lowered his body and ran towards Hong Hanyi's exclusive car.

Hong Hanyi's car is a specially made bulletproof sedan. As long as he can drive the car over, he should be able to get out safely with Hong Hanyi.

It's a pity that Yang Qi thinks too highly of himself, and at the same time underestimates Jiang Lei and others.

After calculating Yang Qi's escape route, Jiang Lei, the sniper, pulled the trigger decisively.


As soon as a gunshot rang out, a blood hole was directly blown out of Yang Qi's heart. His heart was cold and his heart was flying!

"Brother, help..."

Yang Qi wanted to call Hong Hanyi for help, but he spit out three words and died of anger!


Seeing Yang Qi being killed with his own eyes, Hong Hanyi felt a trace of fear in his heart for the first time.

Bang, poof.

Bang, poof.

As a sharpshooter, Jiang Lei shot one by one and blew the tires of several cars at the dock, completely cutting off Hong Hanyi and others' desire to drive away.

Hong Hanyi, who saw Jiang Lei's intentions, was furious in his heart, but the enemy was secretive, and he couldn't make a good countermeasure at all.

"Everyone rush for me, kill one and I will reward five million!"

In order to create a chance for himself to escape, Hong Hanyi immediately gave a huge reward temptation.

Hearing this, the remaining outlaws rushed out with machine guns as if they had been beaten with blood, and fired a burst of fire at the surrounding darkness.

It's a pity that Jiang Lei and others used to be the top special forces out of a thousand miles, and they had changed positions before the bullets swept them.

Under Jiang Lei's command, Han Fang and the others started the final cleaning in pairs.

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