Chen Papi is not a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. On the contrary, as a black market owner, he makes more money than many billionaires. Even so, it is the first time in his life that he has seen so much cash piled up in a car. inside the car.

After suppressing the shock in his heart, Chen Papi opened the door of a car next to him.

Inside the car, a lot of jewelry piled up like garbage.

He took one of them in the past and looked at it, and after confirming that it was the real thing, a storm surged in Chen Papi's heart again.

"Master Qin, did you rob the bank and the jewelry store at the same time?"

Chen Pipi swallowed and asked.

"Of course not. How risky is it to rob a bank? I robbed it from Hong Hanyi."

Qin Lie smiled and said calmly.

Hearing this, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on Chen Pipi's face.

"Master Qin, did you really rob Hong Hanyi?"

Chen Pipi widened his eyes and asked in a trembling voice.

Who is Hong Hanyi? The famous big drug lord in Hong Kong, with dozens of outlaws under his command, murdered and made more money, and committed all kinds of evil.

But Qin Lie actually dared to rob Hong Hanyi, the key is still successful, if this spread out, it would definitely shake the whole Xiangjiang!

"I brought everything back, do you think I'll lie to you?"

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

Chen Papi believed that Qin Lie didn't lie to himself, but his heart was still turbulent, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

After taking several deep breaths, Chen Papi said again: "Master Qin, has Hong Hanyi been killed by you?"

"I originally planned to kill him, but this old boy ran too fast and let him slip away, but all his men were killed by me, and now he is a lost dog."

Qin Lie told the truth.

"Young Master Qin, Hong Hanyi must be vindictive. He suffered such a big loss at your hands this time, and he will definitely retaliate against you. You have to cut the weeds down!"

Chen Papi immediately reminded Qin Lie.

He knew Hong Hanyi too well. If he let the other party know that he provided Qin Lie with a weapon, Hong Hanyi would definitely come to kill him, and he didn't have the self-protection ability of Qin Lie, so he now wants Qin Lie to kill Hong Hanyi quickly. Otherwise, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Don't worry, I will definitely kill Hong Hanyi, but I don't have any acquaintances in Xiangjiang, so I have to trouble Boss Chen to help me find out where this old boy is hiding."

Qin Lie continued.

As a local snake in Xiangjiang, Chen Papi has a wide range of information channels. As long as he is willing to help himself, Hong Hanyi can't hide for a few days.

"Don't worry, as long as he is still in Xiangjiang, I will dig him out even if he digs three feet into the ground!"

Chen Papi is not a British head. He is very afraid of death, so he definitely wants to kill Hong Hanyi more than Qin Lie.

"Then I'll leave this to you. By the way, please help me deposit this batch of cash in the bank and transfer it to my account, as well as this batch of jewelry, please help me sell it, and then you will take 10% of it. hard work."

Qin Lie said again.

These jewelry are stolen goods, Qin Lie is not convenient to sell, but Chen Papi himself is in this business, it is appropriate for him to handle this batch of jewelry.

And giving him 10% of the commission can be regarded as giving him some sweetness. After all, the old saying is good, if you want a horse to run, you have to feed the horse, so that in the future Qin Lie will give Chen Papi work to do his best for himself. Serve.

"Thank you Qin Shao."

Chen Papi has been in the black market business for decades. He can estimate at a glance that this car of jewelry is worth at least one billion yuan, and he can also make a net profit of 100 million yuan by dividing 10% of the commission, which is more than what he earns in one year!

"You should still have an empty house, make two rooms for us to rest for a while, and we will leave at dawn."

Qin Lie continued.

Although Hong Hanyi's subordinates are all dead, but this time the movement is too big. If he stays in a hotel, it is inevitable that the police will not find any clues. It is better to stay in Chen Papi.

"I have an empty house, come with me."

Chen Papi nodded and said with a bow.

Before, he was afraid of Murong Huanyu behind Qin Lie, so he respected him, but now it is different. Qin Lie gave him a big deal. For the sake of money, he also has to regard Qin Lie as his grandfather. Same offer.

There are still six spare bedrooms in Chen Papi's villa, Qin Lie is alone, Chen Jinhu and the two share a room, and everyone just made do with it until dawn.

After washing up, Qin Lie took a look at the news from Xiangjiang.

Not surprisingly, the annihilation of Hong Hanyi's subordinates really made the front page headlines of major media.

It's just that this incident was defined by the media as a rivalry between two gangsters. The media exaggerated all kinds of words, and even some media people created multiple versions of the "truth" and posted it online in order to gain attention and earn traffic.

Although these reports are very irresponsible, it is a good thing for Qin Lie, because it will be more difficult for the police to find him.

"Young Master Qin, are you up yet? I've prepared breakfast. Do you want to go to the restaurant or I'll have someone take it to your house?"

Outside the house, Chen Pipi asked after knocking on the door.

"I'm going out to eat."

Qin Lie replied, and then opened the door.

Then Qin Lie called Chen Jinhu, who lived next door to him, and went to the restaurant together.

The breakfast is very rich, from western pastries to Chinese steamed buns and fritters.

After he was full, Qin Lie asked, "Is there any news about Hong Hanyi?"

"Not yet, but I have used all my connections to check. As long as there is news about him, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Chen Pipi replied.

"Then check it first, and use your car later. I'll go out."

Qin Lie continued.

He has already thought about it, if he can't find Hong Hanyi before seven o'clock this afternoon, then he will go to Taizhou first, and let Chen Jinhu and the others continue to track down Hong Hanyi here.

Before leaving, he planned to buy a gift for Bai Panlan.

"Okay, I'll get you the keys right now."

After Chen Pipi replied, he entered the house.

However, in less than two minutes, Chen Papi rushed over in a hurry.

"Master Qin, there is news, Hong Hanyi has news!"

Hearing this, Qin Lie suddenly stood up.

"Where is he?"

"He's hiding in one of his lovers. Let's go quickly. I'm afraid he'll run away later."

Chen Pipi said very anxiously.

"lead the way!"

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't bother to buy gifts anymore, and left the villa with Chen Papi.

Fifty minutes later, the group came to an old residential area in Sham Shui Po.

According to the news that Chen Papi got, Hong Hanyi was hiding on the top floor of Building No. 3.

"Remember, catch it later."

After instructing Chen Jinhu and others, Qin Lie kicked open the door, and a faint smell of blood rushed to his face at the same time.

Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh.

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