The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 636 Isn't It Cold In Stockings?

Qin Lie instantly became vigilant.

He cautiously walked forward, and when he turned his eyes, he saw a corpse lying on the floor of the living room.

This person is Hong Hanyi!

From the wound on Hong Hanyi's neck, it is not difficult to see that he was stabbed in the throat!

Qin Lie checked briefly, and the body was still warm, so it was judged that he should have been killed within two hours.

Qin Lie then went into the bedroom and took a look. There was a naked woman's body lying beside the bed in the bedroom. Needless to say, this person should be Hong Hanyi's lover.

At this time, the house was in a mess, the drawers were all opened, and all kinds of clothes were thrown on the ground, as if they had just been ransacked.

"Brother lie, what should I do now?"

Chen Jinhu looked at Qin Lie with a solemn expression and asked.

They came all the way here with the intention of capturing Hong Hanyi alive, but as a result, Hong Hanyi was killed, which undoubtedly made their trip in vain.


There is no point in staying here now, Qin Lie immediately led people to evacuate to see the murder scene.

"Brother lie, who do you think Hong Hanyi was killed by? Someone could run ahead of us. "

On the way back, Chen Jinhu asked in confusion.

"He was silenced."

Qin Lie said lightly.

"Quiet? You say this is what the Xu family did?"

Chen Jinhu asked in surprise.

"Yes." Qin Lie nodded, then continued to analyze, "Hong Hanyi knows kung fu, but there is no sign of fighting in the house, which means that he knew the person who killed him or was brought into the house on his own initiative, and secondly , The method of killing is clean and neat, and at first glance, it is the work of professional killers."

"The other is that the house looks messy, and it seems that someone robbed and murdered someone, but the gold watch that Hong Hanyi was wearing was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and was not taken away. This is enough to prove that the killer is not for money, but is killing people. The scene was then deliberately faked.”

"Combining this information, it is not difficult to see that Hong Hanyi was silenced, and it must be his master Xu family who killed him."

Qin Lie was able to find Hong Hanyi's hiding place. It took Chen Papi to use all his connections and it took him a whole night to find out. Normally, it is impossible for anyone to be faster than him.

So he must have killed the Xu family to prevent Hong Hanyi from betraying them.

"Unfortunately, let's come a step late, otherwise, if we capture Hong Hanyi alive, we will definitely get a lot of evidence of the crime from him."

Chen Jinhu said with some regret.

"It's okay, this visit to Xiangjiang is a worthwhile trip."

Qin Lie is still very optimistic.

After all, this time, he not only picked up billions for nothing, but also took the opportunity to cut off the important wings of the Xu family. In the future, he will play with Xu Fanzhou slowly. Sooner or later, he will destroy the Xu Fanzhou family!

After returning to Chen Papi's house, Qin Lie and the others took a break, and then went to the largest jewelry city in Xiangjiang to buy a diamond necklace worth more than six million yuan for Bai Xianglan, and then Qin Lie bought some other things for Bai Xianglan. family gift.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu, and Qi Tianchang boarded the plane to Taizhou, while Jiang Lei and the others returned to Magic Capital to continue their training.

"Qin Lie!"

Qin Lie had just walked out of the airport when he heard someone calling his name, followed the voice and saw Bai Xianglan waving at him.

Seeing the white pandan, Qin Lie was also very happy, and walked over in three steps.

After a long absence, Bai Xianglan couldn't control her emotions. She didn't shy away from other people's eyes. She hugged Qin Lie deeply and took the initiative to kiss Qin Lie.

"Sorry, I am late."

After parting, Qin Lie looked at Bai Xianglan apologetically.

He could see that Bai Xianglan was significantly more haggard than before, and everyone lost a lot of weight, which made him feel distressed.

"As long as you can come, it's not too late."

Bai Xianglan replied sweetly.

In her heart, Qin Lie is like an omnipotent god, as long as he is there, all problems are not problems.

"Qin Lie, my sister dressed up to greet you. Why don't you hurry up and praise my sister for her beauty?"

Kong Lianxing, who came with Bai Xianglan, said with a smile.

"Damn girl, what are you talking about?"

Bai Xianglan glanced at Kong Lianxing angrily.

"What's the matter, did I say it wrong? Someone has been locked in the house for the past few days without combing his hair, but when he heard that Qin Lie wanted to come over, he tried several sets of clothes in a row, and made up for the first time. It took more than two hours, it's really a woman who pleases herself."

Kong Lianxing continued to tease.

"Actually, Pandan, whether you wear makeup or not, is a beauty in my heart."

Although Qin Lie is a straight man of steel, he can still say nice things.

Hearing such sweet words, Bai Xianglan burst into ecstasy.

"Oh, I knew it wouldn't come, a sour smell of love."

Kong Lianxing fanned his hand in front of his nose with a look of disgust.

"Hey, I think you're just jealous. What's the matter, do you want me to introduce you to a boyfriend?"

Bai Xianglan asked proudly.

"Men are big hooves, I don't want them. No, it should be said that men other than Brother Xing Ze are all big hooves, and they are not worthy of Miss Ben."

Kong Lianxing replied proudly.

"Since Kong Xingze is so good, then you can marry him, and then your dowry sister will give you out, so that my grandfather will save me from forcing me every day."

Bai Xianglan said quickly.

"I do think, but why don't people have the beautiful beauty of Sister Xianglan, and Brother Xingze doesn't like me, so I can only love unrequited love. Oh, my life is bitter."

Kong Lianxing sighed with a look of hatred for injustice.

"Okay, stop talking shit, you bastard."

Bai Xianglan rolled her eyes, then said to Qin Lie, "Let's go Qin Lie, I'll take you to my house, just enough to catch up with dinner."

"Can I go directly to your house for dinner? Why don't I go there tomorrow morning."

Qin Lie said a little embarrassedly.

"What are you afraid of, the ugly daughter-in-law has to see her in-laws too."

Kong Lianxing laughed and teased.

Bai Xianglan glared at Kong Lianxing, and then said, "Don't worry, my parents are very easy-going. It's their intention to let you go to eat at home."

"OK then."

Hearing Bai Xianglan's words, Qin Lie did not refuse.

Just like what Kong Lianxing said, he came here specifically for Bai Xianglan, and sooner or later he would have to meet Bai Xianglan's parents.

Afterwards, the group left the airport and boarded Bai Xianglan's car. Qi Tianchang had the lowest status and naturally became the driver.

"By the way, Pandan, let me ask you something, you girls still wear skirts and stockings in winter, isn't it cold?"

On the way to Baxianglan's house, Qin Lie couldn't help asking the doubts that had been buried in his heart for many years.

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