The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 637 Are You Willing To Be A Door-To-Door Son-In-Law?

Today's Bai Panlan is wearing a beige sweater on top and a blue pleated skirt with flesh-color-silk-socks. It looks a little less mature and tempting, but more A girl's innocence.

But now it's early winter, and Taizhou is no better than the south, and the temperature is close to zero. Qin Lie is really worried that Baixianglan needs to be beautiful and not warm.

"Don't worry, we're not stupid. We wear thin stockings in summer and thicker ones in winter. In fact, it's not cold at all."

Bai Xianglan smiled and explained.

"Ah, so that's what it is."

Hearing this, the doubts that had plagued Qin Lie for many years were resolved.

"Of course, my silk-socks are definitely thicker than your warm clothes. If you don't believe me, touch them."

Bai Xianglan continued.

Hearing this, Qin Lie reached out and touched it, and it was true, these stockings only looked thin, but there was actually a layer of fleece inside, which was very thick, even if the wind was blowing, it probably wouldn't be cold.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, taking advantage of my sister in broad daylight and being my air."

Seeing Qin Lie touching Bai Xianglan's stockings, Kong Lianxing immediately shouted.

"Damn girl, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Bai Xianglan tapped Kong Lianxing's forehead with her finger.

"Sister, I'm talking for you, but you're still murdering me, it's really unconscionable."

Kong Lianxing pouted.

"I don't need you to speak for me."

Bai Xianglan replied, then took the initiative to hug Qin Lie's arm and leaned against his shoulder, with a sweet expression on her face, as if she was deliberately pissing her off.

"There is no sex with the opposite sex, hum, I want to break up with you!"

Kong Lianxing snorted angrily and turned his head to the side of the car window.

Bai Xianglan knew Kong Lianxing very well, and knew that she was just talking, and didn't take her words seriously.

Half an hour later, Qin Lie and the others arrived at Bai Panlan's house.

Bai Xianglan's parents are not that kind of billionaires, but they live in an exclusive courtyard.

According to the current housing prices in Taizhou, a set of such an exclusive courtyard would cost tens of millions.

There are many flowers and plants in the yard, most of which are only bare branches, but the wax plum has already bloomed in the wind.

"Mom, we're back."

Bai Xianglan shouted towards the room, and after a while, two elderly people in their fifties walked out of the room together.

They are Bai Xianglan's father Bai Mingjie and mother Kong Xi.

Just at a glance, Qin Lie understood why Bai Panlan was so beautiful, it was purely because of good genes.

He could be sure that Bai Xianglan's parents were definitely handsome when they were young.

"Mom, he is Qin Lie."

Bai Xianglan quickly introduced Qin Lie, who was beside her, to her parents.

"Good Uncle Aunt, this is a gift I brought to you, the second old man. Please don't dislike it."

Qin Lie quickly said hello to the two elders, and then handed over carefully selected gifts.

Bai Mingjie still wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Bai Xianglan's words: "Dad, this is the first time Qin Lie has come to our house, and it's a part of his heart, so please accept it."

"OK then."

Bai Mingjie thought about what Bai Xianglan said was quite reasonable, and took the gift.

Then Bai Mingjie glanced at Chen Jinhu and the two behind Qin Lie.

"Xianglan, these two are..."

"His name is Chen Jinhu, his name is Qi Tianchang, they are friends of Qin Lie, and they came to Taizhou to play for two days."

Bai Xianglan replied, and Chen Jinhu and Chen Jinhu also took the opportunity to say hello to Bai Xianglan.

"Come on, come in, it's too cold outside."

Kong Xi said, and quickly brought Qin Lie and the others into the house.

"Wow, Dad, you've prepared all the food."

As soon as Bai Xianglan entered the room, she smelled a fragrant aroma. When she looked closely, there was already a table full of dishes.

"There's still a chicken soup simmering on the fire. I'll go and see how it goes."

After Bai Mingjie finished speaking, he entered the kitchen again.

After confirming that the Cordyceps Chicken Soup was ready, he put the soup on the table.

Because he didn't know that Chen Jinhu and the two came back, there were not enough tableware, so Bai Mingjie added two more tableware, and then he greeted Qin Lie and the others to sit down and have dinner together.

According to Bai Xianglan, her father was a professor of archaeology, her mother was the president of a medical university, and both of her parents were high-level intellectuals, and their family belonged to a typical scholarly family.

However, Bai Mingjie doesn't have that kind of sour bookishness. He feels very approachable, and he is very knowledgeable. Chatting with him will make people feel like a spring breeze.

As for Kong Xi, she is a gentle and virtuous wife with a very good temper and a smile on her face.

Qin Lie could see that the husband and wife respect each other like guests, and they are definitely very loving.

Coupled with the lively atmosphere of Kong Lianxing, a smart girl, the guest and host enjoyed a meal.

"Brother Qin, Brother Hu and I are going out for a cigarette. Let's chat first."

Qi Tianchang was the best at observing words and expressions. He knew that Bai Xianglan's parents didn't say something because the two outsiders were there, so after they were full, they called Chen Jinhu to go outside together.

"Lian Xing, you and your sister washed the dishes."

After Qi Tianchang left, Bai Mingjie found another reason to support Kong Lianxing and Bai Xianglan.

Soon, only Qin Lie and Bai Mingjie were left in the house.

Even though he had communicated with Bai Mingjie during the meal just now and knew that they were not the kind of aggressive people, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel a little nervous in his heart, which made him instantly feel like he was back in the college entrance examination.

"Qin Lie, my daughter told me that she will never marry you in her life. I want to hear what you think?"

Bai Mingjie asked straight to the point.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely treat Pandan well, and I will never let her suffer any grievances!"

Qin Lie replied very solemnly.

He didn't dare to say that he wouldn't marry someone who was not Bai Xianglan, but he would definitely take on the responsibilities of a man and do his best to make Bai Xianglan happy.

"Then are you willing to join our family and be a door-to-door son-in-law?"

Bai Mingjie stared at Qin Lie. asked again.

"Enrollment? This..."

On the way here, Qin Lie chatted with Bai Xianglan a lot of questions that the two elders would ask him, but he didn't expect him to ask him to join the family, which made Qin Lie stupid.

"Xianglan's grandfather is only her mother's daughter. I chose to join the Kong family in order to marry a virtuous woman like Kong Xi."

"And now, Kong Xi and I only have a precious daughter like Xianglan. Her marriage is the most important thing in our life. If you really love her, I hope you can join our family."

"But don't worry, even if you are married, if you have a child, your surname will still be yours."

"Of course, it's not forced. If you don't want to, forget it. If that's the case, we won't help you do her grandfather's work."

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