The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 638: Difficulty Like Going To The Sky!

Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi are the pearl of Bai Xianglan, and they have loved Bai Xianglan very much since childhood.

Now that Bai Xianglan has reached the age to talk about marriage, as parents, Bai Mingjie and his wife certainly hope that Bai Xianglan can marry someone they like and stay together for the rest of their lives.

But at the same time, they also have their own selfishness, that is, they hope that their future son-in-law can join their family, so that they can see their daughter at any time.

"Qin Lie, listen to Xianglan, you are an orphan, aren't you?"

Kong Xi took over the conversation.

"Well, my only relative is my grandfather, but he has been dead for three years."

Qin Lie nodded.

"In that case, it's not good for you to join our family. Don't worry, we will look down on you even if you are married, and we will never interfere with your young couple's life."

Kong Xi looked expectantly and discussed with Qin Lie.

"Cough, so what, Aunt, this is a bit too sudden, I'll give you an answer when I think about it."

Qin Lie replied with an embarrassed expression.

Although he is indeed an orphan, as a traditional man, in Qin Lie's heart, being a son-in-law is not a glorious thing.

Especially now that he is short of money and status, he doesn't want to join the white family anymore.

"Okay, then tell me after you think about it, but Aunt has to remind you that time waits for no one. Xianglan's grandfather has been urging her to marry Kong Yunze, the most outstanding young talent in the Kong family."

Kong Xi said meaningfully.

"Well, I see."

Qin Lie nodded and said, of course he understood what Kong Xi meant.

"Qin Lie, let me ask you one more question, if in the end Xianglan really does marry Yunze, will you bless them?"

Bai Mingjie asked a somewhat sharp question again.

"No, because I'm not going to let this happen."

Qin Lie replied decisively.

He didn't care whether Kong Yunze was the direct heir to the Kong family, he would never allow anyone to steal Bai Xianglan from him.

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

Bai Mingjie smiled slightly, he seemed very satisfied with Qin Lie's answer.

"To be honest, to me, my daughter's happiness is more important than anything else. As long as you can be good to Xianglan for a lifetime, I'm still willing to support you together. But you also know that this situation is a bit special now, her grandfather is dead. My heart wants him to marry Kong Yunze, and we, as parents, are a bit clueless."

Bai Mingjie sighed.

In this family, Bai Xianglan's grandfather Kong Liansheng is the real talker, and they have to listen to Kong Liansheng for many things.

Especially now that Kong Liansheng's condition is getting more and more serious, in order not to irritate Kong Liansheng and accelerate the deterioration of his condition, they dare not disobey Kong Liansheng's intention.

"Okay Mingjie, don't talk about our dad, he doesn't want to make Xianglan happy."

Kong Xi interjected.

"Well, don't say it."

Bai Mingjie waved his hand, but did not continue to speak.

Then Bai Mingjie chatted with Qin Lie on some other topics, mainly to deepen his understanding of Qin Lie and see if Qin Lie is worthy of being his son-in-law.

At this time, Bai Xianglan and Kong Lianxing had already washed the dishes, and they had been lying at the door of the kitchen eavesdropping on their conversation.

After they finished talking about what they should talk about, the two sisters came out by a very 'coincidence'.

"Mom and Dad, how are you talking?"

Bai Xianglan pretended to know nothing and asked.

"It was a good chat. I like Qin Lie."

Bai Mingjie replied with a smile.

He is a professor of archaeology, and his requirements for his son-in-law are still very high. If Qin Lie is the kind of vulgar person with no culture, even if Qin Lie is rich and rivals the country, he will not let Bai Xianglan be with him.

But through the communication with him just now, he found that Qin Lie is a humble but sophisticated person on the surface, and he is more humorous and assertive. He appreciates Qin Lie.

"Hey, it seems that Qin Lie, you have a good idea, you have won my uncle's favor so quickly."

Kong Lianxing joked Qin Lie with a smile.

Her grandfather and Bai Xianglan's grandfather were Qin brothers, and Kong Xi was her cousin. She played with Zai Xianglan's ass since she was a child, and she was actually similar to Bai Mingjie's daughter.

"Lian Xing, Qin Lie is very interesting, but you can be friends."

Bai Mingjie took the initiative to recommend.

"We're already friends, don't you know, I met a very hateful old lady in Longcheng a few days ago. She opened her mouth and shut her mouth and said that I was a stinky foreigner. She also scolded me a lot of ugly words. It was Qin Lie who helped me. Freed up."

Kong Lianxing said immediately.

She has a good impression of Qin Lie. Now that Qin Lie has come to Bai's house, she certainly doesn't mind saying a few good words for Qin Lie.

"Don't have the same knowledge as her when you meet that kind of person in the future, it will only lower your personal accomplishment."

This is the first time Bai Mingjie has heard of this, but he is a literate person, and he will never argue with those vulgar people.

"Don't worry, uncle, I don't have the same knowledge as that shameless old woman."

Kong Lianxing replied.

"Dad, it's getting late. I want to take Qin Lie out to find a hotel to stay first."

Bai Xianglan interjected.

"What hotel are you staying in? Your room is so big, it's enough for the two of you to stay in one room. It just happens that you can whisper a little at night."

Kong Lianxing laughed and joked.

"Lian Xing, what nonsense are you talking about, your sister is not such a casual girl."

Kong Xi frowned and whispered.

Their family is quite strict in terms of family education. One of the family rules is that they are not allowed to have sex before marriage. Because of this, Bai Xianglan is so conservative in the aspect of sex, and even many things are not as well understood as outsiders. A teenage little sister knows a lot.

"Don't be angry, Auntie, I'm just joking."

Kong Lianxing hurriedly hugged Kong Xi's arm and smiled.

"You, you, you are not too young. Hurry up and find a husband's family. Don't go crazy all day. Be careful that you won't get married."

Kong Xi said angrily to Kong Xi.

"I'm still young, so I don't worry about getting married."

Kong Lianxing replied quickly, then took the initiative to change the subject and said, "Sister, aren't you going to find a hotel for Qin Lie, let's go quickly."

"Mom, let's go first."

Bai Xianglan said goodbye to her parents.

"Come back early, don't stay out too late."

Bai Mingjie warned.


After replying, Bai Xianglan and the others left Bai's house.

"Qin Lie, although you have already won the favor of my aunt and uncle, but don't be too happy, let me tell you, you want to convince my third grandfather to agree that you are together with only one word! It's as hard as it is! sky!"

On the way to the hotel, Kong Lianxing reminded Qin Lie.

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