The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 643 There Is A Saying Called \"Knowing The Person, Knowing The Face But Not The Heart

"It's better for you to accompany your grandfather. I have something to do with my company. I have to deal with it."

Bai Xianglan made a random excuse.

She originally wanted to introduce Qin Lie to Kong Liansheng, so that he could accept Qin Lie slowly, but now, Qin Lie was blasted out without saying a word, and a pile of shit was detained on his head. She didn't want to continue to waste her words with this old and confused grandfather.

"Xianglan, do you still want to find that little beast?"

Kong Liansheng immediately stopped Bai Xianglan.

"Grandpa, I'll say it again for the last time. His name is Qin Lie. You can dislike him, but please don't call him insulting words again."

Bai Xianglan said in a deep voice.

Qin Lie was the only man she liked, but her grandfather kept his mouth shut, either a gangster or a beast, which made her feel quite uncomfortable.

"I'll say it again for the last time, you can only marry Yun Ze, and I definitely won't allow that kind of squatter to become the son-in-law of my Kong family!"

Kong Lianxi's attitude is even more resolute.

"You are a tyrant, and I have nothing to chat with you."

Without a word of speculation, Bai Xianglan was about to leave after dropping those words.

"Pang Lan, come back to me...cough...poof!"

Seeing that Bai Xianglan didn't listen to her words at all, Kong Liansheng was furious for a while, and he spat out a mouthful of blood again!

"Three grandpas!"

The shocked Kong Lianxing quickly supported Kong Liansheng and made him lie flat on the bed.

Bai Xianglan was also in a panic, and quickly pressed the pager. After a while, the medical staff hurried to the ward.

Seeing that Kong Liansheng had fallen into a coma, the doctor immediately gave him first aid.

Ten minutes later, the first aid was over, Kong Liansheng slowly woke up, and his vital signs gradually stabilized.

"Am I not dead yet?"

Kong Liansheng asked quietly.

"Mr. Kong, don't worry, your physical condition is still very good, you can rest well first, and I will not disturb you."

After speaking to Kong Liansheng, the doctor gave Bai Xianglan a wink and left the ward.

outside the ward.

"Miss Bai, your grandfather's physical condition is already very bad. Don't stimulate him again, or I'm afraid he won't wake up next time."

The doctor looked at Bai Xianglan Road with a serious expression.

"Well, I remember."

Bai Xianglan nodded.

Of course she didn't want to irritate her grandfather, but her grandfather's words were so irritating, even with her temper, she couldn't stand it.

After instructing Bai Xianglan again, the doctor left.

"I'm sorry Qin Lie, I didn't expect my grandpa to have such a deep prejudice against you."

Bai Xianglan covered her face with her hands, feeling a sense of distress in her heart.

"It has nothing to do with you. The old man must have been instigated by others. Otherwise, I wouldn't believe that his attitude towards me would be so bad when we first met."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"What do you mean by that?"

At this moment, Kong Lianxing also came out of the ward, just heard what Qin Lie said, and asked a question.

"How is Grandpa?"

Bai Xianglan quickly became concerned about the old man's situation.

"The mood was temporarily stabilized. He said he wanted to be alone, so he let me out."

Kong Lianxing replied.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Bai Xianglan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qin Lie, you just said that someone instigated my third grandfather, it's impossible, who would do such a boring thing?"

Kong Lianxing changed the subject again.

"Of course it's your good big brother Kong Yunze."

Qin Lie sneered.

"Impossible, Brother Yunze wouldn't be so despicable."

Kong Lianxing immediately retorted.

In her heart, Kong Yunze was the most perfect male god in the world, and he would never do anything that would disgrace his reputation.

"There is a saying in this world that you know the person, know the face, but don't know the heart. How can you be sure that there is not a dark heart hidden under his sunny skin?"

Qin Lie's mouth twitched.

"I just can be sure that Brother Yunze is definitely not the kind of person you said!"

Kong Lianxing continued to justify Kong Yunze's name, if Qin Lie wasn't a good person, if someone else insulted Kong Yunze like this, she would have turned her face.

"Qin Lie, I also think your speculation is a bit arbitrary. Yun Ze is definitely a gentleman, and he should be disdainful of doing such a thing."

Bai Xianglan continued.

She was unwilling to marry Kong Yunze because there was no love between her and Kong Yunze, but it was undeniable that Kong Yunze had an excellent character and was a person worthy of his life.

"Even you said that, it seems that this Kong Yunze should be a master at camouflage. I really want to meet him."

Qin Lie smiled meaningfully.

You know, Mr. Kong is seriously ill and can't even get out of the door of the ward, but he actually knew about his family, but he was smearing himself. This is obviously someone maliciously slandered him.

The reason why the other party did this must be to his advantage, and apart from Kong Yunze, Qin Lie couldn't think of anyone else who would take such pains.

"Qin Lie, don't say bad things about Brother Yunze, or I'll be angry."

Kong Lianxing warned Qin Lie.

She has always admired Kong Yunze since she was a child, and she will never allow anyone to slander her idol.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

Qin Lie smiled and said nothing more.

He knew very well that Kong Yunze and Kong Lianxing had known each other for more than 20 years. For such a long time, his image had been deeply ingrained in their hearts, but it was not something he could shake with just a few words.

But like what he said just now, he really wanted to meet this Kong Yunze in person, to see how holy the other party was, and how could he be so protected by Kong Lianxing.

"Qin Lie, why don't we go back first and implement plan b tomorrow."

Some exhausted Bai Panlan spoke again.

Qin Lie's plan to please the old man was completely out of the question, and they could only use bitter tricks to deceive the old man's compromise.

"it is good."

Qin Lie nodded in response.

"Lian Xing, stay with your grandfather in the hospital for a while. You can walk when my parents come."

Bai Xianglan discussed with Kong Lianxing.

The old man had just vomited blood, and she was still a little worried, but she knew that if she stayed, the old man would have to force her to marry Kong Yunze again, and it would be troublesome if the two quarreled again.

"No problem, let's go first."

Kong Lianxing regarded the old man as her grandfather, of course she didn't mind staying to take care of him for a while.

Afterwards, Bai Xianglan called Qin Lie to prepare to return to the hotel.

When they got to the elevator entrance, the elevator door just opened, and a man in a suit came out.


Seeing this man for a moment, Bai Xianglan was stunned for a moment.

She did not expect such a coincidence that she happened to meet Kong Yunze.

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