"Xianglan, I just received a text message from nurse Tian saying that Grandpa Liansheng vomited blood again. What's up, is he okay?"

Kong Yunze asked with concern.

"Don't worry, it's alright."

White pandan replied.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Kong Yunze was relieved.

Then Kong Yunze turned his eyes to Qin Lie, and Qin Lie looked at Kong Yunze at the same time.

When the eyes collided, the expressions of the two had some subtle changes.

Frankly speaking, this Kong Yunze looks really good, with sharp cheeks, a high nose bridge, deep eyes, and an elegant and noble temperament.

And there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which made him look like the sunshine that pierced the clouds, which warmed people's hearts, and had a strong lethality to girls and young women.

But his smile made Qin Lie a little uncomfortable.

He always thinks this smile is too fake, too hypocritical!

It was as if Kong Yunze was wearing a mask.

"Xianglan, the person beside you is Qin Lie, right?"

It was Kong Yunze who first broke the quiet atmosphere.

"Yo, Young Master Kong still knows me. It seems that he spent a lot of time investigating me."

Qin Lie's mouth twitched into a smile, and replied yin and yang strangely.

"Xianglan refused to marry me before, and later I found out that the person she likes is you, so I asked someone to check it, but I didn't get much information. To be honest, I'm still very curious, how did you capture her? Lovely?"

Kong Yunze replied indifferently, he seemed more peaceful and did not show any hostility towards Qin Lie.

"No way, I'm too handsome, and Pandan fell in love with me at first sight."

Qin Lie replied triumphantly.

"Impossible, Pandan is not that kind of superficial girl, otherwise she would have agreed to my proposal long ago."

Kong Yunze shook his head and said.

"It's impossible if you say it's impossible? Do you think you know pandan well?"

Qin Lie pouted and said, there was already a hint of gunpowder in his words.

"Of course, we grew up together, and I daresay I know her better than you do."

Kong Yunze replied very arrogantly.

In front of a man who says he knows him better, no one can stand it, Qin Lie does the same.

"Okay, don't brag, if you really knew about Pandan, you would have caught her long ago. It's a pity, she belongs to me now."

After saying this, Qin Lie deliberately hugged Bai Xianglan's waist as if he had sworn an oath of sovereignty, and even kissed her on the face in a very intimate manner.

"Don't provoke me in a childish way, it's useless."

Kong Yunze still had a calm look, but Qin Lie could see that he was just pretending to be better, but there was actually a trace of jealousy hidden in the depths of his eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to irritate you, I'm just showing my affection, come to Pandan and give my husband another one."

Qin Lie's look of arrogance made it clear that he was deliberately venting Yunze.

"Okay Qin Lie, stop making trouble."

Bai Xianglan had a good relationship with Kong Yunze, but she didn't want to embarrass Kong Yunze too much.

"Xianglan, go see Grandpa Liansheng with me. I have something very important to announce to you later."

Kong Yunze then said to Bai Xianglan.

"What are you going to announce?"

Bai Xianglan asked in confusion.

"You'll find out later."

Kong Yunze deliberately sold a pass, and for the time being he hasn't made it clear what he wants to do.

"OK then."

Considering that Kong Yunze had been running around for her grandfather's illness recently, Bai Xianglan agreed.

Afterwards, the three returned to the ward together, but Qin Lie was afraid that the old man would vomit after seeing him, so he stood at the door and did not go in.

"Brother Yunze!"

Seeing Kong Yunze, Kong Lianxing immediately showed a happy smile on his face.

"Girl Xing is getting more and more beautiful now."

Kong Yunze patted Kong Lianxing's head dotingly, from his actions it was enough to see that the two of them had a very good personal relationship.

"Hee hee, I love hearing that."

Kong Lianxing grinned, like a primary school student who was named and praised by the teacher.

"Cough, Yun Ze is here."

When Kong Liansheng on the hospital bed saw Kong Yunze, he struggled to get up.

"Grandpa, slow down."

Kong Yunze hurried over and helped Kong Liansheng against the head of the bed, and then asked with concern, "Grandpa, are you feeling better today?"

"Alas, people who are about to die, how can they be better?"

Kong Liansheng sighed and said, but there was not much pessimism on his face.

"Grandpa, don't say these unlucky words. The doctor told me that as long as you cooperate with the treatment, you will definitely live a long life."

Kong Yunze immediately said kind words to comfort Kong Liansheng.

"Okay, don't try to coax me, I know my own body best, and I can't help it. Now my only wish is to see you and Xianglan get married before I die, so that I can also smile Jiuquan. already."

Kong Liansheng waved his hand.

"Grandpa, I actually came here today to tell you about this. I'm sorry, but I may not be able to fulfill your old wish."

Kong Yunze replied with guilt.

"What do you mean?"

Kong Liansheng asked with a frown.

"I want to cancel my engagement with Pandan."

Kong Yunze said very solemnly.

"Why do you do this? Did Pandan force you?"

Kong Liansheng asked immediately.

"No, it's my own decision. I love Pandan, but love is not necessarily about possession, but also fulfillment. I hope Pandan can pursue her own happiness instead of being forced to marry reluctantly. Me, so what's the point of not getting her heart even if I get her people."

Kong Yunze looked at Bai Xianglan affectionately, as if expressing a confession and blessing.

Hearing that Kong Yunze took the initiative to cancel the engagement, Bai Xianglan couldn't help but have mixed feelings in her heart.

You must know that during this period of time, Kong Yunze has been taking care of her grandfather meticulously, and he has never forced himself, and now he is willing to let go for love. Compared with him, Bai Xianglan suddenly felt that she seemed a little selfish.

As for Kong Lianxing on the side, at this time, he was moved to tears by Kong Yunze's words.

"Yunze, I grew up watching you. In my heart, you are just like my own grandson. No matter what, I will not agree with you to cancel the engagement. You must marry Xianglan, and Xianglan can only marry you!"

Kong Liansheng is like a dictator, direct and arbitrary.

Because he has identified Kong Yunze as his grandson-in-law, no one can change his heart.

"Grandpa, I beg you to stop forcing Xianglan. I don't want to make it difficult for Xianglan, and I don't want to see your grandfather and grandson making trouble because of this."

Kong Yunze said, and immediately knelt in front of the hospital bed.

"It's a good move to retreat to advance and play hard to catch. This move is really clever."

Outside the door, Qin Lie, who had a panoramic view of all this, showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

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