Qin Lie can be sure that Kong Yunze is acting on purpose for everyone to see.

In this way, not only can he establish a glorious image of a lover who is crazy about love, but he can also force Old Master Kong to force him to force Bai Xianglan to marry Kong Yunze, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone!

This method is so clever and thoughtful, even Qin Lie can't help but secretly claim that he is convinced!

Sure enough, just as Qin Lie had expected, seeing Kong Yunze kneeling to plead for herself, Bai Xianglan couldn't help but feel a hint of guilt on her face, and she felt a sense of indebtedness in her heart.

And the old man Kong Liansheng was even more determined to let the two of them become adults, he got up and wanted to help Kong Liansheng up.

It's just that his body was too weak, and he fell to the ground before he could stand firm.

Fortunately, Kong Yunze was quick-witted and held him up.

"Yunze, you are a good boy. Grandpa only recognizes you as a grandson-in-law in his life. Others, even royal family members, don't want to marry Xianglan!"

Kong Liansheng grabbed this Kong Yunze's arm and said loudly.


"Don't say it."

Kong Yunze wanted to say something, but was interrupted just before he spoke.

Kong Liansheng then turned his attention to Bai Xianglan.

"Xianglan, grandpa put the words here, within three days, you must marry Yunze, or I will die for you to see!"

Kong Liansheng spoke decisively, and there was absolutely no room for negotiation between his words.

"Grandpa, the person I love is not Yun Ze, how could I marry him."

Bai Xianglan said with a bitter expression.

She has said a thousand times ten thousand times that she doesn't like Kong Yunze, but her grandfather just can't listen. If it weren't for her grandfather being very kind to her since she was a child, and her reluctance to bear her parents, she might have run away from home.

"If you don't marry, then you just want me to die? Well, I'll show you my death!"

As Kong Liansheng said that, he grabbed the fruit knife on the table and abruptly pressed it against his neck.

"Grandpa, what are you doing, put down the knife quickly!"

Seeing that Kong Liansheng was really pushing to death, Bai Xianglan was terrified.

"Third grandpa, don't be impulsive. Sister Xianglan just didn't think about it clearly. When she gets better, she will definitely marry Brother Yunze."

Kong Lianxing was also flustered at this time, for fear that the old man would stab him.

"Grandpa, please don't force Xianglan. For me, as long as she lives happily, I don't care whether I can marry her or not. If you insist on killing her, then I can only accompany her. you."

After saying this, Kong Yunze smashed the glass directly, picked up a glass shard and placed it on his neck, continuing to portray the image of a good man in love.

"Yunze, what are you doing, don't you want to watch grandpa die?"

Kong Liansheng asked angrily.

"I don't mean that, I just think it's too unfair to Pandan, she has the right to pursue love."

Kong Yunze said hypocritically.

"What's fair or unfair? Marriage always pays attention to the words of your parents' matchmaker. What's more, the marriage between the two of you was settled more than 20 years ago. Now that your grandfather has left first, then this marriage must be arranged by I'll be in charge."

Kong Liansheng said arbitrarily, completely ignoring Bai Xianglan's feelings.

"Grandpa, it's not the feudal era anymore, the emphasis is on free love, you can't impose your will on me!"

Bai Xianglan argued hard and tried to make the last persuasion.

It's a pity that these words are of no use to an old man like the Empress Dowager Cixi.

"Okay, I don't force you. When I die, marry whomever you like."

After saying this, the old man, who had already looked down on life and death, began to use force gradually with his hand holding the knife.

"Grandpa, please put down the knife, let's discuss it slowly."

Seeing that the knife had cut through the old man's skin, the distressed Bai Xianglan quickly persuaded him again.

"There's nothing to discuss, in a word, whether you want to marry or not!"

Kong Lianxi asked with a tough attitude.

He knew very well that he would probably be hated by Bai Xianglan for the rest of his life, but he didn't care anymore.

What's more, in his opinion, he is also for the good of Bai Xianglan, and Bai Xianglan will definitely understand her good intentions in the future.

"Marry, can't I marry?"

Bai Xianglan was afraid that her grandfather would commit suicide again on impulse, so she could only agree temporarily.

"Okay, this is what you said. Go back and prepare for the wedding. In addition, help me prepare a coffin. If you can't see your wedding in three days, then hold a funeral!"

After getting his satisfactory answer, Kong Liansheng threw away the knife in his hand.

He wasn't afraid that Bai Xianglan would deceive her, if it was a big deal, he would force him to death again.

"Sister Xianglan, you and Brother Yunze go out and have a good talk first, and I'll stay with the third grandpa for a while."

Kong Lianxing picked up the knife and gave Bai Xianglan a wink.

The heavy-hearted Bai Xianglan did not speak, turned and left the ward.

"Brother Yunze, you can go too."

Kong Lianxing continued.

"Then take care of grandpa and call me if you have anything."

After instructing Kong Lianxing, Kong Yunze followed and walked out of the ward.

"Xianglan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I had persuaded grandpa to cancel the engagement earlier, what happened today would not have happened."

Outside the ward, Kong Yunze said with self-blame.

"It's none of your business."

Bai Xianglan shook her head.

She didn't blame Kong Yunze at all, and even she was a little grateful to her. In her opinion, Kong Yunze had really tried his best, and she could only say that her grandfather was too stubborn.

"Xianglan, otherwise, you go back to rest first, and I will try to persuade him after Grandpa's mood has stabilized a little, maybe he can take his life back."

Kong Yunze continued to pretend.

"Okay, don't be shy, isn't this the result you want."

Qin Lie came over and sneered.

"What do you mean?"

Kong Yunze frowned and asked.

"Everyone is understanding. Don't pretend to be in front of me. But let me tell you, the first time of Xianglan was already given to me. Even if you marry her, it's just second-hand."

Qin Lie said coldly.

"Qin Lie, what did you say!"

Originally, Bai Xianglan's heart was in a mess. Qin Lie didn't comfort her even if she didn't comfort her. She even said such a thing, which made her even more angry.

"What I said was the truth. Just listen to your family's words and marry him. Anyway, I have money, but I don't have any kind of woman I want to find."

Qin Lie said disdainfully.


Bai Xianglan slapped Qin Lie in the face.

"Qin Lie, I hate you!"

After saying this, the angry Bai Xianglan turned around and left.


Kong Yunze wanted to catch up with Bai Xianglan, but she broke free.

"Go away, don't bother me!"

Bai Xianglan shouted angrily and left the hospital alone.

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