"Qin Lie, you are really not a thing!"

Kong Yunze turned around and looked at Qin Lie with a cold expression.

"What you said is a bit inauthentic. I gave her to you to play with. If you don't thank me, forget about it and scold me. It's really a dog who bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"Xianglan is really blind to know a beast like you!"

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Kong Yunze became more and more angry.

"I'm a beast, what are you? Hypocrite! We are half a cat and a half, so don't laugh at a hundred paces."

Qin Lie replied without anger.

"By the way, as a friendly reminder, Xianglan needs a lot of training from me. If you can't satisfy her, remember to come to me, and I can help you feed her for free. I like to help others the most, hahahaha. ."

Qin Lie smiled recklessly, looking like a sinister villain.

Kong Yunze clenched his fist tightly, his eyes flickered with cold light, and he could hit Qin Lie at any time.

But in the end, he let go of his hand, and his face became Gujing Wubo again.

"You bastard, keep me away from Pandan in the future. If you let me know that you hurt her again, I will peel you off!"

Kong Yunze coldly warned Qin Lie.

"Don't worry, I'm already tired of playing with her. But unfortunately, the dignified eldest young master of the Kong family can only marry a second-hand one. If this is spread, it will definitely be laughable."

Qin Lie replied with a hippie smile.

Even if he knew that Qin Lie was deliberately provoking himself, Kong Yunze couldn't help but shoot out a murderous intent from the depths of his eyes.

But he didn't fight Qin Lie again and walked away.

"Go slowly, Hulk."

Looking at Kong Yunze's back, Qin Lie did not forget to mock him again.

As if Kong Yunze didn't hear it, he quickly disappeared from Qin Lie's sight.

After Kong Yunze left, Qi Tianchang, who was hiding in a ward opposite Qin Lie and the others, came out.

"Brother Qin, this guy can really bear it. You humiliated him like that, and he didn't even do anything."

Qi Tianchang couldn't help sighing.

"Can endure what ordinary people can't bear, this guy is a character."

Qin Lie narrowed his eyes and said lightly.

After hearing the conversation between Kong Yunze and the others outside the ward, Qin Lie called Qi Tianchang who was waiting outside and asked him to secretly hide in a ward opposite.

He knew very well that Kong Yunze was very shrewd and was good at disguising. If he could deal with him in normal ways, he deliberately staged the scene just now.

According to his plan, after getting angry with Bai Xianglan, he deliberately angered Kong Yunze. As long as Kong Yunze did something, Qi Tianchang would record it all, and after a little editing, he could destroy Kong Yunze's perfect image, and then play it on in the palm of the hand.

However, to Qin Lie's surprise, this guy was actually a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and he kept his emotions in check.

This kind of personality alone is enough to prove that Kong Yunze is a dangerous person. He is many times stronger than Xu Fanzhou, Du Yuheng and the like.

After all, as the old saying goes, a dog that barks doesn't bite, and a dog that bites doesn't bark. He really has to guard against this guy in the future.

Moreover, Qin Lie also confirmed a fact through Kong Yunze's reaction just now. Kong Yunze definitely didn't really like Bai Xianglan, otherwise, no matter how deep the city was, he would definitely have done it just now.

"Brother Qin, what should I do next? Do you want me to find someone to treat that kid? I want to hit him just because he is so rude."

Qi Tianchang then asked.

He also didn't like Kong Yunze, let alone that the other party wanted to grab a woman from his eldest brother, which gave him more reason to do it.

"Don't do it, I have my own way to deal with him."

Qin Lie shook his head.

Kong Yunze's identity is unusual, and rash action is likely to lead to unimaginable consequences. Besides, his first step plan has already taken effect, and he only needs to continue to act according to the plan.

After arriving at the door of the hospital, Qin Lie called Chen Jinhu.

"Hey, Jinhu, are you still following Pandan?"

After getting through the phone, Qin Lie asked.


Chen Jinhu replied.

He had been outside just now, just to follow Bai Xianglan and determine her whereabouts.

"Okay, call me when she stops."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lie called a car and was about to go to the pharmacy to buy silver needles when he suddenly found himself being followed.

After washing his feet in Foot Bath City, Qin Lie separated from Qi Tianchang, and he went to Yunlang Restaurant.

At this moment, Bai Xianglan was getting drunk in a box on the second floor of the restaurant.

"Brother lie, my sister-in-law is in the house, but she doesn't seem very happy, so hurry up and coax her."

Chen Jinhu, who had been following Bai Xianglan, reminded Qin Lie that he still didn't know what happened.

"Well, don't let anyone come in and disturb us."

Qin Lie warned Chen Jinhu and then entered the house.

Seeing that Qin Lie was coming in, Bai Xianglan's face, who was taking a drink to relieve her worries, immediately turned cold.

"What are you doing here, let me out, I don't want to see you!"

Bai Xianglan scolded unceremoniously.

"Is this really angry?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"Get out, I don't want to talk to you!"

Bai Xianglan, who was still angry, didn't give Qin Lie any good looks.

"Don't be angry, I apologize to you. I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have said those hurtful things. But I have to explain to you that all this is just me acting on purpose to show Kong Yunze."

Qin Lie quickly clarified.

"Acting for Yun Ze? What do you mean?"

Bai Xianglan frowned, her heart full of puzzlement.

"This guy Kong Yunze is so good at acting, if I don't say it harshly, this guy will definitely keep pestering you, but now, he must have disliked you in his heart, so it would be much easier for us to cancel the engagement, otherwise How dare I say things that hurt you."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

"Qin Lie, I think you are a little bit like a villain. Yun Ze has tried his best to persuade my grandfather, but my grandfather is too stubborn, so he failed."

Knowing that Qin Lie wasn't really annoyed with herself, Bai Xianglan was not so angry, but she spoke for Kong Yunze.

Qin Lie was not surprised by this.

As he said just now, Kong Yunze is too good at disguising, and ordinary people can't see his true face at all, not to mention that Bai Xianglan herself is in the game, and she can't see Mount Tai.

"Xianglan, let me tell you this, Kong Yunze has never given up on marrying you. He is just trying to retreat, so that your grandfather can be completely on his side."

Qin Lie explained to Bai Panlan patiently.

"Impossible, Yun Ze knelt down and begged my grandfather to cancel the engagement. I can see that he really wants me to be happy."

Bai Xianglan frowned, even though she knew that Qin Lie would not sow discord, she still didn't believe Qin Lie.

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