"This is what Kong Yunze is brilliant at. He has a firm grip on people's hearts. Everyone is a chess piece in his hands. He has played it, and he is grateful to him."

Qin Lie said with a sneer.

Most people use power to suppress others, but Kong Yunze has a direct insight into people's hearts and makes others follow his wishes without knowing it. This is the most terrifying part.

With such a method, even Qin Lie would be ashamed.

After listening to Qin Lie's words, Bai Xianglan frowned even tighter.

She kept thinking about what happened in the hospital before. Slowly, she also found something wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Qin Lie, let's not care if Kong Yunze really wants to cancel the engagement or not. Anyway, my grandfather is already desperate, so I definitely want to marry him. But the person I love is you. Here, it's the only thing I can do."

Bai Xianglan looked at Qin Lie affectionately and said.

For her, even if she could only be a couple for one night, she was satisfied.

Feeling Bai Xianglan's fiery sincerity, Qin Lie's heart instantly surged with emotion.

This is another woman he can't live up to.

If Kong Yunze knew that his bride-to-be was going to cuckold him, he would definitely vomit blood.

But Qin Lie wouldn't let his woman marry another man.

"Don't worry, Xianglan, I have a way to stop you from marrying Kong Yunze."

Qin Lie said very solemnly.

"I know you're trying to say that it's useless. My grandfather said that if I don't marry Yunze in three days, he will commit suicide. I can't just watch my grandfather die, then I'll be too unfilial. already."

Bai Xianglan shook her head with a heavy expression.

Born in a scholarly family, Bai Xianglan is proficient in painting and calligraphy, but the most important thing for her is to learn the way of filial piety, loyalty and faithfulness since she was a child. She must not be an unworthy descendant.

"Xianglan, don't worry, with me, your grandfather can't die."

Qin Lie immediately appeased Bai Pandan.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Bai Xianglan asked with a frown.

"Do you believe me?"

Qin Lie answered irrelevantly.

"Of course, I don't believe who else can you trust?"

Bai Xianglan replied without thinking.

"Our previous plan remains the same, but I will block your acupuncture points with silver needles and make you appear in a state of suspended animation. When I spread this news to Kong Yunze's parents on purpose, they will definitely stand up and interfere in this situation. marriage."

"As long as the Kong Yunze family officially cancels the marriage contract and everyone is helpless, I will take the opportunity to offer to take you for treatment. At that time, you will naturally be free."

Qin Lie quickly explained his changed plan to Bai Xianglan.

He knew very well that Old Master Kong was determined to let Bai Xianglan marry Kong Yunze.

"Can your plan work? If it is found out, with my grandfather's temper, he will definitely cut off relations with me directly."

Bai Xianglan couldn't help but question.

"Rest assured, I promise nothing will go wrong."

Qin Lie replied confidently.

"Okay, let's do as you said, I hope nothing goes wrong."

Bai Xianglan knew very well that in the current situation, she had no choice but to listen to Qin Lie.

"Pang Lan, remember, don't tell anyone about this, especially Lian Xing."

Qin Lie then instructed Bai Pandan.

Kong Lianxing believed in Kong Yunze unconditionally as if she had been brainwashed. If you let her know about it, she would inevitably not leak it.

And Kong Yunze is a very difficult character to deal with, if let him know that Bai Xianglan is acting, all their efforts will be in vain, or even cause trouble.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Bai Xianglan nodded and said, of course she understood what Qin Lie meant.

The two chatted together for another five minutes, deliberately came out and quarreled a few more words in front of everyone and then broke up.

Afterwards, Bai Xianglan returned to her home, and Qin Lie came to the hospital again.

After receiving Qin Lie's call, Kong Lianxing came out not long after.

"What's wrong Qin Lie?"

Kong Lianxing came to Qin Lie and asked.

"I had a fight with your sister just now, and I'm going back to Longcheng."

Qin Lie said with a gloomy face.

"What's the matter, what are you two arguing about?"

Kong Lianxing asked in confusion.

"I have heard what Mr. Kong said. I don't want to waste time doing pointless things."

Qin Lie replied.

"Aren't you being a deserter by doing this? What should my sister do when you leave?"

Kong Lianxing asked angrily.

"Just let her marry Kong Yunze. Anyway, isn't that what you've always hoped for?"

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"That was before, but now I'm supporting you and my sister!"

Kong Lianxing immediately stated his position.

"Thank you for your support, but it's useless to say more now. Your sister can't disobey the old man's intention. Let's stop this matter. Okay, let's not talk about it, I have already bought the air ticket, I have to go. already."

Qin Lie seemed to accept his fate, and turned around after saying this.

"Qin Lie, if you just leave, I will look down on you for the rest of my life!"

Kong Lianxing shouted at Qin Lie, hoping to keep Qin Lie.

But Qin Lie still took the taxi without hesitation, and soon disappeared from her sight.

"This bastard!"

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't take his own words seriously at all, Kong Lianxing stomped his feet in anger.

"Forget it, what do you like, Miss Ben doesn't care!"

Kong Lianxing is a fan of Kong Yunze, but now she supports Qin Lie and Bai Xianglan together. This makes her in a dilemma. Now it's good. Qin Lie has left before the last step, so she can't be bothered anymore. Get involved.

On the way to the airport, Qin Lie kept paying attention to the rearview mirror and made sure that he had been being followed, and then he came to the airport with confidence and daring, and got on the plane to Longcheng.

As soon as Qin Lie left, the person who followed Qin Lie told Kong Yunze the news.

"Okay, I see, you can come back."

After learning that Qin Lie really fell out with Bai Xianglan and left Taizhou, Kong Yunze, who was suspicious by nature, was relieved.

However, what Kong Yunze didn't know was that Qin Lie took the high-speed train back to Taizhou just after arriving in Longcheng.

It's early winter now, and it's completely dark at just over five o'clock.

With the cooperation of Bai Xianglan, Qin Lie successfully climbed the wall and entered Bai's house and sneaked into Bai Xianglan's room.

According to the plan, Qin Lie first dripped the blood plasma on the bed, and then cut a small incision on Bai Panlan's wrist.

Seeing the blood flow out, Qin Lie felt distressed for a while, but there was nothing he could do. This was an indispensable step in the whole plan.

After Bai Xianglan lay down, Qin Lie took out the silver needle and blocked several acupoints on her body at a very fast speed, and Bai Xianglan immediately entered a state of suspended animation.

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