"Xianglan, come out to eat, your father has cooked all the food, it's all your favorite dishes."

Because Bai Xianglan said that she was in a bad mood, Kong Xi didn't knock on the door and called Bai Xianglan until the meal was done.

But there was no response from inside the house.

"Xianglan, Mom knows you're in a bad mood, but no matter how bad it is, you have to eat."

Kong Xi continued to persuade through the door.

Still no response.

"Panda, did you hear what mom said?"

Kong Xi patted the door and shouted.

However, the house was still silent.

This time, Kong Xi couldn't help but have a bad premonition.

"Mingjie, come here quickly."

Kong Xi immediately called Bai Mingjie.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Mingjie asked after taking off his apron.

"Xianglan locked herself in the house. No matter how I called her, she didn't respond. She will be fine."

Kong Xi said worriedly.

Hearing this, Bai Mingjie immediately called out Bai Xianglan's name, and after confirming that no one answered, he kicked the door open.

Looking at the bloodstains on the ground and the unconscious Bai Xianglan on the bed, Bai Mingjie turned pale in shock, and Kong Xi, who saw his daughter cut her wrists to commit suicide, almost fainted on the spot.

Fortunately, Bai Mingjie was relatively calm, he quickly tore off a piece of cloth from the sheet, simply wrapped Bai Xianglan, picked her up and drove to the hospital.


After learning the news of Bai Xianglan's suicide, Kong Yunze, his mother Liu Peirong, Kong Lianxing and others rushed to the hospital one after another.

Half an hour later, the doctor came out of the rescue room, and Kong Xi rushed up immediately.

"Doctor, how is my daughter, is she all right?"

Kong Xi asked nervously.

"Life is saved, but judging from her current situation, I am afraid she will become a vegetable."

The doctor said with a heavy face.

Hearing this, Kong Xi stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

"Doctor, please, you must save my daughter, she is still so young, she must not be in trouble."

Kong Xi tightly grabbed the doctor's arm and pleaded.

"Sorry, we have really tried our best, but according to our diagnosis, the possibility of her waking up is almost zero. Even if she wakes up, it is very likely that she will suffer irreversible brain damage and become a fool."

The doctor said solemnly.

"My God, how could you treat me like this..."

Hearing this, Kong Xi felt as if the sky was falling, and his whole body instantly froze.

Bai Mingjie was also distraught, but in order to take care of Kong Xi, he could only pretend to be calm.

"Aunt, don't worry, I'll transfer Pandan to St. Mary's Hospital. There are the best doctors and medical conditions there. I believe Pandan will recover."

Kong Yunze immediately comforted Kong Xidao.

"It's useless for you to go anywhere. In fact, she usually recommends euthanasia in foreign countries."

The doctor continued.

He didn't mean to attack Kong Yunze, he was telling the truth.

However, even so, Kong Yunze insisted on going through the transfer procedures for Bai Xianglan and transferred her to St. Mary's Hospital.

The Kong family is one of the shareholders of this hospital, so after Kong Yunze spoke, the top doctors in the whole hospital gathered to consult Bai Xianglan.

But the diagnosis results are similar to the previous ones, and there is a high probability that Bai Panlan will become a vegetative person in the future.

After learning this news, Kong Xi was completely desperate, and he fell into a coma on the spot due to excessive grief, and Bai Mingjie, a big man, also burst into tears.

Because they were worried that Mr. Kong would not be able to bear the news, they deliberately hid it and told him when they found the right time.

"Hey, that one named Bai Xianglan is really pitiful. He became a vegetative person at such a young age. He's really jealous of her beauty."

"I heard that she seems to have committed suicide, and I don't know what happened."

In Mr. Kong's ward, two nurses exchanged the bottle for him and whispered.

And the reason why they said these words was completely instructed by Qin Lie.

After all, he did so much to break the marriage contract, and he had to let the old man know about it, otherwise he wouldn't be busy working in vain.

"Who were you talking about just now, who committed suicide?"

As Qin Lie expected, Kong Liansheng, who heard the conversation between the two, immediately asked.

"A girl named Bai Xianglan, I don't know why, I can't think of suicide."

A little nurse said as Qin Lie taught.

"Pang Lan committed suicide? How could this happen!"

After confirming that he heard correctly, Kong Liansheng's heart suddenly ached.

He had no idea that his granddaughter would commit suicide.

"Where is she now, take me there!"

Kong Liansheng, who was worried about Bai Xianglan, struggled and got out of bed.

"Master, don't move around, you still have a bottle of liquid to lose."

The little nurse persuaded immediately.

"Take me to the pandan!"

Kong Liansheng almost roared.

How can he still have a mood infusion now.

Hearing this, the two little nurses obediently helped Kong Liansheng to Bai Xianglan's ward on the second floor.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Seeing Kong Liansheng, Bai Mingjie, who was standing outside the ward and secretly wiping tears, immediately stood up.

"Where's Pandan? What happened to my granddaughter?"

Kong Liansheng asked eagerly.

"Panda is in the ward. The doctor said she might never wake up again."

Seeing that the paper could not contain the fire, Bai Mingjie could only reveal the truth.

Hearing what his son-in-law said, Kong Liansheng's eyes suddenly darkened, but he still resisted the grief in his heart and entered the ward.

At this time, Kong Xi, Kong Lianxing, and Kong Yunze were all in the room, everyone's expressions were extremely heavy, and no one spoke.

"Xianglan, it's all Grandpa's fault, Grandpa is sorry for you!"

After entering the door, Kong Liansheng, who was full of guilt, burst into tears and knelt directly beside Bai Xianglan's bed.

And Bai Xianglan was like a corpse, lying quietly on the bed without any reaction.

"It's all my fault. I hurt you. I'm just an old fool."

Kong Liansheng said, and immediately fanned his mouth.

"Dad, don't do this."

Kong Xi was already very sad, but at this time he had to stand up and comfort Kong Liansheng.

"Xianglan, my good granddaughter, wake up quickly. Grandpa promises not to force you again, wake up quickly."

Kong Liansheng was crying. He knew very well that he caused all this. If time could be reversed, he would never let the tragedy happen again.

But it was too late to say anything at this time, he just hated that he didn't respect Bai Xianglan's own opinion.

As the sadness spread again, Kong Xi and Kong Lianxing couldn't help crying.

Considering that the old man's health was already very bad, it is very likely that his body would not be able to support him if he was so sad. Bai Mingjie comforted him for a while and then sent him back to his exclusive ward.

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