In the dean's office, after it was determined that Bai Xianglan was incurable, Kong Yunze's mother Liu Peirong returned to the ward.

"Master, you have also seen the situation of Xianglan. I think the marriage contract between our two families can be cancelled, which is good for everyone."

Liu Peirong said bluntly, without caring about the feelings of Bai Xianglan's family.

"Mom, can't you talk about this in a few days!"

Kong Yunze said slightly angrily.

Right now, Bai Xianglan has just been declared a vegetative state by the doctor, and they announced their divorce immediately, which is undoubtedly like rubbing salt on the wound.

"Tomorrow I'm going to Paris with your Aunt Xu. I've run out of time these days. It's better to say it directly today. It's the same thing if you say it early or late."

Liu Peirong replied lightly.

In fact, she has always looked down on Bai Xianglan, feeling that Bai Xianglan is not worthy of her son, and the daughter-in-law she really likes is the daughter of her best friend Xu Qian.

The three generations of the Xu family were the founding generals. Relying on the shadow of their ancestors, the Xu family has developed a prosperous life in these years, and has a very large influence in the military and political circles.

If her son can marry her best friend's daughter, the two will definitely join forces. In the future, the Kong family will definitely be able to go further and officially become one of the three giants who can be on an equal footing with the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family!

It's just that this marriage was decided by the previous head of the Kong family, that is, her father-in-law. In addition, Mr. Kong Liansheng was highly respected in the family, so she couldn't break the contract.

But now that Bai Xianglan has become a vegetative person, she can finally kick Bai Xianglan away justifiably, and then match her son with her best friend's daughter.


"Okay Yunze, don't argue with your mother. Let's cancel the marriage. Grandpa has already harmed Xianglan, and he must not harm you again."

Kong Liansheng interrupted Kong Yunze.

His biggest wish is to make Kong Yunze his grandson-in-law, but Bai Xianglan has become a vegetative person, and this is no longer possible.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Kong Yunze didn't dislike Bai Xianglan being a vegetative person, he would never agree to this marriage again.

"Thank you old man for understanding us. You can rest assured that Pandan can continue to undergo rehabilitation treatment at St. Mary's Hospital. All medical expenses will be paid by us."

Liu Peirong said with an aloof attitude.

"No, we can still afford the medical bills."

Bai Mingjie is a literati, but he has his own arrogance, he will not accept anyone's alms!

"As you please."

Liu Peirong didn't care if Bai Mingjie was angry at all, she turned to Kong Yunze and said, "Yunze, take me to your Aunt Xu's place, it just so happens that your Aunt Xu has something for you."

"You drive yourself, I want to accompany Pandan again."

Kong Yunze replied.

"What to accompany, what Xianglan needs now is peace of mind, so don't make trouble here, come with me."

Liu Peirong replied without doubt.

"I do not go."

Kong Yunze refused.

"Yunze, don't you even listen to your mother? Hurry up!"

Liu Peirong frowned and shouted in an imperative tone.

Kong Yunze did not dare to disobey his mother's will, and finally had to leave.

After Liu Peirong's mother and son left, the depressed atmosphere in the ward shrouded again, everyone's faces were filled with grief that couldn't be resolved, and Kong Xi couldn't help sobbing in a low voice.

"Don't cry, isn't Xianglan still dead? I'll go find a doctor for her tomorrow. I don't believe she can't be cured."

Bai Mingjie patted Kong Xi on the shoulder.

He is such a precious daughter as Bai Xianglan, but she has become a vegetable, which makes Bai Mingjie feel like a knife.

But even if there is a one in ten thousand, one in 100,000 chance of curing Bai Xianglan, he will not give up.

Because once he gave up, the meaning of his life would be gone, and he was afraid that he would be like a walking corpse in the future.

"You're right, we have so many famous doctors in China, let's go to them one by one, and someone must be able to cure her."

Kong Xi touched his tears and pretended to be strong.

She said this to Bai Mingjie and the others, as well as to herself. She had to find something to do so that she would have the courage to continue living.

"Auntie, you accompany the third grandpa first, and I'll go out to the toilet."

Kong Lianxing felt uncomfortable, and made an excuse to come to the flower pond outside the ward.

After leaving no one else, Kong Lianxing never suppressed his emotions. He burst into tears, snot and tears, and cried so much that everyone who heard it burst into tears.

Ten minutes later, after venting her emotions, Kong Lianxing slowly returned to normal, and she returned to Bai Xianglan's ward.

"Sister, didn't you say you want me to be your bridesmaid? How can you not believe what you say? Get up quickly."

"I won't be angry with you in the future, okay? Open your eyes and look at me."

"Sister, stop pretending, I know you're acting, so hurry up and talk to me, or I'll expose you."

"Sister, I beg you to get up, or I won't play with you in the future..."

Kong Lianxing sat beside Bai Xianglan's hospital bed and kept talking to herself, tears dripping to the ground like beads with broken strings.

How she hoped that Bai Panlan was carrying out Plan B and pretending to be unconscious with the bitter meat scheme, but all this was just a beautiful fantasy.

Because St. Mary's Hospital are all top doctors, if Bai Panlan is fake, it is impossible to deceive them.

At this time, in Kong Liansheng's room.

Bai Mingjie and his wife had just appeased Kong Liansheng and were about to go home first when the door of the ward suddenly opened.

Originally they thought it was Kong Lianxing, but who knew it was Qin Lie who came in.

"Who let you in, get out of here!"

Seeing Qin Lie, Kong Liansheng, who had finally calmed down, was furious again.

In his opinion, the main responsibility for Bai Xianglan's becoming a vegetative person lies with him, but Qin Lie can't get rid of it, which makes Kong Liansheng, who was prejudiced against Qin Lie, treat him as an enemy.

Qin Lie certainly felt the strong hostility in Kong Liansheng, but he didn't take it seriously.

"Master Kong, I didn't come to quarrel with you today, I came to save Xianglan."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"It's ridiculous, what did you do to save her!"

Kong Liansheng sneered.

You must know that even the top doctors at St. Mary's Hospital sentenced Bai Xianglan to death. Qin Lie, a little bastard who only relied on soft food, did not believe that Qin Lie had the ability to save Bai Xianglan.

"Old man, how about we make a bet, if I can save Xianglan, you can no longer interfere with her personal feelings in the future, if I can't save her, I will let you go, how, do you dare to talk to her? I bet?"

There was a contemptuous smile on Qin Lie's mouth, and his words were full of provocation.

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