The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 651: Ice And Snow's Smart Kong Lianxing

"Of course the Western medicine you admire can't cure pandan, but I'm looking for a Chinese doctor who can cure pandan!"

Qin Lie replied angrily.

He used silver needles to block Bai Xianglan's acupuncture points and put her into a state of suspended animation. Although it was a very clever method, if an old Chinese doctor came, there was still a high probability of finding the flaws.

It's a pity that the doctors at both the hospital I went to before and the St. Mary's Hospital are all Western medicine.

In the eyes of Western medicine, the so-called acupoints and meridians are nothing, and they rely on various instruments to see a doctor. Naturally, they can only come to the conclusion that Baixianglan will become a vegetative person.

"Great, Sister Xianglan is finally saved!"

Kong Lianxing and Bai Xianglan are not sisters, but their relationship is definitely closer than that of sisters. Now that Bai Xianglan can be saved, she can't help crying with joy.

"Okay, don't waste time, I have to take Xianglan to Longcheng quickly."

Qin Lie said, pushed Bai Xianglan out and transferred it to the ambulance outside.

"Bai Uncle, I'll go first, I'll notify you in time if there is any news."

After everything was ready, Qin Lie said goodbye to Bai Mingjie.

However, as soon as he got into the car, Kong Lianxing followed.

"You go down, why are you following me?"

Qin Lie waved his hand.

"I'm not with you, I'm taking care of my sister."

Kong Lianxing replied.

"I can take care of your sister by myself. What are you going to do?"

Qin Lie urged.

"No, I don't worry about you taking care of her, I have to follow."

Kong Lianxing said firmly.

"Can you be obedient, girl, hurry down."

Qin Lie frowned and shouted.

"If you don't go down, you won't go down."

Kong Lianxing was very stubborn and seemed determined to follow.

But Qin Lie wouldn't grant her wish, and got up to take Kong Lianxing off the bus.

Between the two arguing, Kong Lianxing seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly exclaimed: "I know, I understand everything!"

"Qin Lie, come down, I have something to tell you!"

Kong Lianxing took the initiative to get out of the car and shouted to Qin Lie.

"what do you want to say?"

Qin Lie asked with a frown.

"You'll know when you come, or you won't regret it."

After saying this, Kong Lianxing walked towards the gazebo that was not far away.

Qin Lie didn't know what was going on with Kong Lianxing, but after thinking about it, he still followed.

"Qin Lie, tell me the truth, isn't this a scene you played with my sister!"

Kong Lianxing pointed at Qin Lie and questioned.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He really didn't expect that this little girl would see through his elaborate deception.

However, he was calm on the surface, and immediately denied: "You child is really rich in imagination, your sister has become a living dead, do you think she is acting? Could it be that she didn't even want her life to lie to you? ?"

"Okay, then please explain to me why you left Taizhou and came back suddenly? Why do so many doctors at St. Mary's Hospital say that my sister has no medicine, but you didn't even look at her and said that Can the doctor in Longcheng cure her? And, most importantly, why don't you let me follow? You are afraid that I will discover the truth and expose you."

Kong Lianxing kept raising doubts one after another, it can be said that the needle is bloody!

Even Qin Lie couldn't help but secretly murmured, this girl is really smart, and she discovered several flaws in this plan so quickly.

But he still isn't about to admit it was a hoax.

"I have to go to Longcheng to treat your sister. I don't have time to accompany you in this Arabian Nights."

After a perfunctory sentence, Qin Lie was about to turn around and leave.

"Stop for me! If you dare to leave, I'll go and tell my third grandfather and brother Yunze that you and Sister Xianglan are acting for them. I want to see if the third grandfather believes in you or me. ."

Kong Lianxing immediately stopped Qin Lie and said.

"What you want to say is up to you."

Qin Lie replied lightly, as if he didn't care at all.

"Okay, don't regret it."

Kong Lianxing stopped fighting with Qin Lie, took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Kong Yunze.

Seeing that Kong Lianxing was really playing, Qin Lie quickly stopped her.

"My aunt, I admit that this is all a hoax."

Qin Lie said with a wry smile.

At this time, Kong Yunze's engagement with Bai Xianglan has been cancelled. He is not afraid of Kong Yunze's trouble again, but the key is not to let Bai Xianglan's family know, otherwise his end will be very miserable.

"Hmph, I knew it was fake!"

Kong Lianxing snorted coldly, and a smug look appeared on his face.

"Lian Xing, I beg you to keep this secret for us, otherwise my sister and I will definitely be beaten by a stick. You don't want your sister to die alone."

Qin Lie discussed with Kong Lianxing with a face full of flattery.

"I know now that you're begging me? Why did you go earlier? Did you know that Miss Ben's eyes were swollen from crying just now!"

Kong Lianxing pointed to his own eyes and asked angrily like a stubborn and willful little princess.

"Thousands of mistakes are all my fault. As long as you can help me keep a secret, Lianxing, I will agree to any request you make."

Qin Lie didn't make any more excuses, and just hoped that the matter would be calmed down as soon as possible.

"Please explain to me first, why are you hiding this from me?"

Kong Lianxing asked.

She had always thought that she and Qin Lie were in the same group, but it turned out that Qin Lie and the others had excluded themselves. This distrust of her was what made her the most angry.

"Then what... I'm not afraid that you will leak your tongue. After all, this matter is related to your sister's lifelong happiness. I have to make sure that the whole plan is foolproof."

Qin Lie explained with an embarrassed expression.

"Afraid I'll leak my mouth? Do you think I'm the kind of 38 with a mouth full of wind?"

Kong Lianxing asked angrily.

The plan was what she thought, and she has been making suggestions for Bai Xianglan, but she turned around and became an outsider, which would definitely make anyone angry.

"It was my fault, and I sincerely apologize to you. If you are really upset, hit me up and I promise not to fight back."

Qin Lie patiently continued to appease Kong Lianxingdao.

Seeing Qin Lie so sullen, the anger in Kong Lianxing's heart dissipated a lot.

"I tell you, don't think that I will forgive you so easily. When my sister wakes up, I will settle the account with the two of you. I will definitely let you know the price of deceiving this young lady!"

Kong Lianxing pointed at Qin Lie and said viciously, but the words that came out of the mouth of such a pure and lovely little beauty were really not deterrent at all.

"Okay okay, we accept any punishment, but can we get out of here first? I don't want Pandan's dad to hear our conversation."

Qin Lie quickly changed the subject.

Kong Lianxing snorted and didn't take anger with Qin Lie, the two returned to the ambulance together.

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