"Uncle, I have discussed with Qin Lie. I will go to Longcheng with him later, and take care of my sister on the way."

Kong Lianxing said to Bai Mingjie.

"Okay, okay, then you all pay attention to safety, and remember to call me if you have anything."

Bai Mingjie did not have any doubts.

After saying goodbye to Bai Mingjie, Qin Lie and the others drove an ambulance on the road.

After waiting on the high-speed and making sure that he was not being followed, Qin Lie took out the silver needles that had been prepared and pierced several acupoints where Bai Xianglan was sealed.

Two minutes later, Bai Xianglan slowly opened her eyes.


Even if she knew that Bai Xianglan would wake up, Kong Lianxing was still very excited.

"Huh? Lianxing? Why are you here?"

When she saw Kong Lianxing, who was not in the plan, actually appeared in front of her, Bai Xianglan thought that the plan went wrong, and her heart suddenly tightened.

"Hmph, you think your broken plan can deceive the extremely clever Miss Ben, I tell you, I have seen through you long ago!"

Kong Lianxing said proudly.

In fact, she was really deceived at the beginning, otherwise she wouldn't be crying, and it was not until Qin Lie insisted on refusing to let her follow her that she realized the strangeness.

"Qin Lie, what the hell is going on?"

Bai Xianglan asked in confusion, she still didn't understand what was going on.

Qin Lie didn't hide it, and simply told Bai Xianglan what happened before.

"Bai Xianglan, you are such a big liar that I almost shed my tears, tell me, how do you compensate this lady!"

Kong Lianxing pointed at Bai Panlan and asked.

"What's the compensation, isn't there really nothing I can do, sister, or else I won't do anything about it."

Bai Xianglan replied helplessly.

In the state of suspended animation, she couldn't feel what happened outside, but she could imagine how devastated her parents and grandfather would be when they found out that she had become a vegetable.

This is also thanks to everything being fake. If it is true, her parents will probably be in a state of collapse.

"No, you must give Miss Ben a satisfactory compensation. Miss Ben's tears are more precious than gold, but they can't be left in vain!"

Kong Lianxing replied reluctantly.

"Then what compensation do you want, you say."

Bai Xianglan smiled.

"What do I want to be compensated for? Now you are apologizing to me. It depends on your sincerity."

Kong Lianxing deliberately put on a cold attitude.

"In that case, I'll buy you a first-class Tomson villa, and then I'll give you a Ferrari sports car. In addition, I will cover all the expenses for your clothes and cosmetics in the future. I will buy you a limited edition Cartier every year. Jewelry, are you satisfied with this?"

Bai Xianglan thought about it and gave a very generous compensation plan.

"Sister, do you really want to buy me so many things?"

Kong Lianxing asked in disbelief.

Not to mention other things, Tomson's first-class villa alone is worth hundreds of millions. This is the top luxury mansion that she dared not dream of.

"Of course it can't be true. My sister is so poor, she can't afford such an expensive villa even if she goes bankrupt."

Bai Xianglan teased with a smile on her face, she just wanted to make Kong Lianxing happy.

"Damn, you lied to me again, I want to break up with you!"

Kong Lianxing said angrily.

"Yoyo, you still broke up with me? You little girl knows a lot now, try again."

Bai Xianglan laughed and joked.

"Don't pay attention to me. In the future, you will walk on your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge. We will never communicate with each other."

Kong Lianxing replied with a cold face, as if really angry.

However, Bai Xianglan knew her sister too well, so she directly used her nirvana: Tickle Dafa.

"What are you doing, don't touch me."

Kong Lianxing was scratched all over, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Continue to pretend to my sister, I'll see how long you can pretend."

Bai Xianglan smiled, but she didn't stop for a moment.

In the end, Kong Lianxing couldn't help it anymore, and while laughing, he made a counterattack.

Soon the two sisters sparred into a ball. You scratched me, I scratched, and they had a lot of fun.

And from time to time, the two of them have a good time again, which makes Qin Lie cheap.

He secretly compared in his heart, Kong Lianxing is a younger sister after all, the mountain peak is indeed not as big as Bai Xianglan, but it still looks quite full, and it should feel quite good.

Fortunately, Qin Lie was just thinking about it in his heart. If the two sisters knew about his evil thoughts just now, they would definitely beat him to death.

After they were tired from playing, the two sisters calmed down.

"Sister, in fact, you don't have to hide this from me at all. I will definitely keep it secret."

Kong Lianxing looked at Bai Xianglan seriously.

"Aren't we afraid that you would say it out? After all, you and Yunze have such a good relationship. If you accidentally leak your words, Qin Lie and I may never have a relationship again."

Bai Panlan explained.

She has always trusted Kong Lianxing, but this matter is related to her life's happiness, so she can't help being careless.

"You are a typical gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. I admit that I was facing Brother Yunze before, but I have changed my position now, and I support the two of you together. Don't forget that even the bitterness is a trick. I gave, how could I betray you."

Kong Lianxing pouted.

"It's my sister's fault. I promise this is the last time. I won't hide anything from you in the future."

Bai Xianglan quickly apologized and laughed.

"For the sake of your sincerity in your apology, I will forgive you this time."

Kong Lianxing waved her hand and said very generously, after all, she wasn't really angry.

"What about Miss Ben, is it itchy again?"

The corners of Bai Xianglan's mouth twitched, and at the same time she put on a gesture of going to do it again.

"You will bully people and stop playing with you."

Kong Lianxing was still very afraid of tickling, so he quickly distanced himself from Bai Xianglan.

Bai Xianglan smiled, but did not do anything.

Unconsciously, sleepiness struck, and Bai Xianglan and Kong Lianxing took a nap against each other.

Qin Lie hadn't slept, and when he rarely had free time, he planned in his mind how to rapidly expand his business empire.

At present, the sales of fairy cream is on the right track. It can be said that it is making gold every day. The research and development of several other products has also started, but it is not enough to dominate the cosmetics industry, let alone become a leader in many fields. business giant.

As for the new energy vehicles, bitcoin, and super carbon fiber projects he invested in before, the current situation is not clear. Whether the future is profitable or not is still unknown. Maybe it will be a chicken-and-egg ending, so he must look for it again. Invest in some new projects.

Thoughts were flying, Qin Lie was suddenly recalled to reality by the vibration of the phone.

He took out his phone and glanced at it.

Qin Lie couldn't help feeling a little surprised when he saw the name on the caller ID.

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