The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 653 Qiu Bai Is Seriously Injured!

This call was actually made by his master Qiu Bai!

You must know that since the two sides exchanged mobile phone numbers, his master has never contacted him actively, as if there is no apprentice of him at all.

With curiosity, Qin Lie answered the phone quickly.

"Hey, Master, what's the matter with you?"

Qin Lie asked after connecting the phone.

"Qin Lie, are you in Longcheng now?"

Qiu Bai's voice soon came from the other end of the phone, but his voice was obviously hoarse.

"I'm on the expressway, I'm going to Longcheng soon, what's wrong?"

Qin Lie replied that he had realized something was wrong.

"I'm in a ruined temple about five miles northeast of Chengjia Village on the outskirts of Beijing. I'm slightly injured. Come and pick me up as soon as possible."

Qiu Bai took a breath and said.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Hearing that his master was injured, Qin Lie's spirit suddenly became tense.

"Hang up first."

After saying this, Qiu Bai hung up the phone.

Qin Lie didn't delay here, and quickly opened the small window in front of the carriage: "Tiancheng, I won't go back to Longcheng, I will divert to Chengjia Village on the outskirts of Beijing."

"Why are you going there?"

Qi Tianchang asked in confusion.

"You can do whatever you want, no so much nonsense."

Qin Lie was irritated and his tone became very aggressive.

Hearing this, Qi Tianchang didn't dare to ask any more questions, and quickly entered the place name Chengjia Village on the map.

Inside the car, Qin Lie didn't speak any more, his face seemed to be dignified by a haze.

He knows very well that his master is one of the top masters in the world, and there are very few who can match him, let alone hurt him.

"Looks like Master is in big trouble."

Qin Lie secretly guessed in his heart.

The last time he called Qiu Bai to ask if there was a cure for Su Xiaoxiao, he felt that Qiu Bai's voice seemed a little wrong, but Qiu Bai didn't tell him anything, so he didn't ask more.

Today Qiu Bai suddenly called him to say that he was injured, which was definitely related to what happened last time.

It's just that if you want to figure out the secret behind this, you still have to wait until you see the master and ask him in person.

"Tianchang, how long will it take to get to Chengjia Village?"

Qin Lie asked Qi Tianchang who was driving again through the small window.

"According to the navigation display, it will take about three hours."

Qi Tian often replied.

He didn't go to Chengjia Village, he could only follow the map.

"It's too slow, we have to be there within two hours."

Qin Lie replied.

"Uh, it seems unlikely, I've already driven to 100."

Qi Tian often replied.

"Raise the speed a little bit, and drive as fast as you can."

Qin Lie urged.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Qi Tian often races, and his driving skills are still very good. He quickly raised the speed to 130 to 140, which actually exceeded the speed limit of the expressway.

Fortunately, the navigation will remind when there is a speed measuring probe, and Qi Tianchang will obediently reduce the speed when approaching the speed measuring point.

An hour later, Qi Tianchang got off the highway.

It was already late at night, and the road was not blocked at all, so hurry up and hurry, and finally arrived at Chengjia Village within two hours.

"Brother Qin, Chengjia Village is in front. Are we entering the village?"

Qi Tianchang asked after slowing down.

"If you don't enter the village, just walk five miles northeast and you should be able to see a broken temple."

Qin Lie replied.

Qi Tianchang snorted, identified the direction, just found a small road in the northeast, and drove over.

It only stopped after driving two miles, because there was a small hillside with bushes in front of it, and the vehicle could no longer drive over it, so it could only walk.

"Panda, wake up."

Qin Lie patted Bai Xianglan on the shoulder and woke her up from her sleep.

"Have you arrived at Longcheng?"

Bai Xianglan asked sleepily.

"We haven't arrived at Longcheng yet. We are in the suburbs of Beijing. You and Xianglan are staying in the car. I'll go out for a while and come back soon."

Qin Lie got out of the car after replying.

"Tianchang, don't turn off the car, wait for me, Jinhu, come with me."

In order to prevent possible emergencies, Qin Lie did not let Qi Tianchang follow him, but only called Chen Jinhu and climbed the hillside.

After walking about three miles along the dilapidated and deserted path, Qin Lie saw a ruined temple.

With vigilance, Qin Lie quickly entered the ruined temple, and he saw Qiu Bai who had fallen into a coma at a glance.

At this time, Qiu Bai's injuries were very serious. He was covered in blood, his ribs were broken, and a bloody mouth was opened on his left shoulder, and the bones were clearly visible. This injury was already fatal!

However, when he called him just now, he downplayed it, saying that he was only slightly injured, and Qin Lie really wanted to ask him what kind of injury was serious.

But now is definitely not the right time.

And judging from Qiu Bai's current situation, if he doesn't get treatment as soon as possible, he probably won't survive the day.

In order to save money for the funeral, Qin Lie picked up Qiu Bai and rushed back into the car.

Seeing Qin Lie come back with an old man covered in blood, Bai Xianglan and Kong Lianxing were startled at the same time.

But they were all very smart, and no one asked what was going on.

"Drive, go back to Longcheng!"

Qin Lie instructed Qi Tianchang, and quickly tore off the bloody clothes on Qiu Bai's body.

Looking at Qiu Bai's bloody wounds, Qin Lie realized that he was hurt more than he thought.

Four broken ribs, a shot in the left abdomen, three cuts in the chest, and a shot in the leg, plus the bloody opening on the left shoulder, there is almost no good place on the whole body.

This is also thanks to Qiu Bai being a top-level expert, and his physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Qin Lie didn't dare to be negligent. He first made a simple bandage on Qiu Bai to temporarily stop the bleeding, and then used acupuncture to protect his heart.

But this can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Qiu Bai must have an operation as soon as possible, especially a blood transfusion, otherwise he will inevitably die of shock due to excessive blood loss.

"Brother Qin, there is a hometown clinic in front of us. Shall we go there?"

Qi Tianchang, who was driving, suddenly asked, this is the nearest hospital to them.

"If you don't go, you can go directly to No. 41 on Shenglin Road. There is an underground hospital there."

Qin Lie ordered.

Qiu Bai was seriously injured, and the key was a gunshot wound. In order to avoid attracting the attention of the police and to prevent being traced by the enemy, it is better to go to the underground hospital.

The underground hospital on Shenglin Road was opened by Fan Chang, with a high safety factor. Mu Bingyun's injury was treated there last time.


Qi Tianchang responded and hurried to Shenglin Road according to the navigation.

At one o'clock in the morning, Qin Lie and the others arrived at the underground hospital on Shenglin Road.

Because Qin Lie called Fan Chang in advance, the doctor had already prepared, and immediately performed an operation on Qiu Bai as soon as he saw him.

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