The operation went well, but Qiu Bai was still in a coma because of excessive blood loss.

In order to take care of Qiu Bai, Qin Lie stayed in the hospital, and he asked Chen Jinhu to go to a nearby hotel to stay.

Time passed, and Qiu Bai didn't wake up from the coma until four o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

"Master, you are awake. If you don't wake up again, I plan to choose a good Feng Shui treasure for you."

Looking at Qiu Bai who woke up, Qin Lie let out a long breath and made a joke to him at the same time.

"You stinky boy, you dare to curse Lao Tzu, is it itchy, oh..."

Qiu Bai raised his hand and was about to scare Qin Lie, but the wound on his shoulder was affected, and he grinned in pain.

"Master, you'd better not move, the wound hasn't healed yet."

Qin Lie reminded with a look of schadenfreude.

"It's up to you to say it."

Qiu Bai glared at Qin Lie, moved slowly, and leaned against the head of the bed.

"Why are you still standing there, quickly pour me a glass of water, I'm dying of thirst."

Qiu Bai continued to drink, although he had received blood, his body was still severely dehydrated, and the skin of his mouth was a little dry.

On the table next to it, there was a cool white opening. Qin Lie mixed some hot water in it and handed it to Qiu Bai.

After drinking the water, Qiu Bai's slightly pale face also recovered a bit of rosy.

"Master, what happened last night, who injured you?"

After a little hesitation, Qin Lie asked the question that he had held all night.

"Don't ask about it, it has nothing to do with you."

Qiu Bai replied lightly, obviously not wanting to tell Qin Lie.

"Why doesn't it matter to me, you are my master, and I am your apprentice. As the old saying goes, you are a teacher for one day and a father for life. You have the same status as my father. Now that you are in trouble, I am sure it is impossible. Stand by and watch."

Qin Lie immediately retorted.

He and Qiu Bai have known each other for many years. They are both teachers and friends, and they are even like relatives. No matter who Qiu Bai offends, he will stand by Qiu Bai's side without hesitation and help them together!

"Let me tell you, I found some clues about my family's destruction, but it's too involved, I don't want to involve you."

Qiu Baiyu said earnestly.

His family has already been destroyed, and his only belief in life is to take revenge. For him, as long as he can take revenge, he will die without regrets.

But Qin Lie is different. He is still young and has a bright future. He definitely doesn't want Qin Lie to be killed because of him.

"Listen to what you mean, the behind-the-scenes messenger who destroyed your family back then should be some super family, right?"

Qin Lie frowned.

Chu Mingchen had told him before that they suspected that the mastermind behind the scenes was some super family. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for them to find out who the culprit was after more than ten years of investigation based on the power of their family.

And from Qiu Bai's performance just now, it is not difficult to see that this guess can basically be inseparable from eight to nine.

"According to the clues I have so far, it is the super family that destroyed my whole family, but there were more than one that did it."

"With my strength, being an enemy of any super family is like hitting a stone with an egg, let alone a few at the same time."

"But as a teacher, I have long been willing to die. When I die, I can just reunite with my family underground, but you are different. You are talented, courageous and resourceful. In the future, you will definitely become a dragon among others. Your selfishness affects you, so don't ask about it, and I won't tell you if you ask."

Qiu Bai said in a heavy voice.

Twelve members of his family were brutally slaughtered on his birthday. This kind of blood feud is undeniable, let alone the other party is a super family, even if it is the president of the United States or the prime minister of an island country, he must let the other party pay his debts in blood!

But just like he said, he will retaliate against him alone, and he will never drag Qin Lie down.

"Master, you are obviously treating me as an outsider. Even if your enemy is from a super noble family, what can you do? Everyone is carrying one head on two shoulders. It's a big deal.

Qin Lie replied fearlessly.

As someone who has already died once, he is not afraid of death at all, and he will not be frightened just because the other party is a super family.

"You are wrong. I just treat you like a son, so I can't let you go to the dark with me."

"I sincerely hope that one day in the future, you can become a giant on an equal footing with those super worlds, so that as your master, I can also smile Jiuquan."

"But if you insist on meddling in my affairs, then I will sever the relationship between master and apprentice, and I can guarantee that you will never see me again in your life."

In order to protect Qin Lie, Qiu Bai's attitude was very decisive, and there was no room for negotiation.


"If you don't listen to me, don't call me Master again."

Qiu Bai forcibly interrupted Qin Lie.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, and I won't interfere in your affairs again."

After a hard decision, Qin Lie could only agree.

However, he has already made up his mind, if his master is really killed by those super noble families, he will definitely kill the enemy in the future, even if the blood flows into a river!

"That's right."

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Qiu Bai's gloomy face finally returned to a smile.


Suddenly, Qiu Bai's stomach made a protest.

"Qin Lie, go get me something to eat. It's better to get some pork head meat with a couple of sauced elbows. I want fatter."

Qiu Bai said.

He is not very demanding in life, and his favorite is these home cooked food.

"Master, you just got hurt, let's eat something light."

Qin Lie suggested.

"What bland food is there? I just want to eat meat now. Get it for me quickly. I'll starve to death if I write more ink."

Qiu Bai hadn't eaten for a day. He used glucose water to maintain his basic nutrition. Now that he woke up, of course he had a good meal.

Hearing Qiu Bai say this, Qin Lie didn't waste any more saliva.

After all, Qiu Bai was a doctor himself, and he knew better than himself what to eat and what to eat.

After leaving the hospital, Qin Lie went to the snack street not far away to pack a bunch of food. Qiu Bai was obviously really hungry, so he grabbed his big elbow and started eating.

However, because the wounds on his body have not healed, he did not dare to move too much, and he did not drink alcohol for the time being.

The two chatted while eating, and before they knew it was getting late, Chen Jinhu and Qi Tianchang also came over.

"Elder Qiu, this is a century-old ginseng that I specially honor you. Please accept it with a smile."

As Qi Tianchang said that, he handed the old ginseng he bought with a lot of money to Qiu Bai, with a pleasing smile on his face.

"Qi Tianchang, what are you doing?"

Qin Lie asked with a confused expression.

Knowing that the two had nothing to do with each other, he really didn't understand what Qi Tianchang was wrong, and he suddenly showed hospitality to Qiu Bai.

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