"Grandpa, don't say good things for Kong Yunze. We can judge whether he is a good person or not."

Bai Xianglan frowned and said.

Originally, her impression of Kong Yunze had always been very good, but now, she also began to feel that Kong Yunze was a little hypocritical.

"What, angry? Do you think Grandpa is too partial to Yun Ze?"

Kong Liansheng asked with a smile.

"Yes, I think you are a little too kind to him. I think he is your grandson, and I am like an outsider."

Bai Xianglan replied with a look of jealousy.

"Silly child, in Grandpa's heart, you must be the most important, and no one in this world can compare to you. The reason why Grandpa favors Yunze is because he has been very filial to me since he was a child. Good for him."

"But grandpa has some good news to tell you today. I guarantee you will not be able to sleep tonight after listening to it. Guess what the good news is."

Speaking of this, Kong Liansheng deliberately sold a pass.

"You'd better say it directly, I can't guess."

Bai Xianglan replied helplessly, she really couldn't imagine what good news Kong Liansheng could say at this time.

"I agree that you and Qin Lie are together. I hope that you will get married within three days. When you see that you have a good home, grandpa can leave with peace of mind."

Kong Liansheng looked at Bai Xianglan.

Hearing this, Bai Xianglan was stunned.

"Grandpa, do you really agree with me being with Qin Lie?"

Bai Xianglan was afraid that she had heard it wrong, so she hurriedly asked again.

"Well, since Qin Lie is also a good boy, and you like him, then of course grandpa wants to fulfill you. Grandpa is not a bad old man who beats mandarin ducks."

Kong Liansheng replied with a smile.

He has reached the end of his life, and he only hopes to see his granddaughter enter the marriage hall with the person he loves in his lifetime.

"Thank you grandpa."

Hearing Kong Liansheng's words, Bai Xianglan was as happy as a praised child.

"Qin Lie, from now on, I will hand over the pandan to you. If you let me know that you dare to bully her, I promise to climb up from the ground and clean you up, did you hear me?"

Kong Liansheng warned Qin Lie with a majestic look.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Kong, I promise to be good to Xianglan for the rest of my life."

Qin Lie replied solemnly.

Bai Xianglan is a good girl, even if Kong Liansheng doesn't tell her, he will never let her down.

"That's alright, hurry up and organize the wedding these two days. I want to see the two of you get married in three days."

Kong Liansheng continued.

"Uh, Grandpa Kong, is it too hasty to get married in three days?"

Qin Lie asked embarrassedly, he wasn't ready to get married yet.

After all, he is not only a woman of Bai Xianglan. If this is married to Bai Xianglan, what will Ye Yuqing and the others do?

In case they get jealous and make trouble together, he will definitely die miserably.

"Three days is a bit rushed, but as you all know, I'm running out of time, and I don't want to go underground with regrets."

Kong Liansheng replied.

It was his only wish to see Bai Xianglan marry, otherwise he wouldn't have forced her to marry Kong Yunze.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, we will definitely get the wedding done within three days."

Before Qin Lie could speak again, Bai Xianglan quickly agreed.

"Then the matter is settled, you all go back to rest, you are busy preparing for the wedding."

Kong Liansheng said with a hammer.

"Qin Lie, Lianxing, go back to rest first, and I'll accompany grandpa for a while."

Bai Xianglan waved to Qin Lie, she just wanted to spend more time with her grandfather.

"You can go too, don't worry, I can't bear to breathe if I don't see the two of you getting married. Besides, the nurses aren't here, I can call them if I have something to do."

Kong Liansheng said with a smile.

"I'll accompany you for a while before leaving. I won't be able to sleep if I go back early."

Bai Xianglan insisted.

"Okay then, let's talk for a while."

Hearing what Bai Xianglan said, Kong Liansheng agreed.

At eleven o'clock, under the urging of Kong Liansheng, Qin Lie and the others left the hospital and came to the hotel a street away from the hospital.

"Lian Xing, you go through the check-in procedures first, and I will have a few words with your sister alone."

At the door of the hotel, Qin Lie said to Kong Lianxing.

"it is good."

Kong Lianxing responded and entered the hotel.

"Pang Lan, can we skip this wedding?"

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie asked in a difficult way.

"I promised Grandpa, this wedding must be done, or do you want him to die?"

White pandan replied.

Before Qin Lie could speak, Bai Xianglan directly broke his mind: "I know what you are worried about, you must be afraid that Sister Yuqing and Xiaoyu will be angry, right? Don't worry, I will explain it to them in the morning tomorrow. I'm sure they will understand us."

Bai Xianglan never thought of marrying Qin Lie before, but the matter is now, she must fulfill the old man's last wish.

"That's all it can do."

Qin Lie understands what Bai Xianglan said is reasonable, but when he thinks that he is going to marry Bai Xianglan, and Ye Yuqing and Chen Xiaoyu who follow him with all his heart, can't get any name, he still has a big head.

He can only hope that the two of them can understand the reason why he did this, otherwise, if things really get worse, he should be a scumbag who is spurned by adults.

But he had absolutely no possibility of escaping this matter, otherwise Bai Xianglan would definitely hate him for the rest of his life.

No longer entangled in this matter, the two entered the hotel together.

Qin Lie has a room alone, and Bai Xianglan and Kong Lianxing have a room.

However, the quality of sleep has always been very good. Qin Lie lost sleep for the first time, and he didn't fall asleep until two in the morning.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Lie was suddenly awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

Qin Lie opened the door and saw that it was Kong Lianxing.

"What happened, Lian Xing?"

Qin Lie asked after yawning.

"My third grandpa is gone!"

Kong Lianxing said with a sad face.

"how so."

Hearing this, Qin Lie's expression changed.

"I don't know the specific situation. The doctor just called my sister to say that my third grandfather is gone. My sister can't stand the blow and has already fainted. You should go and see her."

Kong Lianxing forcibly endured his grief.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately ran to the room where Bai Xianglan and the others were staying, and saw Bai Xianglan unconscious on the bed at a glance.

Qin Lie quickly checked Bai Xianglan, and when it was determined that she was just too sad and unconscious, she was relieved.

Then Qin Lie pinched Bai Xianglan, and massaged her Neiguan and Sishencong acupoints, and Bai Xianglan slowly woke up.

"Qin Lie, my grandfather is gone!"

After seeing Qin Lie, Bai Xianglan burst into tears.

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