"I already know, cry if you want to cry."

Qin Lie can fully understand Bai Xianglan's mood at this time, hugging her and making her cry heartily.

After crying for ten minutes, Bai Xianglan's mood gradually stabilized.

"Qin Lie, I want to go see my grandpa again."

Bai Xianglan said in a choked voice.

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

Of course Qin Lie had no problem.

After Bai Xianglan was dressed, the three came to the hospital.

At this time, Kong Liansheng's body had been transported to the morgue according to regulations.

Looking at the cold body, Bai Xianglan burst into tears again.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Bai Xianglan was lying beside Kong Liansheng's corpse and wept bitterly.

About ten minutes later, Bai Xianglan's parents also arrived.

Looking at the old man's body, the two burst into tears at the same time.

"Uncle Aunt, people can't be resurrected from the dead, please mourn and change."

Qin Lie couldn't help comforting the two of them, but the comfort didn't work at all.

After all, this is their close relative, especially since Kong Liansheng left so suddenly, they were not even mentally prepared.

Another ten minutes later, Bai Mingjie, who was the first to recover from his grief, informed his relatives and friends of the sad news of the old man's death, and then contacted the funeral home to prepare a beautiful funeral for the old man.

Although Kong Liansheng had said before that if he died, everything would be simple, but Bai Mingjie still decided to let the old man be buried in a glorious way. This was his last time to show his filial piety to the old man.

After Bai Xianglan and the others recovered their emotions, Bai Mingjie's family took them to the doctor who finally rescued Kong Liansheng.

According to the other party, it was the nurse who noticed that the old man was not breathing, so he notified the doctor, but at that time Kong Liansheng had been dead for more than an hour, so the rescue naturally failed.

After preliminary judgment, the old man died of respiratory failure.

According to the nurse's statement, she fell asleep while taking care of the old man, and woke up at about five in the morning to see if he needed to go to the toilet. As a result, she called the old man several times and he did not respond. Only then did he realize that the old man had lost his breath.

"You killed my grandfather, I want you to pay for my grandfather's life!"

An angry Bai Xianglan grabbed the nurse by the collar, as if to strangle her to death.

"Panda, calm down."

Qin Lie quickly stopped Bai Xianglan.

"Let go of me, I want this murderer to be buried with my grandfather!"

Bai Xianglan continued to roar.

In her opinion, it was the care worker's dereliction of duty that led to her grandfather's regretful death. If she could have been guarding her grandfather, her grandfather might not have died so early.

"You go out first."

In order to prevent Bai Xianglan from losing her mind, Qin Lie asked the nurse to leave the ward first.

Next, he reassured Bai Xianglan for a while, only then did Bai Xianglan regain her composure.

"Uncle, look at Pandan, let me go out."

After talking to Bai Mingjie, Qin Lie left the ward and found Zhao Yufen, the nurse who was in charge of taking care of Kong Liansheng.

"Zhao Aunt, did Grandpa Kong have any unusual reaction before his death?"

Qin Lie looked at Zhao Yufen and asked.

Although the doctors said that Kong Liansheng died of respiratory failure, Qin Lie still felt that his death was a little too strange.

After all, Kong Liansheng was still in good condition when they left, and he also said that he would attend the wedding of Qin Lie and Bai Xianglan. Generally, even if the old man is really dying, but he is obsessed, it is impossible to suddenly Just leave like this, even if the light returns to the light, it can still last for two or three days.

"I think he has always been normal, and he also asked me what gift he would give you if you marry Miss Bai."

Zhao Yufen replied.

"According to what you said, it's even more impossible for the old man to die violently."

Hearing this, Qin Lie frowned even more.

"By the way, after you left, Master Kong Yunze came over and chatted with Mr. Kong for about ten minutes."

Zhao Yufen continued.

"Do you know what they were talking about?"

Qin Lie asked immediately.

"I don't know, Master Kong let me go out when they were chatting, and when Master Kong left, he told me that Mr. Kong was sleepy and told me not to disturb him, so I fell asleep on the table later, waiting for me When you wake up again, Mr. Kong is already dead."

Zhao Yufen said with self-blame.

"It's Kong Yunze, it must be this bitch that killed Mr. Kong!"

Qin Lie murmured gloomily.

The old man was fine before, and the doctor said that he could live for at least half a month, but after Kong Yunze watched him, the old man passed away suddenly. Qin Lie definitely does not believe that there is such a coincidence in this world. .

So he can be sure that Kong Yunze must have made a bad hand!

It's just that he has no evidence yet. Even if he tells the story, no one will believe it, and even Kong Yunze will probably beat him up.

"Mr. Qin, I know that I have a certain responsibility for the death of Mr. Kong, but I really didn't mean to be lazy. I beg you to help me. I don't have any money to compensate the Bai family."

Zhao Yufen begged Qin Lie with a heavy face.

"Don't worry, the Bai family won't hold you accountable."

Qin Lie assured Zhao Yufen.

Kong Yunze is good at camouflage, and has a very deep sense of government. Since he has already poisoned the old man, no matter whether Zhao Yufen sleeps or not, the old man will probably die, and he will naturally not pursue the responsibility of a nurse.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin, thank you, Mr. Qin."

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Zhao Yufen was grateful for a while.

Qin Lie asked Zhao Yufen a few more questions, and since she couldn't ask any valuable clues at all, she let her go first.

After returning to the ward, Qin Lie called Bai Xianglan, who was still in grief, outside.

"Xianglan, I don't think your grandfather's death was an accident. He should have died of murder!"

Qin Lie looked at Bai Xianglan with a solemn expression, and told her guess.

"Impossible, my grandfather is a dying person, who would kill him."

Bai Xianglan questioned.

"The average person certainly wouldn't, but there was one guy who absolutely did."

Qin Lie replied coldly.


Bai Xianglan asked immediately.

"Kong Yunze!"

Qin Lie replied quickly.

"Qin Lie, I know you have an opinion about Yun Ze, but he definitely couldn't have murdered my grandfather. He's not that kind of person."

Bai Xianglan didn't believe what Qin Lie said at all, and she even thought it was Qin Lie's slander against Kong Yunze.

"Don't say that, Kong Yunze is a devil in human skin, I'm sure your grandfather was killed by him, otherwise your grandfather would never have died so suddenly!"

Qin Lie said coldly.

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