"Since you're so sure, can you come up with evidence?"

Bai Xianglan frowned and looked at Qin Lie.

She didn't believe that Kong Yunze would kill her grandfather, but Qin Lie said it so solemnly, and she couldn't help but doubt it.

"I have no evidence, but if you agree to perform an autopsy on your grandfather, I believe you should be able to find evidence."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

Kong Yunze fully possessed the motive and time to kill.

Because Kong Yunze was originally going to marry Bai Xianglan, but the marriage was ruined by him, and the old man Kong also married Bai Xianglan to him. Kong Yunze, who learned the news, is likely to kill the old man because of love and hatred.

One is to achieve the purpose of venting his anger, and the other is to prevent him from marrying Bai Xianglan, absolutely killing two birds with one stone.

It's just that Qin Lie isn't sure what method he used to kill Mr. Kong without an autopsy.

"No, my grandfather's bones are not yet cold, and performing an autopsy now is a kind of blasphemy to his old man. Even if I agree, my parents and they can't agree."

Bai Xianglan immediately refused.

Her grandfather had passed away, and the whole family was already immersed in great grief. Qin Lie also proposed an autopsy, so that the old man died without a whole body, which was like rubbing salt on the wound!

If it wasn't for knowing Qin Lie's personality, Bai Xianglan would suspect that he had ulterior motives.

"Xianglan, believe me, your grandfather's death is definitely not an accident. If you don't find out the truth, burying the old man will be the greatest disrespect to him."

Qin Lie said in a deep voice.

He can fully understand Bai Xianglan's mood, but if he doesn't do this, the truth of the matter will be forever sealed, and the culprit, Kong Yunze, will also go free.

"What if you don't find anything? How do you ask me to explain to my parents and those relatives in our family?"

white pandan asked.

One sentence directly left Qin Lie speechless.

I have to say that Bai Xianglan's worry is not unreasonable. If the truth is not found, it is estimated that the angry Bai family and the Kong family will peel him off.

"Qin Lie, I know why you doubt Yunze, but the doctors have said that my grandfather's death was an accident, so let's not make extra troubles. Now I just want to let his old man go to earth for safety."

Bai Xianglan said earnestly.

The loss of a close relative has already made her very painful, and she is not in the mood to waste time and energy for Qin Lie's baseless guess, especially at the risk of desecrating the old man's body.

"OK then."

Hearing that Bai Xianglan had said so much, Qin Lie could only respect his and her wishes.

After all, he is an outsider no matter what, and has no right to dispose of the old man's body.

When the two returned to the ward, the funeral home had already arrived.

After the consent of Bai Mingjie and his wife, Mr. Kong's body was transported to the funeral home.

From seven in the morning, relatives of Bai and Kong came to the funeral home one after another to express their condolences to Kong Liansheng.

As a respected old man, many people have received favor or help from Kong Liansheng over the years.

At about eight o'clock, Kong Yunze came.

Unlike others who only wear black clothes or black gauze on his arms, Kong Yunze actually wears hemp and filial piety, just like a filial son and a worthy grandson.

"Grandpa, why did you just leave like this? Didn't we agree to let me take you to the Eiffel Tower, why are you not talking?"

After Kong Yunze came to the mourning hall, he lay down on Kong Liansheng's crystal coffin and cried.

"Yunze, don't be sad, your grandfather definitely doesn't want to see everyone sad for him."

Bai Mingjie persuaded to endure the grief in his heart.

"It's all my fault. If I could stay by my grandfather's side, he wouldn't have left so early. Yunze is not filial, Yunze is not filial..."

Kong Yunze was full of self-blame and howled, his cry was heart-breaking, like a concubine!

"I can't blame you, it's all destined, but it's better if Dad is gone, so as not to suffer from the disease again."

Kong Xi with red and swollen eyes continued.

Although the old man's departure made her feel like a knife, but on the other hand, the old man has been living a very painful life during this period of time, and death is a relief for him.

"Grandpa, I'm Yunze, please open your eyes and look at me, I'm still waiting for you to tell me historical stories, and I'm still waiting for you to teach me how to be a human being, did you hear me... "

Kong Yunze continued to shout to Kong Liansheng, tears streaming down his face, he really cried more than anyone else.

However, in Qin Lie's view, these were just crocodile tears, and Kong Yunze was just doing a show for everyone to see.

But I have to admit that Kong Yunze's trick is quite effective, and he has already shaped himself into a glorious image of a dutiful son. Not to mention that he has no evidence, even if there is, as long as it is not hard evidence, no one will believe that he will kill Kong Lao. The culprit of Mr.

Qin Lie didn't rush to reveal Kong Yunze, just stood not far away and watched his performance silently.

The condolence ceremony is still going on, and more and more important people in Taizhou rushed to the funeral home, including the chairman of the Taizhou Chamber of Commerce, the second-in-command of Taizhou politics, and even Kong Wei, the contemporary head of the Kong family, who came to present the wreath in person, one can imagine Kong Liansheng. Great influence.

But when a person dies like a lamp goes out, with his death, all this will turn into a flash of smoke.

After another three years and five years, I am afraid that few people can still remember the name of Kong Liansheng.

Nearly noon, the condolences have basically left, but Kong Yunze, the filial son, is still kneeling beside the old man's coffin with Bai Xianglan.

"Xianglan, you guys go have something to eat, just have me and your dad watch over here."

Kong Xi looked at Baixianglan Road.

After experiencing the initial grief, she has now seen it. After all, birth, aging, illness and death are normal in life. The deceased has passed away, and the living still need to live well.

"I'm not hungry, I want to accompany grandpa again, you go."

Bai Xianglan's expression was gloomy, and she was still immersed in grief at this time.

"Xianglan, cheer up, the old man in the sky definitely doesn't want to see you sinking like this."

Qin Lie came over to comfort Bai Pandan Road.

"Qin Lie is right, we must live well, so that the third grandpa can go to heaven and enjoy happiness at ease."

Kong Lianxing followed suit.

"I understand what you mean, but I really have no appetite right now."

Bai Xianglan replied with a sad expression, and as she spoke, tears seemed to come out of her eyes again.

"If you don't have an appetite, you have to eat it, otherwise you would have the strength to keep the old man's spirit alive."

Qin Lie continued to persuade.

"Let's go, sister, it's not too late to come back to accompany the third grandpa after we finish eating."

Without giving Bai Xianglan a chance to refuse, Kong Lianxing helped Bai Xianglan up after saying this.

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