The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 664 Extremely Arrogant And Lawless!

Bai Xianglan knew that Kong Lianxing also had good intentions, and in the end she could only agree.

"Kong Yunze, come to dinner with us too."

Qin Lie deliberately called Kong Yunze again.

Hearing that Qin Lie would call him, a strange color flashed in Kong Yunze's eyes, but he returned to normal.

"I won't go, you go, I want to spend more time with grandpa."

Kong Yunze shook his head.

"Let's go, let's have something to eat, it's not too late for us to be filial, right?"

Qin Lie continued.

"Brother Yunze, just go with us."

Kong Lianxing helped the voice.

"OK then."

Hearing Kong Lianxing speak, Kong Yunze agreed.

Then Qin Lie drove and took the three to a restaurant closest to the funeral home.

Considering that the white pandan and the others have no appetite, Qin Lie only ordered four dishes, and then one person asked for another bowl of rice.

Bai Xianglan had no appetite at all at this time, but at Qin Lie's repeated request, she still ate half a bowl of rice.

"Qin Lie, eat first, I'll go to the bathroom."

After speaking to Qin Lie, Bai Xianglan stood up.

"Wait for me, I'm going too."

Kong Lianxing immediately took out a tissue from his bag and followed.

After the two left, only Qin Lie and Kong Yunze were left on the table.

"Kong Yunze, you did a good job just now, the Oscar winner will probably be ashamed after seeing it."

Qin Lie grinned and said mockingly.

"What acting? What did you say?"

Kong Yunze asked blankly.

"Okay, it's just the two of us, don't pretend, you and I know what you did."

Qin Lie said with a sneer.

"Qin Lie, can you say what you want to say directly, don't beat around the bush, I don't understand what you mean at all."

Kong Yunze shouted with a displeased expression.

"I don't understand, right? Then I'll tell you something you can understand. The death of Mr. Kong was not an accident. You killed him!"

Qin Lie said loudly.

"Don't spit, I didn't hurt Grandpa at all!"

Kong Yunze denied it very excitedly.

"Tsk tsk, this acting is top-notch. If I hadn't already mastered some evidence, I'm afraid I would have been deceived by you."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

"Since you keep saying that I killed Grandpa Kong, then you go to the police and arrest me. I, Kong Yunze, are not afraid of shadows, and I am not afraid of any investigation!"

Kong Yunze replied righteously, as if he had really been wronged.

"Don't worry, I will definitely call the police. At that time, I will reveal your true face to everyone, and make you ruined and tainted for eternity!"

Qin Lie took a sip of tea and replied slowly.

"Okay, then go and report it. I want to see if the police will arrest me."

Kong Yunze was not afraid, and there was no trace of panic between his brows.

Qin Lie squinted at Kong Yunze for a few seconds, and was more certain that Kong Yunze was the murderer.

Because he just said that he had evidence to deceive Kong Yunze, but as a result, Kong Yunze behaved a little too calmly, obviously he was mentally prepared in advance.

"Qin Lie, what did you tell Brother Yunze just now?"

At this moment, Kong Lianxing came back. She didn't understand what the two were talking about, so she asked casually.

"Qin Lie said just now that I killed Grandpa Kong, do you think this is ridiculous?"

Kong Yunze took the initiative to tell what happened just now.

"Qin Lie, is your head squeezed by the door? How could Brother Yunze kill the third grandfather? It's impossible for anyone to think that way."

Kong Lianxing said speechlessly.

Although Kong Yunze is not Kong Liansheng's own grandson, he is more filial than his own grandson. Saying that he killed Kong Liansheng is simply less credible than the end of the world tomorrow.

"If you don't believe it, forget it. I will prove everything with evidence."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

He did not engage in meaningless verbal confrontation, because he knew very well that Kong Yunze had already established a stalwart image of a righteous gentleman in the minds of the people. He said a hundred sentences and it was estimated that none of the other's words would work.

If he wants to reveal Kong Yunze's true face, he must find hard evidence.

But judging from Kong Yunze's fearlessness, this evidence is destined to be difficult to find.

"The doctors all said that the third grandpa's death was an accident, so don't make any more troubles, okay?"

Kong Lianxing looked at Qin Lie speechlessly.

Although Kong Yunze's image was no longer perfect in her heart, she still wouldn't believe that Kong Yunze, who couldn't bear to hurt even an ant, would harm others, let alone Kong Liansheng.

"It's okay Lianxing, let him do whatever he wants, anyway, I have a clear conscience."

Kong Yunze replied calmly.

Qin Lie's generosity makes him look like a tell-tale villain.

"Are you all full? Let's go when you're full."

Bai Xianglan didn't want Qin Lie and the others to continue arguing on such an unreliable matter, so he changed the subject directly.

Qin Lie said nothing, settled the bill, and took Bai Xianglan and the others back to the funeral home.

According to the custom of the Kong family, Bai Xianglan and his family will keep Kong Liansheng's spirit for three days, and the old man will not be cremated until the end of the spirit.

This also means that Qin Lie has at most three days to find the evidence, otherwise it will be impossible to find the evidence when the old man's body is cremated.

In order not to waste time, Qin Lie called Chen Jinhu and asked him to take Qi Tianchang directly to Taizhou on the earliest flight.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, at the entrance of the funeral home.

After explaining everything to be done to Chen Jinhu, Qin Lie was about to return to the mourning hall to ask Bai Xianglan to go out for dinner. At this moment, Kong Yunze suddenly walked over.

When he reached Qin Lie's side, Kong Yunze deliberately stopped.

"To tell you the truth, the old man was killed by me, but you will never find any evidence in your life, and no one will ever know the truth of this matter."

Kong Yunze smiled and whispered in a voice that only Qin Lie could hear.

Hearing this, Qin Lie's expression suddenly changed.

He had no idea that Kong Yunze would dare to admit all this in front of him.

This person is really arrogant and lawless!

"Don't look at me like this, that old man had promised to marry Bai Xianglan to me, but he regretted it. He was clearly playing with me, so he should be damned! It's just a pity that I can't expose it, or I will He must have his head cut off and kicked."

Kong Yunze continued.

There is also a cruel bloodthirsty smile on his face, which makes him look like a ghost in hell, which is chilling.

"Kong Yunze, are you still human, you're just as good as a pig and a dog!"

Qin Lie glared at Kong Yunze and roared.

He couldn't imagine how a person could be so maddened and dehumanized to be so vicious to an old man who treats him like a grandfather!

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