"This Kong Yunze looks very well-dressed, but he didn't expect to be a gentle scum with a face and a beast heart. Such a person should really be slashed by a thousand swords!"

After listening to what Qin Lie said, Chen Jinhu, who had a hot temper, started scolding directly.

What he hates most is the kind of hypocritical two-faced person.

"Brother Lie, since this Kong Yunze dares to tell you that he killed Mr. Kong, he is obviously not afraid of our investigation. I think we should use some special means?"

Qi Tianchang said after pondering for a while.

"What special means?"

Qin Lie asked immediately.

"Let's secretly inject some medicine into Mr. Kong's body, falsify the cause of Mr. Kong's death, and then hide those medicines in Kong Yunze's house. In this way, wouldn't the fact that he killed Mr. Kong be iron-clad?"

Qi Tianchang said with a sinister look.

"You think things are too simple, Kong Yunze is very thoughtful, and the city is very deep. It is not easy to frame him and frame him. If it is not good, we might have to steal chickens instead of losing rice, and Kong Yunze will turn against him. Army."

"Besides, doing this is tantamount to insulting Mr. Kong's corpse. Even if it succeeds, I can't do it."

Qin Lie shook his head and rejected Qi Tianchang's proposal.

Kong Yunze is good at camouflage, and he does things step by step. Such a person is like a poisonous snake that hides in the dark and chooses someone to devour. If you want to deal with him, you must plan a foolproof strategy. .

"If I didn't do this, I probably wouldn't even think about convicting Kong Yunze for the rest of my life."

Qi Tianchang sighed.

"Brother lie, otherwise let's not bother. I will kill this guy directly and use his head to pay homage to Mr. Kong."

Chen Jinhu revealed his murderous intent.

From his point of view, this is the most direct and effective means, and no conspiracy can stop him.

"You must not do that. The Kong family is one of the eight super families. Although they are the most low-key, their strength is unimaginable. Once Kong Yunze dies, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Qin Lie quickly stopped Chen Jinhu from the road.

The Kong family was definitely a super family that neither Chu Mingchen nor Murong Huanyu dared to offend easily. Qin Lie would never kill Kong Yunze unless he had to, because even he could not bear the consequences.

"Don't worry, if the Kong family finds out about me, I promise not to betray you."

Chen Jinhu solemnly replied.

"It's not a question of whether you betray me or not. If Kong Yunze really dies, all those who are related to his death will have to be buried with him. I don't want to be alone."

Qin Lie shook his head.

The eight super families are completely above all the families in China. They are detached from the outside world. They are like masters, looking down on all living beings.

And Kong Yunze is the direct son of the Kong family, and is even regarded as the pride of the Kong family. If he dies, the whole of China will definitely cause an earth-shattering earthquake, and blood will flow into rivers by then!

This is the same as the ancient prince was murdered, and the murderer would be killed by the nine clans.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, so what should we do? We can't just watch him show off his power in front of us."

Chen Jinhu frowned.

"Follow the previous plan. You go to investigate Kong Yunze first. The more detailed the investigation, the better. I don't believe he can't expose his true colors."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

He is very clear that dealing with people like Kong Yunze can only be outsmarted, and any reckless actions will only bring them trouble.

"OK then."

Chen Jinhu and the others did not delay any longer and acted quickly, while Qin Lie returned to the hospital again, hoping to find some clues from the nurses.

"Why didn't you tell me about this yesterday!"

Qin Lie didn't have much hope at first, but when he chatted with the nurse Zhao Yufen again, he suddenly got another very important information.

That is, Kong Yunze gave her a bowl of Cordyceps porridge after she came that night. Zhao Yufen suddenly felt sleepy after eating the porridge, and slept directly until four or five in the morning.

"Because Master Kong often gives me food for me, it's a very common little thing, so I didn't tell you."

Zhao Yufen replied embarrassingly.

"Can I still find yesterday's porridge bowl?"

Qin Lie asked quickly.

"I can't find it anymore. Every day at nine o'clock in the morning, the garbage from our hospital will be transported to the garbage station."

Zhao Yufen replied.

Hearing this, Qin Lie quickly came to the security department of the hospital and checked the surveillance video of the hospital last night.

As he expected, Kong Yunze did not go home after leaving the ward last night, but waited outside for almost half an hour and came to Kong Liansheng's ward for the second time.

This time he stayed in the ward for three minutes before leaving.

Qin Lie can be sure that Kong Yunze killed Mr. Kong by some unknown method when he came for the second time.

At that time, Kong Yunze definitely added medicine to the bowl of porridge that the nurses ate. Otherwise, professional nurses like her could stay awake all night without sleeping, let alone sleep so deadly.

It's a pity that Zhao Yufen provided this news a bit late, otherwise, he might have taken the opportunity to nail Kong Yunze to death.

After a few more chats with Zhao Yufen, Qin Lie left the hospital.

When she was about to arrive at the hotel, Qin Lie received a call from Bai Xianglan, and she asked Qin Lie to go back to the funeral home, saying that she had something to ask him.

At the entrance of the funeral home, Qin Lie saw Bai Panlan who was waiting here in advance.

"Listen to my mother, you scolded my grandfather?"

Bai Xianglan looked at Qin Lie and asked lightly.

"It was Kong Yunze who slandered me. I didn't say those words at all."

Qin Lie immediately clarified.

"Don't be nervous, I trust you."

Bai Xianglan continued.

She has been with Qin Lie for several months, and she knows how Qin Lie is.

Although Qin Lie has some shortcomings, he is definitely a good young man who respects the old and loves the young, and it is absolutely impossible to say those disrespectful remarks to the elderly.

"Thank you pandan."

Hearing that Bai Xianglan believed in herself, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Bai Xianglan would also be blinded by Kong Yunze, so that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to wash it out.

"Qin Lie, although I still don't quite believe that Yunze will harm my grandfather, but I believe in you, I allow you to take my grandfather for an autopsy."

Bai Xianglan said again.

She thought about this decision for a whole day before making it with difficulty. If it wasn't for her trust in Qin Lie, she would never desecrate her grandfather's body.

"Great, I will find evidence to prove to you that your grandfather died of murder!"

Hearing Bai Xianglan's words, Qin Lie also felt a little excitement in his heart.

People can lie, but corpses can't. He believed that as long as the autopsy was carried out, the real cause of the death of the old man would be found, so that Kong Yunze would be brought to justice!

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