"Don't be too happy. I agree to the autopsy, but my parents and they certainly don't agree, so we have to sneak this matter."

Bai Panlan reminded Qin Lie with a solemn expression.

An autopsy meant destroying the old man's body, which was a big taboo in the Kong family. If it spread out, she would have to bear a reputation for being unfilial.

"Don't worry, I definitely won't let them know."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

"Then you can prepare now. After eleven o'clock, I will leave my parents and Lianxing. You will act again at that time, but before dawn, you must bring back my grandfather's body."

Bai Xianglan continued.


Time was running out, Qin Lie didn't dare to delay any longer, and acted immediately.

Because Qin Lie was unfamiliar with Taizhou, he could only call Murong Huanyu.

With the help of Murong Huanyu, he quickly got in touch with the two best forensic doctors and two medical experts in Taizhou.

At eleven o'clock, the three of Bai Mingjie were successfully taken away by Kong Lianxing, and Qin Lie took the opportunity to exchange the body of Mr. Kong with an empty coffin.

In the hospital, forensic doctors and medical experts jointly conducted an autopsy on Kong Liansheng. Qin Lie couldn't help much, so he could only wait outside.

After some intense work, at four in the morning, the autopsy was over.

"How about Officer Su, have you figured out the real cause of Grandpa Kong's death?"

Qin Lie asked impatiently.

"According to our inspection, Mr. Kong really died of acute respiratory failure, and there was no human factor or signs of being poisoned."

Surin replied.

"Impossible, didn't you check it out?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but question.

"Mr. Qin, the conclusion just now was reached by the four of us. If you don't believe it, you can find a third-party institution for a second autopsy."

Surin replied.

Hearing this, Qin Lie fell silent.

He knew very well that Su Lin and the others were very professional. Since they came to such a conclusion, even if he went to others, he probably wouldn't be able to find out why.

It's just that this result disappointed him too much.

His plan to expose Kong Yunze's hypocrisy with the autopsy report was aborted.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Qin Lie could only ask Su Lin and the others to sew up Mr. Kong's body and return to the funeral home.

However, what Ling Qin Lie did not expect was that the funeral home, which should have been empty, was now full of people.

The leader is Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi couple.

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie's heart skipped a beat, he knew it was going to be a bad thing.

Sure enough, Bai Mingjie stood in front of the ambulance carrying the corpse angrily.

"Qin Lie, get out of here!"

Bai Mingjie pointed at Qin Lie in the passenger seat, his angry expression seemed to want to swallow Qin Lie alive.

Qin Lie knew he couldn't escape, so he could only get out of the car.

"Where's my dad's body?"

Bai Mingjie asked with a cold expression.

"In the car."

Qin Lie hurriedly replied.

Hearing this, Bai Mingjie immediately had someone carry down the crystal coffin that contained the body of Mr. Kong.

After opening the coffin lid, Bai Mingjie personally inspected the old man's body.

When he found out that the old man's body had been dissected, there was a flash of frost on his face.

"Who gave you the right to dissect my father's body, what qualifications do you have to do this!"

Bai Mingjie's eyes are spitting fire, as if he and Qin Lie have an undeniable hatred.

"Bai Uncle, I don't think Mr. Kong's death was an accident, so I privately asked the forensic doctor to dissect Mr. Kong's body. I'm sorry, everything is my fault."

Qin Lie didn't defend, he could fully understand why Bai Mingjie was so angry.

"What about the test results, was my dad killed by someone?"

Bai Mingjie then asked.

"No, he died normally."

Qin Lie said.


Hearing this, Kong Xi no longer controlled his emotions and slapped Qin Lie in the face.

In fact, with Qin Lie's reaction speed, he was completely able to dodge, but he deliberately didn't dodge. He knew that Bai Mingjie and his wife needed to vent their anger now, and he just happened to be the perfect punching bag.

"You bastard, just spread rumors to slander Yun Ze, and even destroy my dad's body, so that he will have no peace after his death, why are you so inhuman!"

Kong Xi angrily rebuked.

"Aunt Kong, don't be angry, Qin Lie also wants to find out the cause of my grandfather's death, but he used the wrong method. Qin Lie, don't apologize to Aunt Kong quickly, don't do it in the future. Such a stupid thing."

Kong Yunze walked out of the crowd and said solemnly.

"Kong Yunze, you shouldn't pretend to be a good person here..."

"Golden Tiger!"

Chen Jinhu couldn't bear the disgusting expression on Kong Yunze's face, and was about to scold him, but Qin Lie interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Aunt, I was wrong, please forgive me."

Qin Lie then bowed to Kong Xi and apologized.

"Qin Lie, listen to me, I will never forgive you for what you did to my dad, and you are not allowed to contact Pandan in the future. As long as I am alive, I will not allow the two of you to be together! "

Kong Xi pointed at Qin Lie and shouted sharply.

The fact that her father's body was destroyed and left without a whole body really angered her completely.

Not to mention making Qin Lie her son-in-law, she didn't even want to see Qin Lie again.

"Okay, I won't contact Pandan again."

Qin Lie knew that Kong Xi was angry now, and in order not to anger her further, it was better for him to follow the other party's wishes.

"Get out of here immediately. From now on, if you dare to take another step into Taizhou, I will break your leg!"

Bai Mingjie was also filled with righteous indignation at this time, and he no longer had any good feelings for Qin Lie.

"Golden Tiger, Tianchang, let's go."

Qin Lie stopped making meaningless arguments, called Chen Jinhu and the two got up and left the funeral home.

"Aunt Kong, you put the grandfather's body first. I'll educate Qin Lie. He really went too far this time."

After talking to Kong Xi, Kong Yunze caught up with Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie, in fact, I already guessed that you would perform an autopsy on your grandfather's body, so I deliberately arranged so many people to greet you. How about it, did I make a good plan?"

Kong Yunze whispered to Qin Lie, with a smug look on his face.

Qin Lie glanced at Kong Yunze without saying a word, his eyes flickered with cold light.

He knew that he was planted in Kong Yunze's hands again this time.

"Hey, I know you definitely want to hit me. If you want to hit me, just do it. Don't hold back. Let everyone see how brave you Qin Lie is."

Kong Yunze smiled proudly, obviously deliberately angering Qin Lie.

Qin Lie clenched his fists. He really wanted to smash this dog to death, but he finally held back.

"You're amazing, I lost this time, but people are watching, and there are gods who raise their heads. Sooner or later, a sinister villain like you will be punished."

Qin Lie coldly replied to Kong Yunze and walked away.

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