"Young Master Han is really huge, why don't you have three more cups to enjoy?"

After Han Yixian finished drinking, Luo Xiaoxiao suggested with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao, please forgive me, I have other things to do tonight, or I will definitely give my life to accompany the gentleman."

Han Yixian replied with a wry smile.

He will have to discuss cooperation with a few business leaders later. This is also one of the assessments that his father Han Zhiyuan gave him, so he dare not delay.

"Hmph, not sincere."

Luo Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, pretending to be displeased, but did not persuade him to drink.

"Okay Xiaoxiao, don't make it difficult for Yixian."

Qin Lie smiled and rounded the ground.

"Qin Lie, how is Xiaoxiao's recovery recently? Will there be any scars on her face in the future?"

Han Yixian immediately changed the subject.

Su Xiaoxiao is the spokesperson of his newly opened jewelry store. After being disfigured by the acid splash, he originally wanted to go to Longcheng to see Su Xiaoxiao in person, but because he was too busy with work, he couldn't find time, so he only Send someone to go around Longcheng on his behalf.

"Don't worry, it should be back to normal in a few weeks."

Qin Lie replied.

The prescription given by Qiu Bai is very effective. After this period of treatment, Su Xiaoxiao's disfigured area has gradually recovered, and it is only a matter of time before it fully returns to normal.

"That's good."

After hearing the news, Han Yixian was completely relieved.

"By the way, it's New Year's Day soon. I want to hold a promotion. Buy jewelry and get fairy cream. See if you can help me prepare a batch of goods. The price is easy to say."

Han Yixian then asked.

Now fairy cream has long become a must-have beauty and beauty product for beauty-loving women. If he can use fairy cream as a gift when he engages in promotional activities, the event will definitely be very popular.

"This is no problem, but you have to contact the marketing department for the specific quantity. I'll say hello to you later."

Qin Lie is now a hands-off shopkeeper. He only knows how much fairy cream their factory can produce every day, and he doesn't dare to promise how much stock he can supply to Han Yixian.

"Then I will thank you in advance."

Han Yixian knew very well how tight the fairy cream was. Qin Lie was willing to supply him because the two were friends, and if someone else had money, they might not be able to buy it.

After all, the current fairy cream has always been in short supply, and you can't get the goods if you don't go through the back door.

"Qin Lie, are you interested in selling fairy cream abroad? My dad knows European distributors. With the quality of fairy cream, he should be able to easily win the high-end cosmetics market in Europe and America. Earning money abroad is no better than earning domestic money. more comfortable for the money.”

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly suggested.

"Let's talk about this when we increase our production capacity. For now, we should stabilize the domestic market first."

Qin Lie is of course willing to earn foreign exchange, but if the production capacity cannot be improved, everything is in vain.

"You can deploy overseas markets in advance, so that when your production capacity comes up, you can directly compete with other big international brands to grab the market without delaying domestic sales."

Luo Xiaoxiao continued.

"That's a good idea."

Qin Lie stroked his chin.

They will definitely enter foreign markets in the future, so planning ahead is undoubtedly the best choice.

"I can be the European general agent of your fairy cream, and I will pay for a series of expenses such as promotion and marketing, but I want 15% of the turnover as the agency fee. How about it, do you want to cooperate and win-win?"

Luo Xiaoxiao asked with a smile.

"The 15% turnover is a bit high, can you lower it?"

Qin Lie discussed with Luo Xiaoxiao.

"It seems that you don't understand the market in Europe. Let me tell you this. The high-end cosmetics market in Europe and the United States has long been divided up by the big international brands. If you want a new product to open the market in Europe, it is absolutely impossible to rely on good quality. You We must spend real money on promotion, and the promotion fee alone will cost at least tens of millions.”

"In addition to this, you have to deal with European government agencies, otherwise people will find an excuse to check you every now and then, and they will impose a ban on you, and your products will not be sold even if you want to sell them."

"And these government departments not only need to use money to manage, but also need to have relationships, otherwise you can't find a way to send money to others."

"So it's not high for me to ask for fifteen points. You eat meat and I drink soup. This is a win-win situation. Otherwise, why would I work for you for nothing?

Luo Xiaoxiao replied calmly.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately understood that he underestimated Luo Xiaoxiao.

This woman is not only a white and rich beauty, but also a good businessman.

However, considering that my father is an international trader and has been fascinated by him since he was a child, it is not surprising that he has these skills.

"Well, I'll discuss it with my partner and give you an answer tomorrow."

Qin Lie knew very well what Luo Xiaoxiao said was reasonable, but he still wanted to talk to Ye Yuqing before deciding whether to cooperate with Luo Xiaoxiao.

"No problem, I'm sure you'll make the right decision."

Luo Xiaoxiao herself is already a loyal fan of Fairy Cream, she knows how huge business opportunities this product contains, otherwise she would not take the initiative to cooperate with Qin Lie.

A few people chatted for a while, and Han Yixian's best friend Yang Shuo and Lu Changfeng also came over, while Luo Xiaoxiao left the reception hall after answering a phone call.

Because of Han Yixian's reasons, more and more people took the initiative to gather in their small circle, and many people even recognized Qin Lie and quickly got close to him.

However, Qin Lie is not the kind of fledgling boy. He didn't get carried away just because others complimented him a few times, and he always kept a certain distance from these people.

It's okay to chat, but I want to get something from him, sorry, no way!

At 9:10, Qin Lie got up and went to the toilet. After urinating, he was about to smoke a cigarette and be alone for a while when he suddenly received a call from Xu Manli.

"Hey, is there something wrong with Mr. Xu?"

Qin Lie asked after connecting the phone.

"Qin Lie, are you busy now, why don't you come to room 1603?"

Xu Manli replied.

"Mr. Xu, you can just say anything directly. I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for beauty."

Qin Lie replied righteously.

In his opinion, Xu Manli must have wanted to use her beauty plan to occupy her body by letting herself go to the hotel room at night. Not to mention that he had no idea about Xu Manli, even if he did, Qi Tianchang made it clear that he wanted to marry Xu Manli, so he naturally I won't do that cowardly thing with Xu Manli anymore, it's called brothers and wives not to be deceived!

"Young Master Qin, where do you want to go? I called you up because I was afraid that something would happen to Luo Xiaoxiao."

Xu Manli immediately clarified.

"Afraid of Luo Xiaoxiao's accident? What do you mean?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"I just happened to see Luo Xiaoxiao being helped by her friend and brought into a room opposite me, but judging from Luo Xiaoxiao's state, she should not be drunk, but drugged."

Xu Manli quickly replied.

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