"You said Luo Xiaoxiao was drugged? Is it true?"

After hearing Xu Manli's answer, Qin Lie's expression suddenly changed.

"I'm 80% sure that she was drugged, but I can't be 100% sure, so I called you and asked you to come and have a look. Don't cause trouble if something happens."

Xu Manli said solemnly.

"Okay, I'll go right there."

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly took the elevator to the sixteenth floor.

At this time, Xu Manli was already waiting for her at the elevator door.

"What about Xiaoxiao?"

Qin Lie asked immediately.

"At 1603, her friend had just taken another elevator down."

Xu Manli replied.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately came to the door of 1603. To his surprise, the door of this room was not closed.

Qin Lie pushed open the door and entered the house, and turned on the light.

This is a suite, the house is quiet.

Seeing that there was no one in the living room, Qin Lie came to the bedroom.

The bedroom was pitch-dark and couldn't see anything. Qin Lie touched the wall and turned on the light.

At the moment when the light came on, Qin Lie's eyes widened, and his eyeballs almost didn't pop out of his sockets.

I saw Luo Xiaoxiao lying on the bed in a large font, with her limbs tied to the four corners of the bed by ropes.

The most important thing is that Luo Xiaoxiao was completely naked at this time!

At a glance, she is still the white tiger's den of the top ten famous weapons!


Qin Lie swallowed a mouthful of water subconsciously, and an evil fire quickly rose in his lower abdomen.

But as a decent gentleman, Qin Lie certainly wouldn't do that kind of thing to take advantage of others' dangers.

He quickly pulled the quilt over Luo Xiaoxiao, and then checked her.

After confirming that Luo Xiaoxiao was just fascinated and fainted, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Qin Lie was about to untangle the rope on Luo Xiaoxiao's arm, a loud noise suddenly came from outside, and then he saw Cheng Hai, the general manager of the hotel, rushing in with a group of security guards.

"Bold madman who dares to bully Miss Luo, arrest me!"

Looking at Luo Xiaoxiao who was unconscious on the bed, and the clothes thrown on the ground at random, Cheng Hai thought Qin Lie was trying to defile Luo Xiaoxiao, and immediately ordered the security to grab Qin Lie.

"You misunderstood, I didn't do this."

Qin Lie immediately clarified.

Unfortunately, no one listened to him at all, and a group of security guards greeted him with rubber sticks.

Qin Lie didn't do anything bad, and of course he wouldn't be beaten while standing, so he immediately counterattacked.

These security guards are all young and strong, but facing a first-class expert like Qin Lie, they are still like chickens, and they all lie on the ground in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that Qin Lie was so powerful, Cheng Hai was also taken aback. He didn't dare to come forward, he retreated outside first, then took out his mobile phone and called the police.

"Xu Manli, you fuck me!"

In the bedroom, Qin Lie stared gloomily at Xu Manli and shouted.

Just a few minutes after he came in, the security came, this is obviously a bureau!

And the person who called him over was Xu Manli. He seriously suspected that Xu Manli deliberately set up a scheme to frame him!

"Young Master Qin, this has nothing to do with me. I really don't know what's going on."

Xu Manli defended somewhat at a loss, with deep doubts on her face as well.

Qin Lie stared at Xu Manli for dozens of seconds without blinking.

If the expression can be faked, then the eyes can't deceive people. From the confusion and panic in Xu Manli's eyes, he can basically be sure that this matter has nothing to do with Xu Manli.

Besides, he and Xu Manli have no grievances or enmity. Today is the first time the two have met, and Xu Manli has no reason to take such a long time to frame him.

Even so, Qin Lie's face was covered with a layer of frost.

He didn't know who wanted to kill him, but the other party's plan must not be malicious.

Once he is charged with wanting to sully Luo Xiaoxiao, he will not only lose his reputation, but Luo Xiaoxiao will also regard him as his mortal enemy.

And Luo Xiaoxiao's father, Luo Fuan, regarded her as a baby since he was a child. If he decides that Qin Lie wants to defile his daughter, Luo Fuan will madly retaliate against him, and the consequences will be even more serious.

But at this time, Qin Lie couldn't think of how to prove his innocence.

Glancing at the security guards on the ground, Qin Lie threw them all out first, and then said to Xu Manli, "Help Luo Xiaoxiao put on her clothes."

After a while, the police and other guests of the hotel are expected to come up soon. He didn't want others to see Luo Xiaoxiao's nakedness.

After all, for a girl, innocence is definitely the most important thing.

Especially a arrogant young lady like Luo Xiaoxiao, if her innocence is ruined, she is very likely to choose a dead end.

After instructing Xu Manli, Qin Lie closed the door and came to the living room.

After a while, footsteps were heard outside, and Han Zhiyuan came with someone.

"Mr. Han, you can count, this bastard actually wanted to sully Miss Luo Xiaoxiao just now!"

Cheng Hai immediately pointed at Qin Lie and shouted.

"What a big dog!"

Hearing this, Han Zhiyuan was instantly furious!

The Han family has always had a good relationship with the Luo family. For him, Luo Xiaoxiao is like half of his daughter. If Luo Xiaoxiao is insulted for attending their company's 30th anniversary celebration party, he probably won't face Luo Xiaoxiao in the future. Fu An.

"Dad, don't be angry, there must be a misunderstanding in this matter."

Han Yixian quickly comforted his father, then looked at Qin Lie and said, "Qin Lie, what the hell is going on?"

"Someone set up a bureau to deliberately bring me here, in order to deliberately accuse me of raping Luo Xiaoxiao."

Qin Lie replied with a gloomy expression.

"You stop shouting at the thief to catch the thief. We all saw it just now. Miss Luo was tied to the bed by you. You clearly want to plot something bad!"

Cheng Hai pointed at Qin Lie and cursed.

"Luo Xiaoxiao was already tied to the bed when we arrived just now. All this was done by her friend, and it has nothing to do with us."

Xu Manli, who had dressed Luo Xiaoxiao, came out and said.

"Xu Manli, why are you here?"

Han Zhiyuan frowned and asked, of course he was no stranger to Xu Manli.

"Mr. Han, this woman is with this kid."

Cheng Hai immediately interjected.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are not a group at all."

Xu Manli explained, then turned to look at Han Zhiyuan and said, "Mr. Han, Qin Lie and I are really innocent. Someone deliberately wanted to frame us."

"Dad, Qin Lie is my friend. I know his personality very well. He will never do such despicable things."

Han Yixian continued to speak for Qin Lie, no matter what others said, but he had no doubts about Qin Lie.

Hearing this, Han Zhiyuan frowned tightly.

He looked at Cheng Hai, and then at Qin Lie, but for a while he didn't know who to believe.

"No, no, no, someone is going to commit suicide by jumping off the building!"

However, at this moment, the mutation resurfaced!

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