The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 677 Jumping Into The Yellow River To Wash Away

"Who's going to commit suicide?"

Cheng Hai hurriedly asked.

"A girl who just went to the rooftop. She said that she was sorry that Luo Xiaoxiao wanted to commit suicide. Mr. Cheng, hurry up and persuade her."

The waiter who ran over shouted.

Hearing this, Cheng Hai hurriedly ran to the elevator, the others followed, and Qin Lie followed.

Soon, a group of people came to the roof, and saw a young girl standing on the edge of the roof, and there was a possibility of jumping off at any time.

And this girl is Luo Xiaoxiao's friend Yang Mengmeng.

"Beauty, don't do stupid things, we can discuss anything."

Cheng Hai persuaded immediately.

He didn't care about Yang Mengmeng's life or death, but he absolutely couldn't let Yang Mengmeng commit suicide by jumping off the building of their hotel, so as not to affect the business of their hotel.

"Don't come over, whoever dares to come over, I'll jump right now!"

Yang Mengmeng shouted at the crowd.

Hearing this, everyone quickly stopped and did not dare to approach her again.

"Beauty, look at you so young, why do you have to jump off the building if you can't think of anything?"

Cheng Hai then persuaded.

"Little girl, I'm Han Zhiyuan, the chairman of Zhongsheng Group. If you need any help, you can tell me, and I will definitely be able to help you solve it."

Han Zhiyuan continued.

"Think about your family. They finally pulled you up. If you died like this, they would be so sad."

"Come back quickly, it's too dangerous over there."

"You don't have to be afraid of dying. What's there to be afraid of? Come back quickly."

The people who followed have spoken out to persuade Yang Mengmeng, and no one wants to see such a beautiful girl die in front of them.

"It's too late. I killed my best friend Luo Xiaoxiao for money. My sin is unforgivable. I can only use my life to apologize to Xiaoxiao."

Yang Mengmeng shook her head and said with guilt.

"Beauty, Luo Xiaoxiao is okay, I stopped that bastard in time, he failed to violate Miss Xiaoxiao."

Cheng Hai quickly reminded Yang Mengmeng.

"Thank you for saving Xiaoxiao, but I have no face to continue living."

Yang Mengmeng smiled miserably, and a look of determination appeared on her face at the same time.

"Don't, even if you're wrong, you won't die. I believe Luo Xiaoxiao will definitely forgive you."

Cheng Hai persuaded patiently, for fear that Yang Mengmeng would jump from here.

But Yang Mengmeng had long been dead, and Cheng Hai's words were ignored by her, and she looked directly at Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie, I really regret taking your money to put medicine in Xiaoxiao's wine. If time can be reversed, I will never help you again!"

Yang Mengmeng said to Qin Lie.

"I'm going to Nima, when did I ask you to give Luo Xiaoxiao some medicine!"

Hearing Yang Mengmeng's slanderous words, Qin Lie's nose was crooked instantly.

You must know that he has never even seen Yang Mengmeng, but the other party is so bloody, thanks to Qin Lie's lack of heart disease, otherwise he would have died instantly.

"If you don't admit it, forget it, but I can't bear the condemnation of my conscience anymore, I'm sorry Xiaoxiao, I'm damn, today I apologize with death, but don't try to escape the law, I'll go first, I'll be waiting for you in hell ."

After saying this, under the watchful eyes of the public, Yang Mengmeng jumped and really jumped off the building!


In an instant, there were screams.

"Grass! Why the fuck do you have to commit suicide in our hotel!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hai couldn't help swearing a swear word.

For the hotel industry, the most taboo is the dead. Now that Yang Mengmeng committed suicide by jumping off the building in their hotel, the business of their hotel in the next month or even half a year will be greatly affected.

Qin Lie didn't speak, but his face was ashen.

He couldn't figure out why Yang Mengmeng slandered him so much, even at the expense of his own life.

The most important thing is that with her death, Qin Lie really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

"Qin Lie, what the hell is going on?"

Han Yixian walked over to Qin Lie with a heavy face and asked.

He originally believed that Qin Lie would not do such despicable things, but Yang Mengmeng did not hesitate to commit suicide to apologize, which made his belief a little shaken.

"How the fuck did I know!"

Qin Lie was upset at this time, and his tone of voice became very aggressive.

"You are the murderer!"

"You can't get rid of that girl's death!"

"It looks like a human being, but I didn't expect you to be a beast in human skin! Bah!"

"Everyone stay away from him, be careful he jumps over the wall."

Many people who witnessed Yang Mengmeng jumping off the building directly pointed at Qin Lie and scolded him, one of them was uglier than the other.

Qin Lie did not refute, he knew that no one would believe anything at this time.

Ignoring everyone's pointing, Qin Lie took the elevator to the downstairs of the hotel.

Because the rooftop of Atlantis Hotel is more than 200 meters from the ground, Yang Mengmeng, who jumped from it, has fallen into a pool of mud, blood and corpses are everywhere, and the picture looks extremely bloody!

"Fuck, you're going to kill me even if you die."

Qin Lie had no sympathy for Yang Mengmeng's death, he just hated that he couldn't stop her at the time, and now he has become a murderer.

More and more people knew the news of someone jumping off the building, and they ran outside the hotel to check.

When they saw the appalling scene on the ground, many people couldn't stand it and vomited directly.

After a while, Chen Jinhu and Qi Tianchang also found Qin Lie.

"Brother lie, what's the matter? Why did someone say that you just wanted to confuse Luo Xiaoxiao?"

Chen Jinhu asked with a heavy face.

He was still drinking with Qi Tianchang when he suddenly heard that Qin Lie was stunned by Luo Xiaoxiao, and he almost didn't fight him.

"I'm being bullied."

Qin Lie's face was gloomy, and he briefly said what happened just now.

"Damn, this woman is too ruthless, even if she is dead, she will pull you back!"

Qi Tianchang didn't have a long time with Qin Lie, but he believed that Qin Lie was definitely wronged.

"Jin Hu, you immediately find out the details of this woman, the hotel manager and Xu Manli. You must find out who wants to harm me."

Qin Lie commanded with a gloomy expression.

He is now at a loss, and must find enough strong evidence to make his innocence.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Lucheng is Chen Jinhu's home base, and it is not difficult for him to check the details of these people.

Time was running out, and Chen Jinhu left the hotel with Qi Tianchang.

But Qin Lie didn't leave.

Because if he left now, it would be tantamount to absconding in fear of crime, and he would not be able to tell in the future.

Ten minutes later, the police arrived at the scene.

According to the testimony of the hotel manager and others, Qin Lie was not unexpectedly detained with a hat of attempted rape, and Xu Manli, as an accomplice, was also temporarily arrested.

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