After arriving at the police station, the police facilitated the interrogation of Qin Lie.

Although the various testimonies are quite unfavorable to Qin Lie, he has done nothing, and naturally he will not admit his guilt, but repeatedly reiterate that he was framed by others.

After the interrogation, Qin Lie was temporarily detained as a criminal suspect.

Qin Lie didn't know when he would be acquitted, but as soon as he came, he was at peace. He found an empty bed and fell asleep.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Qin Lie, who had nothing to do, was still sleeping when the door of the detention room suddenly opened.

"Qin Lie, get up, you can go out."

The police who opened the door shouted at Qin Lie.

"Comrade police, you're not kidding me, are you?"

Qin Lie turned over and got up from the bed to ask. He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Whoever has time to joke with you, get up quickly."

The policeman urged impatiently.

After pinching his thigh and making sure it wasn't a dream, Qin Lie put on his shoes and followed the police to the case handling hall, where he happened to meet the police officer Chu Yanzheng who had arrested him yesterday.

"Officer Chu, have you found out who framed me?"

Qin Lie asked quickly.

"It's not very clear for the time being, but according to the clues we have so far, it's very likely that this is a play written and acted by Yang Mengmeng."

Chu Yanzheng replied.

"A play that she wrote and acted? It's impossible, isn't it possible for her to even take her life to act?"

Qin Lie frowned and questioned.

"Yang Mengmeng suffers from leukemia, and even if she doesn't commit suicide, she will have at most two months to live. And just now Luo Xiaoxiao came to prove it in person, Yang Mengmeng has always been jealous of her good background and wants to destroy her, that's why she It's not that you want to violate her by drugging her wine, and it's still a mystery why Yang Mengmeng framed you."

Chu Yanzheng replied.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't ask any more questions.

After completing the relevant procedures, Qin Lie was acquitted.

"Brother Lie!"

Seeing Qin Lie come out, Chen Jinhu, who had been waiting at the door, hurried up to greet him.

"Brother lie, are you okay?"

Chen Jinhu asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

Qin Lie shook his head and said.

"Young Master Qin, please believe me, what happened yesterday really has nothing to do with me."

Xu Manli, who was released one step before Qin Lie, said apologetically.

"Well, I believe it has nothing to do with you."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

Xu Manli was arrested with her last night. If she really participated in the framing of herself, there was absolutely no need to include herself.

"Where's Luo Xiaoxiao?"

Qin Lie asked after sweeping around.

"She went to the bathroom and should be out soon."

Han Yixian, who came to pick up Qin Lie together, replied immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Xiaoxiao walked out of the police station.

"Xiaoxiao, thank you for helping me testify."

Qin Lie hurriedly stepped forward and thanked Luo Xiaoxiao.

He knew very well that if the victim, Luo Xiaoxiao, hadn't come forward to testify, he wouldn't have thought of recovering his innocence so quickly.

"No thanks, I just did what I was supposed to do, but I really can't figure out why Mengmeng wanted to hurt me. I'm her best friend."

Luo Xiaoxiao said with a heavy face.

After waking up from the coma, Han Yixian and the others told her that Qin Lie was arrested on suspicion of attempted rape and that Yang Mengmeng even slandered Qin Lie with her death.

Luo Xiaoxiao's first reaction was that she didn't believe it.

She didn't believe that her best friends and sisters would give her medicine, and she didn't believe that Qin Lie, whom she liked a lot, would be the kind of beast who tried to smear her clothes.

That's why she came to the police for the first time to clarify.

"Didn't you say that Yang Mengmeng was jealous of you and wanted to destroy you?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"That was made up by me, in order to save you first. In fact, I have always had a very good relationship with Mengmeng. Just like a sister, it is absolutely impossible for her to harm me."

Luo Xiaoxiao explained.

"Then it's strange. She is a good sister to you, and she has no grievances or hatred against me, but she gave you medicine to frame me, which is so unreasonable."

Qin Lie murmured in a low voice, and re-organized what happened yesterday in his mind, but still couldn't figure out the relationship.

"Jin Hu, how did you check the things I asked you to check?"

Qin Lie raised his head and asked Chen Jinhu.

"The investigation is almost done. Yang Mengmeng's family conditions are average. She and Miss Luo met when they were volunteers, and they have a very good relationship."

"About half a month ago, Yang Mengmeng was unwell and went to the hospital. It was found to be leukemia, radiotherapy and chemotherapy plus bone marrow transplantation. The whole treatment process cost 1.5 million, which is not something her family can afford. Yes, she should have given up the treatment directly."

"But ten days ago, Yang Mengmeng suddenly got a huge sum of money from nowhere, and bought a house with a market value of more than one million yuan for her parents with cash. She told her parents that She won the lottery, but according to my investigation, she is not among the people who won the lottery in Lucheng in the last six months."

"This information is enough to determine that Yang Mengmeng was bribed, so she framed Miss Luo and you."

"I also checked the general manager of the hotel, and his background is still quite clean. He appeared in time yesterday because he received a report call, but I didn't find out who was calling, but basically he can be removed from this place. It's ruled out."

"As for President Xu, I also checked, she has no reason to frame you."

Chen Jinhu quickly explained the information he found to Qin Lie.

"Strange, really strange."

Qin Lie's brows were furrowed, and there were words in his mouth.

"What's so strange? Did you find anything again?"

Luo Xiaoxiao asked immediately.

"Look, Yang Mengmeng bought the house ten days ago, which means that someone planned this game at least ten days ago, but how did he know that I would definitely come to the reception? If I don't come, he Didn't the plan go to waste? Isn't that weird?"

Qin Lie quickly stated the doubts he found.

You must know that the reason why he returned to Lucheng was entirely because he learned that Chen Xiaoyu was pregnant, otherwise he would not even know where he would be next.

But someone planned everything ten days ago, unless the other party can predict, but this is obviously unrealistic.

"Who knows, maybe they just decided that you would come."

Yang Mengmeng couldn't understand this, but there were too many things she couldn't understand in the whole case, and she didn't think it was so strange.

"By the way. Who brought Yang Mengmeng to the reception yesterday? Is that you?"

Qin Lie looked at Luo Xiaoxiao and asked a key question again.

You must know that the guests invited to the celebration reception of the Zhongsheng Group are all well-known celebrities. Normally, as Yang Mengmeng, they are not eligible to participate.

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