The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 683 Earn At Least One Billion A Year

"I want Sister Tong to help me sell our company's adult health medicine Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc."

Qin Lie got straight to the point.

"Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc? The name is a bit interesting, but I don't know how it works?"

Li Tong asked curiously.

"Shenlongdan is several times stronger than Viagra, but its biggest selling point is that it has no side effects and can promote the secondary development of the human body. It is definitely the magic medicine that countless men dream of."

"As for Sauvignon Blanc, it is specially designed for women. If you eat it, even if you are cold, you will become a grinning goblin."

Qin Lie briefly introduced.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Li Tong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Did you bring the finished product? Let me see it."

Li Tong said immediately.

"I didn't bring the finished product. I can bring some tomorrow."

Qin Lie originally planned to make these two pills after the reception last night, but he was caught by the police as a rapist, so that there is no finished medicine in his hand.

"OK then."

Hearing this, Li Tong was slightly disappointed.

But she soon returned to normal.

"Although I haven't been able to see the real thing, I believe that Young Master Qin will not lie to me. I don't know how you plan to cooperate?"

Li Tong turned around.

"I hope Sister Tong can cancel the cooperation with Pfizer and only sell our company's health care medicines."

Qin Lie replied.

"Qin Shao, do you know how much profit Pfizer's Viagra can bring to our company in a year?"

The corner of Li Tong's mouth twitched.

"do not know."

Qin Lie shook his head and said.

Li Tong's company is not a listed company, and these information are not disclosed as commercial secrets, so Qin Lie really doesn't know.

"In addition to Japan, South Korea and the entire Southeast Asian market, Viagra can bring us a net profit of 300 million yuan a year, which almost accounts for one-third of our company's total profit. You can let us give up 300 million yuan in one sentence. profit, do you think this is possible?"

Li Tong asked with a smile.

Three hundred million is not revenue, but net profit, which is a figure that many domestic listed companies cannot match.

"Yangyang Huaxia plus Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, such a large market only makes 300 million profits. What is the difference between you and Bai working for others?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

You know, Viagra is a hugely profitable product, with a gross profit margin of at least 80%. In China, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia combined, it is no problem to sell Viagra at least a few billion a year. As a result, Li Tong and the others only made three 100 million, which is really pitiful in Qin Lie's view.

"To tell you the truth, we are indeed working for Pfizer. Seventy percent of the annual sales profit must be handed over to Pfizer, and the remaining thirty percent is ours, but if we don't do it , it is impossible to become Pfizer's largest agent in Asia."

Li Tong said without hesitation.

Although it didn't make a lot of money, she was still very satisfied. After all, it was just a consignment sale. The profit of 300 million yuan a year was considered quite good for her. How many companies secretly envied them.

"Sister Tong, if you are willing to give up the cooperation with Pfizer and become our exclusive agent, I guarantee that your profit will be at least one billion a year!"

Qin Lie spoke again.

"real or fake?"

Li Tong asked in disbelief.

To know that one billion is higher than their company's total annual profit.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Qin Lie asked back with a smile.

Although Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc have not yet been listed, he has absolute confidence that Shenlongdan will become a super hot product that surpasses Viagra. By then, earning a billion will not be the same as playing.

"Master Qin, let me tell you this, the white man who just left is the representative of Pfizer. We were discussing the renewal of the contract next year. Pfizer has agreed to give another 20% of the profit."

"In this way, we should be able to earn 500 million every year by selling Viagra, but I haven't even seen your product now. I really dare not let me give up the cooperation with Pfizer Group like this."

"It's not good to say it. If you deliberately trick me, or just gave me a bad check, then I won't have a place to cry."

One billion profit is very tempting, and Li Tong is completely irresistible, but the risks behind it are too great.

If Qin Lie's products don't sell, and they lose Viagra, a cash cow, they will definitely lose a lot.

"Well, when I bring a sample to you tomorrow, you will know how promising our products are in the market."

Qin Lie fully understands Li Tong's concerns, but he wouldn't throw away 100% of the 500 million he had for no reason to make an ethereal billion.

"Okay, let's talk again tomorrow."

Li Tong has this intention, and agrees very readily.

After saying goodbye to Li Tong, Qin Lie went to Luo Xiaoxiao and signed an agency agreement with her.

In the future, Luo Xiaoxiao will become the general agent of Fairy Cream in Europe and America, and 15% of the turnover will be counted as her agency fee.

He had already obtained Ye Yuqing's consent for this matter.

According to Ye Yuqing, it is not easy to enter the European and American markets. It takes a lot of human and financial resources to establish a sound marketing network, not to mention getting approval procedures from many government departments. .

Since the Luo family has channels in this regard, it is undoubtedly the best result for the two parties to join forces to achieve a win-win situation.

According to the agency agreement, Qin Lie needs to provide Luo Xiaoxiao with 1,000 bottles of fairy ointment every day, and Luo Xiaoxiao will divide these fairy ointments into 10,000 bottles of trial packs.

She plans to spend two months on promotion and pre-sale, so that when Qin Lie's production increases, the two sides can be seamlessly connected.

Qin Lie doesn't care about how Luo Xiaoxiao is going to do promotion. After all, Luo Xiaoxiao takes 15% of her turnover as an agency fee. She will definitely try her best to find a way to sell the product, otherwise she won't be able to get it at all. to the money.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon after leaving Luo Xiaoxiao's place. Qin Lie hurriedly went to the pharmacy to purchase all the medicinal materials he needed, and made Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc by himself.


Lucheng, Fragrance Bay Villa Area.

As the top wealthy area in Lucheng, the cheapest villa here is 40 million yuan, and the most expensive one is even 200 million to 300 million yuan.

And Han Jinghao bought a luxury villa here two years ago, but he rarely lives here.

At this moment, in the well-decorated villa by the sea, Han Jinghao had a gloomy face, and opposite him sat a man with a mustache.

"Master Han, to use a famous saying of your Huaxia, no poison is not a husband, you should make up your mind, and the entire Han family will be your brother's later."

The mustache man said slowly after spitting out a smoke ring.

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