The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 684: One Death And Twelve Wounds!

Han Jinghao raised his head and glanced at the mustache, his eyes were uncertain, obviously he still hadn't made a decision.

"Hey, I thought Young Master Han was someone who made a big deal, but I didn't expect you to be so indecisive. It seems that I think highly of you. If that's the case, then I won't bother."

After the moustache yin and yang said this, he got up and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, I'll work with you!"

Han Jinghao suddenly stopped the other party and expressed his attitude.

"That's right. I believe that with Shao Han's ability and our support, he will definitely become the new richest man in China in the future."

Moustache walked back to Han Jinghao again and complimented with a smile on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, talk about your specific plans."

Han Jinghao said with a cold expression.

In his heart, he did not want to cooperate with the other party, but he had no choice, and he would never allow himself to be a loser.

"no problem."

Moustache replied with a smile, and then began to talk about his plan.


After seven or eight hours of continuous work, Qin Lie finally succeeded in refining more than 100 Shenlong Pills and more than 200 Sauvignon Blanc at 2 am.

Although it sounds a lot, if he wants to achieve commercialization, it is definitely not enough to produce it by himself.

Fortunately, the entire production process is not complicated. As long as Ye Yuqing completes the acquisition of Tai'an Medicine, he can start to realize streamlined production.

After a busy night, Qin Lie was also tired, so he took a shower and went back to sleep.

In a daze, Qin Lie heard someone calling him, opened his eyes, and did not know when Ye Yuqing ran to his room.

"Sister Yuqing, why are you running to my house without sleeping at night, do you miss me?"

Qin Lie rubbed his eyes and joked.

"I miss you, something big happened, the cosmetics factory caught fire!"

Ye Yuqing shouted sharply.

Hearing this, Qin Lie was thrown a basin of ice water on his head and instantly woke up.

"When did this happen?"

Qin Lie asked immediately.

"Just ten minutes ago."

Ye Yuqing replied.

"How is it, is the situation serious?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"I don't know the specifics yet."

Ye Yuqing said.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't care about sleeping anymore, so he got dressed and drove to Haitang Village.

Forty minutes later, Qin Lie returned to Haitang Village.

At this point, the fire had been put out, but there were still thick smoke billowing out, and the fire trucks continued to spray water to prevent the ashes from rekindling.

"Mr. Ye, President Qin, you can count."

Seeing Qin Lie and the others, Liu Qihong, the head of the marketing department who was negotiating with the police, ran over immediately.

"Qihong, what about our losses? Are there any casualties?"

Qin Lie asked with a serious look.

"The loss is huge. The stored herbs in the warehouse are almost completely lost. Half of the production workshop has been burned down. The direct economic loss is at least 20 million. In terms of personnel, there are currently 1 dead and 12 wounded. The wounded have been sent to the hospital for treatment."

Liu Qihong replied quickly.

Qin Lie doesn't care if he loses 20 million directly, but when he heard that he was killed and 12 injured, his face turned cold as frost.

After all, if money is gone, you can make more money, but if people are gone, no amount of money can save them.

"Have you found out the cause of the fire?"

Qin Lie asked with a gloomy face.

You must know that their cosmetics factory was officially put into operation less than a month ago, but a big fire broke out and caused such a huge loss, which made Qin Lie also furious.

"I'm investigating."

Liu Qihong bent down and replied.

"Sister Yuqing, you are going to the hospital to pay for the medical expenses in advance. In addition, to stabilize the emotions of the injured family members, I will stay and deal with the fire."

Qin Lie said after hesitating for a while.

"it is good."

Ye Yuqing responded and drove to the hospital immediately, while Qin Lie maintained order at the scene and cooperated with the police to investigate the cause of the fire.

About twenty minutes after Ye Yuqing left, Chen Jinhu suddenly ran to Qin Lie's side.

"Brother lie, the cause of the fire has been found out. It was arson!"

Chen Jinhu said solemnly.


Hearing this, Qin Lie suddenly burst out with a monstrous killing intent. Liu Qihong, who was standing beside him, was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat, and he didn't dare to let out another breath.

"Who set the fire?"

Qin Lie asked with a murderous look on his face.

If the fire was an accident, then everything is easy to say, but if it was arson, no matter who it is, Qin Lie will make the other party pay with blood!

"The picture is too dark, I can't see his appearance clearly, and the other party ran away on an electric vehicle after setting the fire. The police are currently tracing his whereabouts."

Chen Jinhu replied.

"I don't care what method you use, you must find him for me before the police find him!"

Qin Lie said coldly.


Of course Chen Jinhu understood what Qin Lie meant, and immediately picked up the phone and contacted his younger brothers to track down the whereabouts of the arsonist.

After all the things on the factory side were settled, it was already dawn.

Qin Lie asked Liu Qihong to keep statistics on the loss, and he rushed to the hospital again.

Of the 12 people who were burned, except for two who were seriously injured, the others were all slightly injured, and there was no further death.

According to Qin Lie's understanding, the reason for such serious casualties this time is mainly because Ye Yuqing had workers work overtime to produce facial masks in order to meet the New Year's Day holiday in recent days. casualties.

But no one could have expected such a thing as arson, so Qin Lie naturally wouldn't blame her.

And these wounded were all villagers from Haitang Village. They were acquaintances with Qin Lie. In addition, Ye Yuqing made it clear that he would bear all the medical expenses and compensate him accordingly, so no one scolds Qin Lie.

When they learned that the fire in the factory was deliberately set on fire, the wounded and their families instantly became excited, and many people even threatened to kill the murderer.

Qin Lie reassured everyone and assured everyone that he would catch the real culprit with his own hands.

"Qin Lie, you've been tired all night. Go and rest for a while. It's enough for me alone."

Ye Yuqing came to Qin Lie's side and said distressedly.

"No, I'm not sleepy."

Qin Lie slept for an hour and a half last night, but now he is still full of anger and has no sleepiness at all.


At this moment, Ye Yuqing's cell phone rang suddenly.

She picked it up and saw that it was the call from Wang Xi, the manager of the public relations department.

"Hey, what happened again?"

Ye Yuqing asked after answering the phone.

"Mr. Ye, have you read the news? Someone on the Internet deliberately hacked our company."

Wang Xi replied.

"let me see."

Ye Yuqing had been communicating with her family just now, and did not look at her mobile phone. After hearing Wang Xi's words, she turned on her mobile phone and looked at it.

I really don't know if I don't see it, it's maddening to see.

At this time, it was only a few hours before the fire broke out, and there was a lot of negative news about their Qingqing beauty on the Internet. It was obvious that someone deliberately took the opportunity to make trouble.

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