Seeing that Ye Yuqing's face was wrong, Qin Lie also took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

Qin Lie's face also became very ugly when he read the news that was obviously deliberately discrediting them.

On Weibo, the topic about fairy cream is currently the number one trending search, and the initiator of this topic turned out to be Luo Hao!

Luo Hao posted an article about half an hour ago denouncing the fairy ointment, saying that their fairy ointment is not made of pure traditional Chinese medicine at all, but a chemical compound. Long-term use will cause serious damage to the human body, and there is even a risk of cancer.

In order to make his statement seem more convincing, Luo Hao also intercepted some news reports on the Internet about serious toxic and side effects after using the fairy cream.

But he is completely out of context!

Because these victims are using fake products, not real fairy cream at all, but Luo Laogou turned a deaf ear to this fact.

In addition, he also said that Qingqingjiaren Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has abused labor, forced processing, inadequate fire protection, and substandard hygiene, etc., and named their company as a black new enterprise!

"Falling into the hole, turning black and white, this dog thing really doesn't do human affairs!"

Qin Lie, who had read Luo Hao's article, was also livid with anger.

It was also thanks to Luo Hao not being by his side, otherwise he would have interrupted Luo Hao's dog legs.

"Hey, Mr. Ye, have you read the news?"

On the other end of the phone, Wang Xi's voice rang again.

"After reading it, has your public relations department taken action?"

Ye Yuqing replied coldly.

"We have already issued a document to clarify and contacted some media organizations, but Luo Hao is a Weibo celebrity with tens of millions of followers and has a huge influence. In addition, several celebrities have reposted his Weibo and water arms control. Comment, at present our public relations have little effect, so I called you to see if you can ask the little girl to forward our clarification announcement."

Wang Xi quickly replied.

After she discovered the negative news on the Internet, she immediately carried out public relations, but their public relations department was established for a short time. In addition, the online public opinion was fierce, and their efforts were like a stone falling into the sea. Can't afford any waves.

"Understood, I will contact Xiaoxiao. You can collect evidence now. I want to break Luo Hao's lies one by one."

Ye Yuqing told Wang Xi two more words and hung up the phone.

Then Ye Yuqing called Su Xiaoxiao, and at the same time mobilized their public relations department of Yuhai Group to join the public opinion war without gunpowder smoke.

For a while, the two sides launched a fierce fight on the Internet, which satisfied many people who are used to watching the show.

Luo Hao obviously knew that many of his remarks were untenable, so he began to hold Qin Lie and the others to force workers to work overtime and the tragedy of one death and 12 injuries in the fire caused by the failure of firefighting.

However, Ye Yuqing is not a vegetarian either. After collecting evidence from Wang Xi, he held a press conference directly. With all the evidence being made public, Luo Hao's lies were all self-defeating.

At the same time, Ye Yuqing also organized an exclusive interview with the wounded. All of them made it clear that they had not been forced to work and that the company's benefits were very good.

The police also released information in time to point out that the cause of the fire was not fire failure, but arson.

This time, Luo Hao got a hammer, and suddenly he became a trick-or-treating clown. Many melon eaters began to turn their guns and spray Luo Hao.

Qin Lie originally thought that Luo Hao would obediently hold his tail and be a human being, but who knew that this guy would jump out and say that the wounded had received hush money and were threatened so that they would not dare to tell the truth, and also insinuated that the police were doing it for some reason. Universal Power deliberately speaks for Qingqing Beauty Company.

I have to say, Luo Hao's ability to bring rhythm is really good, plus he does have a lot of stupid and bad die-hard fans, and soon the trend has become Qingqing Beauty's company eating human blood buns, and the official receipt Black money acts as their corporate umbrella.

Seeing that things were getting worse, Lucheng official media immediately came out and criticized Luo Hao's network as not being an outsider of the law, and also had to pay legal responsibility for his own words. It was not until this time that Luo Hao stopped, but there were still many navy soldiers who continued to distort the facts and maliciously smear them. Fairy Cream.

Qin Lie knew very well that Luo Hao was not alone in making such a big incident today.

After all, this Jingri dog is now like a lost dog. It is impossible for him to set off such a big storm of public opinion in just a few hours. There must be his enemies and even other competitors behind the scenes.

However, Qin Lie doesn't care anymore. He believes that these indiscriminate methods cannot destroy them at all. On the contrary, they will only make them more frustrated and brave, and their company will eventually rise!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lie, who had just finished eating, was about to go to see Li Tong with Shenlong Dan, when Xu Manli suddenly called and said that he had something for him.

Qin Lie waited at home for a while.

About half an hour later, Xu Manli came and directly handed Qin Lie a tablet.

When Qin Lie was wondering what this meant, Xu Manli immediately smiled and said, "Open it and see, I promise you will be very happy when you see what's inside."

Qin Lie opened the tablet out of curiosity. There was a folder on the desktop, and the folder was named after Luo Hao.

Qin Lie opened the folder and took a look, his eyes instantly widened.

He didn't expect that this turned out to be Luo Hao's various black materials!

Not only are there screenshots of Luo Hao's previous remarks, but also evidence that he squandered investors' money for his own pleasure and played with female fans to deceive her about getting an abortion.

But the most infuriating thing is that this dog knelt down to the Japanese, and even visited the Yasukuni toilet!

There are pictures and videos!

It's enough to make people see clearly the humble servility in his bones!

"Forgetting the ancestors, cheating, admiring the sun, cheating money and sex, this Luo Hao is really not as good as a dog!"

Qin Lie, who didn't have any good feelings for Luo Hao at first, was even more angry and cursed after reading these evidences that were enough to make people's views collapse.

"How about it, am I considered timely rain?"

Xu Manli smiled slightly.

"Mr. Xu, where did you get this information?"

Qin Lie suppressed the anger in his heart and asked curiously.

You know, those screenshots are easy to do, but he has never heard of Luo Taijun's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine. If there is no video to prove it, he doesn't believe that there is such a thing.

"Of course, I spent a lot of money to collect it. Don't forget that I am the one who eats this job. If I don't have something real in my hand, how can I talk to others about cooperation."

Xu Manli replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Lie instantly understood.

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