"Mr. Xu, you are giving me this now, are you trying to use my knife to kill Luo Hao?"

Qin Lie looked at Xu Manli and asked meaningfully.

He remembered that Luo Hao publicly scolded Xu Manli as a chicken about two years ago for unknown reasons. At that time, Luo Hao was gaining momentum. Even if Xu Manli started a media company, it was exposed on the Internet for nearly a week, until a certain A celebrity cheating scandal was suppressed.

Because of that, Qin Lie learned about Xu Manli, and Xu Manli has become more and more low-key since then, but the company has grown bigger and bigger.

"Luo Hao is a mad dog, whoever catches and bites whoever, I believe you, like me, should have long wanted to kill the people and eradicate this scum."

Xu Manli did not answer directly, but her implication was quite obvious.

"Mr. Xu is right, this kind of garbage should have been eradicated long ago."

Qin Lie replied in approval.

Although he didn't know why Xu Manli didn't do it himself, for him, there was no need for a Chinese scum like Luo Hao who didn't even recognize his ancestors, and he was very happy to be a cleaner.

"Then I'll go first, let's call if anything happens."

Xu Manli had achieved her goal, and soon said goodbye to Qin Lie.

After sending Xu Manli away, Qin Lie handed over the tablet to Su Xiaoxiao and asked her to use her account to post those videos and pictures on Weibo.

He wants to see how the tongue-tied Luo Laogou can cleanse himself this time!

After the video was posted, Qin Lie didn't stay at home much and was about to see Li Tong when Chen Jinhu called Qin Lie again.

"Brother lie, the person who set the fire last night has been found. You can't guess who it is."

After connecting the phone, Chen Jinhu said immediately.

"Don't cheat with me, who is it?"

Qin Lie urged impatiently.

"It's Qin Bowen's grandfather Zhao Shihai!"

Chen Jinhu hurriedly replied.

"It turned out to be this old thing!"

Qin Lie was also slightly surprised after learning the identity of the arsonist.

Of course he knew Zhao Shihai. He had met each other during the Chinese New Year this year, but he did not expect that an old farmer in Zhao Shihai would dare to set fire to his factory.

"Where is Zhao Shihai now?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"In his own home in Zhaojia Village, I am at his door now."

Chen Jinhu replied.

"Understood, I'll go right away."

After replying, Qin Lie and Qi Tianchang immediately drove to Zhaojiacun.

Zhaojia Village belongs to Yong'an Town, about 20 miles away from Haitang Village, but Qin Lie rushed there from the city and it took about half an hour.

"Brother lie, the old guy is still in the house."

Seeing Qin Lie coming, Chen Jinhu, who had been guarding Zhao Shihai's house, came over immediately.

Qin Lie hummed and followed Chen Jinhu into Zhao Shihai's house.

Zhao Shihai kept a group of chickens at home. When he saw someone coming in, the chickens fluttered their wings and ran to the corner.

Qin Lie didn't care about the chickens, and went straight to the upper room.

What Qin Lie didn't expect was that Zhao Shihai was sitting in the house drinking and drinking, and there were pork head meat, sauce beef, roast chicken and other meats on the table. head meal.

"Come on, sit down."

Zhao Shihai's expression was calm, as if he knew Qin Lie was back.

Right now Zhao Shihai is the turtle in the urn, and Qin Lie is not afraid that he will play some tricks, so he moved a chair and sat down.

"You came very slowly. I thought you would be able to come over in the morning."

Zhao Shihai took another sip of white wine and looked at Qin Lie.

"I'm not too late now."

Qin Lie replied coldly.

Although Zhao Shihai is Qin Bowen's grandfather, because Qin Lie has little contact with Qin Bowen's family, he and Zhao Shihai also don't have much communication, let alone friendship.

"I know you must hate me very much in your heart, but you ruined my daughter's house, and it is only right for me to avenge you."

Zhao Shihai said calmly.

"You still have the face to say what is right? Do you know that because of you, one died and 12 wounded last night, and the people you hurt are all innocent!"

Qin Lie asked angrily.

"Believe it or not, when I set fire to it, I just wanted to burn down your factory and make you lose some money. I didn't even think that people would be killed."

Zhao Shihai explained quickly, and at the same time, a look of shame appeared on his face.

"Don't tell me that nonsense, you set the fire, and now that someone is dead, you have to live for life!"

Qin Lie revealed his murderous intent.

Thanks to the fact that there weren't many people working overtime last night, if there were more, the casualties would be even more severe. Naturally, he would not let the culprit Zhao Shihai go.

"Don't worry, I still understand the principle of killing one's life to pay a debt and paying back money. Since I didn't run, it proves that I am ready to pay my life."

Zhao Shihai replied indifferently, then got up and opened the drawer of the cabinet next to him, and took out a paper bag from it.

When he tore open the paper package, Qin Lie realized that there were wads of cash inside, estimated at 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.

"There is a total of 200,000 yuan here. The money was given to me by a young man. The gasoline I used for the fire was also given by him. I guess that person is also your enemy. Otherwise, he will not find me and let me go to your factory to set fire. ."

"I know that nothing can make up for my fault now. Take the 200,000 cash and give it to the family of the person who was burned to death yesterday. Please say sorry to them for me, please."

After Zhao Shihai said this, he bowed deeply to Qin Lie, as if he was really repenting.

"Don't think I'll let you go by apologizing."

Qin Lie said with a cold expression.

He doesn't care whether Zhao Shihai is truly remorseful or not, he must repay the debt with blood!

"Don't worry, I didn't expect you to let me go. I'll put on some clothes and go with you. If you want to kill or cut it, do as you please."

Zhao Shihai replied calmly and entered the bedroom.

Qin Lie was waiting outside, three minutes passed quickly, but he still didn't see Zhao Shihai come out.

Qin Lie secretly thought something was wrong, and immediately rushed into the house.

I saw Zhao Shihai lying on the bed at this time, foaming out of his mouth, and there was an empty dichlorvos bottle by his hand!

Suicide by poison!

This was really beyond Qin Lie's expectations. .

Looking at Zhao Shihai, whose body was twitching uncontrollably, Qin Lie wanted to give treatment, but he gave up after pondering for a while.

One is because Zhao Shihai really deserves to die, and the other is because one hundred milliliters of dichlorvos is enough to kill him. He drank a bottle directly, and there is no cure for immortals.

beep, beep...

Before Qin Lie could figure out what to do next, a siren suddenly sounded outside, and the police arrived late again.

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