"I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, try one."

In order to prove that he did not lie, Li Tong picked up a Sauvignon Blanc and handed it to Xu Manli.

"Sister Tong, if you want to try the medicine, wait until I leave. Let's talk about the real business."

Qin Lie quickly interrupted Li Tong.

He was here to talk business, not to play with women, and he didn't want to wait to eat Xu Manli.

"OK then."

Li Tong understood what Qin Lie meant, and took the Sauvignon Blanc back.

"Sister Tong, you should already know the effect of Sauvignon Blanc. I wonder if you are willing to be our exclusive agent now?"

Qin Lie went straight to the topic.

"Of course I do. Based on the efficacy of this medicine, I dare to say that you can become the most loyal customer by taking it once, but I don't know how much you plan to pay for this agency fee?"

Li Tong replied immediately.

She was originally in this adult business, and she knew better than anyone the huge money and power represented by this medicine!

"Ten percent of sales."

Qin Lie replied without hesitation, this was what he had already thought about yesterday.

"Ten percent is too little, I want twenty percent."

Li Tong bargained.

"No, only ten percent."

Qin Lie replied firmly.

"Otherwise, let's take a step back. I want 15% of the sales from the head office."

Li Tong went on to say that this was her best psychological expectation.

"Sister Tong, my drug is facing a market of tens of billions of dollars. 10% is really a lot. If you don't agree, then I can only find someone else to discuss cooperation."

Qin Lie didn't make any concessions, because he knew very well that Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc were two cash cows, and whoever cooperated was to make money, so he had other options.

But Li Tong is different. If she doesn't cooperate with herself, she can't find a second substitute.

"Qin Lie, my sister has worked so hard to sell medicines for you. You have to let my sister earn some hard money. Fifteen percent is already a very low friendship price. Pfizer gave me 30% profit before. You can't be too rude."

Li Tong continued to discuss with Qin Lie.

In business and business, for her, as long as she can earn 1% of it, the price is just grinding her lips, so why not do it.

"Sister, you should be very clear that as long as my drug is on the market, Pfizer's Viagra will have to stand aside. When the market share shrinks, you will only make less money, but my drug is different, it is a cornucopia, Working with me, I guarantee you will make several times more profit than working with Pfizer."

"But if you really don't want to cooperate, Sister Tong, I'm not reluctant. We can't buy and sell benevolently. We will still be good friends in the future, and I can give you food for free."

Qin Lie replied indifferently, he was convinced that Li Tong would not dare to reject him.

"Forget it, sister, let's make Pfizer's money."

Li Tong replied with regret, as if he had given up his plan to cooperate with Qin Lie.

"Okay, then I won't bother you."

Qin Lie didn't say much, got up and walked towards the door.

The moment he was about to open the door, Li Tong's voice rang again.

"Okay, okay, sister admit defeat, just follow your plan."

Li Tong knows that what Qin Lie said is very reasonable, so he can't give up watermelon for sesame seeds.

"Hey, it's good to say this earlier."

Qin Lie turned around and replied with a smile, as if he had expected everything.

"Hmph, I don't have a conscience. I really don't recognize anyone when I put on my pants. I won't even give my sister five points of profit."

Li Tong snorted coldly.

"Sister Tong, it was clearly you who forced me just now, but I didn't tell you to give me another five points."

Qin Lie argued with reason.

Although the two just went to bed, but now they are talking about business, one yard is one yard, he naturally has to protect his own interests.

"Oh, I really lost my wife and lost my army. My sister has never done such a loss-making business in her life."

Li Tong said with a deliberate sigh.

"Obviously it's me who lost. I just lost hundreds of millions. I didn't ask you to pay for nutrition. You can be satisfied."

Qin Lie replied unconvinced.

"Bah, shameless."

Li Tong was someone who had come here, of course she understood what Qin Lie meant when he said that he lost hundreds of millions, and immediately spat at him.

"Two friends, if you don't quarrel first, I'll go to dinner first, I'm starving to death."

Xu Manli interrupted the two of them.

"Don't worry, let's go together later."

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Tong hurriedly negotiated with Qin Lie on the details of the contract.

In order to strive for the best interests, she and Qin Lie also agreed on reward and punishment terms.

According to the agreement, if she can achieve annual sales of 100 million, 1 billion, and 5 billion, she will receive a certain cash reward. On the contrary, if she cannot reach it, she needs to pay a fine.

Qin Lie has no opinion on this. After all, this incentive policy is more conducive to Li Tong's dedication to helping himself sell goods.

In order to prevent Qin Lie from changing his mind, Li Tong directly drew up the contract and signed a contract with Qin Lie.

As for Pfizer, she will naturally give up on renewing the contract.

As the so-called satiety, warmth, lust, and desire, Li Tong, who had tasted the sweetness after eating and drinking, couldn't help but think of Qin Lie's body, and directly asked Qin Lie to accompany her this evening. It was rejected by Qin Lie.

After all, Ye Yuqing and the others were all in Lucheng now, so he didn't dare to stay home all night.

Seeing that Qin Lie could not be kept, Li Tong could only restrain his thoughts, and made an appointment with Qin Lie to have an in-depth exchange with Qin Lie next time.

After returning home, Qin Lie told Ye Yuqing about his cooperation with Li Tong.

Ye Yuqing is still very satisfied with this result.

At the same time, she told Qin Lie that she had reached a preliminary acquisition agreement with Tai'an Pharmaceutical, and the two parties only needed another round of negotiation the day after tomorrow to fully acquire Tai'an Pharmaceutical.

After the acquisition is completed, personnel adjustments and equipment modifications are required for about a week, and then they can officially put the Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc into production.

Qin Lie believes that as long as these two drugs are on the market, they will definitely detonate the market again!

"By the way, the negative public opinion on our Qingqing beauty on the Internet has been suppressed, and Luo Hao's reputation is completely stinky."

Ye Yuqing said after turning around.

"Luo Laogou didn't think of a way to whiten himself?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"He started pretending to be dead after he just published a blog post saying that someone framed him. I guess he wanted to deal with it coldly. After all, the biggest weakness of people is forgetfulness. When the limelight passes, I guess he will continue to be in the game. Make money domestically.”

Ye Yuqing analyzed.

"Thinking beautifully, since he chose to recognize a thief as his father, let's be a dog for his Japanese father."

Qin Lie said with a sneer.

Since he has already made his move, he will never give Luo Hao another chance to turn around.

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