After that, Qin Lie personally called Wang Xi and asked her to do everything possible to make the matter of Luo Hao a jingrier as much as possible.

At the same time, Qin Lie also contacted Wang Congcong and asked him to help forward Su Xiaoxiao's Weibo.

As a top rich second-generation and top Internet celebrity, Wang Congcong's influence can be said to be greater than that of Su Xiaoxiao.

With his retweet and Qin Lie's help behind the scenes, Luo Hao's kneeling and licking the Japanese has completely detonated the whole network.

Luo Hao, who was often grandstanding on the Internet, aroused the disgust of many people, but because he is a big Internet celebrity and has great influence, many people do not want to offend him.

But at this time, after seeing these ironclad evidences that exposed his true face, many netizens did not remain silent any more, and they all released letters to denounce Luo Hao.

In just two days, Luo Hao completely fell from the altar and became notorious and notorious. He became a black and white double evil with the same name as Ma Rong back then. Many netizens even started to sign a joint letter, requesting that this forgetful person be completely banned. ancestral dog stuff.

Seeing that things were getting worse, Luo Hao, who was thinking of being cold-handed, didn't dare to pretend to be dead anymore. He quickly posted an apology video on the Internet, declaring that he was ignorant when he was young and did some things that hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. He will correct his mistakes in the future, and insisted that I am a Chinese and say that I have always been very patriotic.

It's a pity that his apology video just avoided the important points, and was just trying to excuse himself, especially about his visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.

At this moment, the official media finally called and criticized Luo Hao's various bad deeds, and clearly pointed out that this kind of bad deeds should not be allowed to continue to earn the hard-earned money of the Chinese people.

The current official media is just like the ancient imperial edict, which represents absolute authority. With the official media's characterization of Luo Hao's incident, he is completely cool.

First, Weibo permanently banned Luo Hao's account on the grounds of violating the community convention, and then the companies that Luo Hao cooperated with terminated their contracts one after another.

In order to protect himself, the TV station will deliberately give him a mosaic when the show that Luo Hao participates in is broadcast.

So far, Luo Hao, who kneels and licks the Japanese, has been banned from the entire network!

Even if this matter is downplayed in the future, he won't even think about continuing to make money in the country.

After learning the news, netizens applauded.

No one sympathized with Luo Hao.

In the eyes of everyone, Luo Hao is completely self-inflicted, and he deserves it!

No one likes a traitor who scolds his own motherland while making money in the country.

And fortunately, this was not a war time, otherwise he would have been directly pulled and shot.

Seeing that Luo Hao got the punishment he deserved, Qin Lie stopped paying attention to the jumping clown and devoted his time to the resumption of work in the cosmetics factory.

I have to say that this fire caused huge losses to their company. The loss of the medicinal materials in the warehouse alone cost more than 10 million yuan. In addition to the burned production equipment, the direct economic loss was as high as 23 million yuan!

Fortunately, Qin Lie bought the factory of Fu Leishi before, and it took only a few days to successfully complete the resumption of production of fairy cream.

Otherwise, it will take at least two or three weeks to purchase equipment to rebuild the production line, and their losses will only be greater.

This afternoon, Qin Lie, who had finished eating, was about to go to the company when he suddenly received a call from Han Yixian, so he drove to Yipin Cafe opposite Zhongsheng Group.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

Qin Lie asked directly after sitting down.

"I'm not going around in circles with you, can you lend me two billion?"

Han Yixian replied bluntly.

"Borrow two billion? You think I'm opening a bank!"

Hearing that Han Yixian opened his mouth was two billion, Rao was also shocked that Qin Lie was rich.

"I know it's a little awkward for me to borrow so much money from you at once, but this money is very important to me. If you have money, I hope you can help me. Of course, if you don't borrow it, I can also understand."

Han Yixian replied very solemnly.

"Can you tell me what you borrowed money for?"

Qin Lie asked curiously.

You must know that Han Yixian is the son of the richest man in Lucheng. He has always been good at money, but suddenly borrowed 2 billion. This is obviously a big deal.

"Chen Biao, our shareholder of Zhongsheng Group, is going to sell his shares to cash out. He currently holds 14% of the company's shares. I have discussed with him. These shares will be sold to me at a price of 8 billion."

"I've collected 6 billion now, but there is still a shortfall of 2 billion, so I thought of borrowing money."

Han Yixian replied without concealment.

"Yixian, it's good for you to let your father come to buy back shares. Why do you have to do it yourself?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"You should have seen the press conference I attended with my brother, right?"

Han Yixian answered the question.

"Look, that should be what your father meant, right?"

Qin Lie nodded and replied.

The day before yesterday morning, Zhongsheng Group suddenly released a press conference.

At the press conference, Han Yixian and Han Jinghao changed their previous hostile attitude and became very close and good brothers, and clarified that the two brothers had a dispute before because they were maliciously provoked. They have now resumed their previous relationship. In the future, we will work together to make Zhongsheng Group a leading domestic enterprise.

At that time, Qin Lie almost thought he had hallucinations when he saw the two brothers being inseparable, but after Ye Yuqing's reminder, he realized that this was just another capital game.

After all, Han Jinghao and Han Yixian are the sons of Han Zhiyuan. When Han Zhiyuan abdicates, the two brothers will definitely become the new helmsmen. If the two brothers do not get along, it will definitely affect the internal instability of the company. Dou, let alone development, in the end the huge Zhongsheng Group may fall apart.

That's why there was a press conference that day, in order to tell the public that the two brothers have a very good relationship.

"Well, you're right, my dad forced me to do it."

"I don't know who posted the video of me scolding my brother on the Internet, which directly caused the share price of our Zhongsheng Group to plummet by nearly 10 billion. In order to stabilize the stock price, my dad asked my brother and I to stage a blind date and love two brothers. drama."

"And my dad has warned the two of us that no matter how we fight, we have to be peaceful in public."

"As for the acquisition of shares, my dad actually knew about it. He deliberately didn't intervene, just to want our two brothers to have another contest."

"If I can get these shares, even if my dad chooses my brother as his successor, he won't even think about kicking me out of the company."

"But if my brother gets these shares, then my future fate is unknown."

Han Yixian didn't treat Qin Lie as an outsider and didn't hide anything from him at all.

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