"Your brother is several years older than you and has stronger connections than you. It's unfair to you to do this, isn't it?"

Qin Lie frowned and said.

He could fully understand the reason why Han Zhiyuan did this, but he still felt that Han Zhiyuan's move was a little ill-considered.

"What's fair and unfair. In my dad's words, there is no absolute fairness in shopping malls. When others deal with you, they won't be merciful to you because you are weak, but will only attack you more ruthlessly."

Han Yixian smiled lightly.

He completely agreed with his father's point of view, otherwise he would not have come to Qin Lie to borrow money.

"If I lend you money, will you be able to win the shares in Chen Biao's hands?"

Qin Lie pondered for a while and asked again.

"I'm 80% sure."

Han Yixian replied.

"Okay, then I'll lend you 2 billion, but we Qin brothers will settle the account. I don't lend you money in vain, and the interest will also be calculated."

Qin Lie replied.

Last time, he almost fell into Han Jinghao's hands. He didn't have any good feelings for this guy who likes to play tricks and tricks, so he was very happy to help Han Yixian.

"Do you think this is okay? After I take power, I will give you back a lot of the two billion, and I will give you five thousandths of our company's shares as interest."

Han Yixian discussed with Qin Lie.

"How much is five thousandths worth?"

Qin Lie asked.

"According to the current market value of our company of more than 80 billion, 5/1000 is probably worth more than 400 million."

Han Yixian replied.

"Okay, then do as you say."

Qin Lie was very satisfied with this interest before. After all, if he used a commercial loan from a bank, he would only earn more than 100 million interest a year for 2 billion. In this way, even if the Zhongsheng Group's share price plummeted by half, he would still make a profit.

"Thank you, I will never forget your kindness in my life!"

Seeing that Qin Lie was really willing to lend him money, Han Yixian couldn't help but feel a deep gratitude in his heart.

As the old saying goes, icing on the cake is easy, but it is difficult to deliver charcoal in the snow. Now he is almost at the full junction of his life. Qin Lie is willing to spare no effort to help him, which really makes him grateful.

"You don't need to say anything polite, as long as you don't fail to pay back the money."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not the kind of shameless person who doesn't pay back debts!"

Han Yixian replied in a sonorous voice.

"Don't be nervous, I definitely believe in your character, otherwise I wouldn't lend you the money."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

He and Han Yixian are also old acquaintances. Since he dares to lend Han Yixian money, he is not afraid that he will not pay it back.

Even so, to be on the safe side, Qin Lie asked Han Yixian to write an IOU for himself, and then transferred 2 billion to Han Yixian's account.

Before Qin Lie sold Da Vinci's paintings for more than 600 million US dollars, plus he killed Hong Hanyi from the black eat black, he got more than one billion from him, even though Qin Lie has been buying and buying recently, now he There are nearly two billion left in the account, which is enough for him to support and guarantee his expenses for a long time in the future.

What's more, the fairy cream has already opened up the market, and Shenlongdan is about to go on the market. It won't be long before he can really lie down and count the money.

In order to avoid night long dreams, after expressing his gratitude to Qin Lie again, Han Yixian left in a hurry, and he had to go to Chen Biao to collect his shares.

Qin Lie went to the cosmetics company in Haitang Village and took care of today's work.

In fact, Liu Qihong and the others can solve these tasks, but this was specially arranged for him by Ye Yuqing before he left, in order to train Qin Lie's work ability, so that Qin Lie can also be on his own in case of emergencies one day.

After a busy day, Qin Lie came home and was about to wash and sleep when Chen Xiaoyu suddenly walked out of her room.

"Why haven't you slept today?"

Qin Lie looked at Chen Xiaoyu in surprise and asked.

According to the work and rest schedule he set for Chen Xiaoyu, Chen Xiaoyu should go to bed at nine o'clock.

"Brother Qin, are you tired? Would you like me to give you a massage?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked with a charming smile.

If this happened before, she would definitely have entangled Qin Lie directly, but now that she is pregnant, her words and deeds will naturally not be as unrestrained as before.

"There is nothing to be diligent about, either a traitor or a thief, tell me, what can I ask of you?"

Qin Lie rolled her eyes at Chen Xiaoyu and said.

He knew Chen Xiaoyu too well, if it wasn't for something to do with him, he would never have such an attitude.

"Hey, Brother Qin is amazing. I have something to ask for your approval. Can you accompany me to Longcheng to watch Jacky Cheung's concert?"

Seeing that he was seen through, Chen Xiaoyu did not hesitate any more, and directly stated his purpose.

"There are too many people at the concert, so you don't need to join in the fun as a pregnant woman, right?"

Qin Lie frowned.

He is also doing this for Chen Xiaoyu's good.

"It's only been over a month, and I'm not a big belly. As long as I'm careful, I'll be fine."

Chen Xiaoyu replied quickly.

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't speak, Chen Xiaoyu thought Qin Lie didn't agree, so she used her trump card: acting like a spoiled child.

"Brother Qin, I beg you, just accompany me. My biggest wish in my life is to be able to watch Jacky Cheung's concert. You will never fail me to fulfill even such a small wish. Bar."

Chen Xiaoyu took Qin Lie's arm and said.

When Jacky Cheung held a world tour last time, Chen Xiaoyu was still in school. Because of her limited family conditions, she was reluctant to spend hundreds or thousands of tickets to watch the concert.

Now that she is finally not short of money, she naturally wants to fulfill her little wish.

"When is his concert?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"Tomorrow at half past seven."

Chen Xiaoyu replied immediately.

"It starts tomorrow, can I still buy tickets?"

Qin Lie asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, Sister Yuqing has already bought the tickets."

After saying this, Chen Xiaoyu suddenly realized that she had missed the point, and quickly covered her mouth, but it was too late.

"Okay, I've learned to cut first and then play, I'm good at it."

Qin Lie glared at Chen Xiaoyu and said.

"Hee hee, Sister Yuqing said that you will definitely agree to my small request, so you bought the ticket in advance. Don't be angry, Brother Qin."

Chen Xiaoyu explained with a smile on her face.

"Forget it, go if you want."

Considering that this is not an excessive request, Qin Lie agreed.

"Yeah! I knew Brother Qin was the best."

After receiving Qin Lie's permission, Chen Xiaoyu immediately kissed Qin Lie's face happily, and the whole person began to dance.

"Okay, be quiet, don't forget that you are pregnant now."

Qin Lie quickly reminded Chen Xiaoyu.

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiaoyu quickly regained her ladylike appearance.

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