The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 696 The Battle Of The Chicken Farm

The man was wearing a mask and a baseball cap. Qin Lie couldn't see his face clearly, but he could still recognize him at a glance from his body shape. This guy was the young man named Monkey that he met at the Cantonese restaurant this afternoon.

Because this guy is too thin, he is skinny, and such people are quite rare now.

I saw that the monkey came to the little sister and said something to her, and then carried the drunk and dizzy little sister into the car.

"Pick up corpses?"

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie couldn't help frowning.

The so-called "picking up dead bodies" means taking a drunk, unconscious single girl away from the door of a bar or nightclub, and then having sex.

Like in the past two years, there were quite a few lechers who "picked up corpses" at the entrance of the bar, and there was even a dedicated "corpse-picking" exchange group. But it still happens.

Qin Lie is very clear that Luo Hao is not a good thing, and the young man who can eat with him and the man named Xu Dong are by no means a good bird.

This girl was picked up by monkeys today, and she was defiled, lost her innocence, or even imprisoned and become a slave.

Although this little sister may not love herself, as a man of justice, Qin Lie still feels that she can't die without help.

"Brother Qin, hurry up and drive, the light is green."

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't know what he was thinking, Chen Xiaoyu who was sitting in the back seat reminded him.

"Wait a moment."

Qin Lie was about to open the car door for a show of righteousness, when the taxi was already driving in the opposite direction to him.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoxiao, why don't you two take Sister Yuqing's car first, I have something to do"

Qin Lie said to Chen Xiaoyu and the two.

"What's the matter with you so late?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked in confusion, she hadn't noticed what was going on across the road just now.

"I'll explain it to you tomorrow, get out of the car quickly."

Qin Lie urged.

Although it was easy to subdue that monkey with his strength, Chen Xiaoyu was pregnant after all, so he had better go alone just in case.

"Oh fine."

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Chen Xiaoyu and the two got out of the car and waved to Ye Yuqing who was behind. Qin Lie turned the car and chased the taxi just now.

Because of the delay of one minute, the taxi had disappeared into Qin Lie, Qin Lie could only speed up.

Fortunately, this was a main road, and Qin Lie successfully caught up with the taxi after two minutes.

Qin Lie was about to step forward to stop the taxi, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

As the so-called catch the thief and take the stolen goods, if he stops the other party now, the other party will never admit that his intentions are wrong, so he still waits for the monkey to go to the place and prepare to invade the little sister before taking action, so as to ensure that he will be brought to justice. Law.

Following the taxi, Qin Lie soon came to a village on the outskirts of the city.

Then after about ten minutes, the taxi pulled into a chicken farm.

Qin Lie did not drive in, but parked the car on the side of the road and single-handedly arrived at the gate of the chicken farm.

Through the fence at the door, Qin Lie could clearly see that the big bald head was driving the car.

After the two opened the car door, they carried the unconscious girl into the house.

After confirming that no one else was in the yard, Qin Lie jumped and easily climbed over the not very high wall.

He was about to rescue the little sister when a low growl suddenly came from his ear.

Qin Lie took a closer look and found that there was actually a kennel next to the wall. A big wolf dog was staring at him with saliva, as if it was going to tear him to pieces.


The big wolf dog barked and suddenly rushed towards Qin Lie.

Qin Lie's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he slapped the big wolf dog's Tianling cover with a palm.

The big wolf dog was killed on the spot with a crisp click!

After dealing with the big wolf dog, Qin Lie walked straight to the house in front of him.

As the so-called art master is bold, he is not afraid of being discovered by the bald head.

After a while, Qin Lie came to the door of the house where Xu Dong entered. After seeing no one, Qin Lie continued to walk along the corridor.

Soon Qin Lie came to a place similar to a factory.

And here, in addition to the bald Xu Dong and Monkey, there are four other burly men.

At this moment, each of them was holding a shimmering machete in their hands, and they were staring at Qin Lie, obviously waiting for him here on purpose.

Qin Lie was not too surprised by this, after all, he followed Xu Dong all the way, and it would be difficult for the other party not to notice him.

"Who was I at that time, it turned out to be your kid. It's true that there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to hell to break in. Since you are here, don't even think about leaving today!"

Xu Dong stared at Qin Lie with killing intent.

When he was halfway, Xu Dong found that he was being followed, but he didn't know who was following him, so Quan Deng didn't know what to do, so he deliberately led Qin Lie here.

After confirming that the person following him is Qin Lie, he is not surprised but happy.

After all, he was defeated by Qin Lie in the morning and finally left in a daze. He had lost all face, but Qin Lie had thrown himself into the trap, and he could just be ashamed!

"You don't think you guys can kill me, do you?"

Qin Lie asked with a light smile.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Don't worry, I promise to let you die without a corpse, and hack him to death for me!"

Xu Dong sneered, and directly issued an order to his subordinates.

The next second, six people including Xu Dong slashed at Qin Lie at the same time.

Qin Lie has always despised the enemy strategically and attached great importance to the enemy tactically. Now he is facing six outlaws armed with knives at the same time, he naturally does not dare to be careless.

Fortunately, except for Xu Dong, who is considered a first-class expert, the other people's strength can only be said to be above average. Even if six people besiege Qin Lie at the same time, it is impossible to kill him.

But because he was unarmed, Qin Lie's strength was greatly limited, and he couldn't get rid of these people's siege for a while. Qin Lie couldn't help but miss the golden sword that Qiu Bai gave him.

It's a pity that he kept the knife in the villa and didn't bring it with him, otherwise he would kill these people like a chicken!

Xu Dong knew that Qin Lie's strength was terrifying, but he didn't realize until now that he still underestimated Qin Lie.

Seeing that he couldn't kill Qin Lie for a long time, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and in this rush, a flaw naturally appeared in the moves.

When a master makes a move, the victory or defeat is often between these thoughts. Taking this opportunity, Qin Lie punched Xu Dong in the chest.

Hearing a thud, Xu Dong was knocked out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth at the same time.

You must know that Xu Dong is the core of this group of people. He is the main attack and the support of others to besiege Qin Lie. Now that he was beaten out, the entire encirclement collapsed in an instant.

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