I saw Qin Lie's figure flashed and appeared in front of one of the thugs as if teleporting.

Before the other party could react, Qin Lie slammed another punch in his face.

At the moment when he was dizzy and lost the power to resist, Qin Lie grabbed the machete from his hand and slashed.


Blood splattered, and this person bleeds instantly on the spot!

The whole process sounds like a long time, but in fact it only takes a few seconds.

After killing one person, Qin Lie slashed at the other person with a machete.


The two machetes collided fiercely, but Qin Lie's strength was too great, the man's mouth cracked, and the machete flew out.

If the others hadn't reacted in time and slashed Qin Lie several times to block his attack, this person must have been dead!

But Qin Lie doesn't care anymore, because he is unstoppable with a machete in his hand, and it's just a matter of time to get rid of these people.


Xu Dong, who was blasted out by Qin Lie, rushed over again with his knife raised. At this time, he completely gave up his defense, and his swordsmanship opened up and closed, and he had a posture of burning jade with Qin Lie.

However, Qin Lie wouldn't trade his life for his life. He just blocked Xu Dong's attack with four or two skillful efforts. He would give Xu Dong a knife when he had the chance.

Anyway, in his eyes, the people here are already dead, and he can play with them slowly, just in time to exercise his swordsmanship.

After another collision, Xu Dong was kicked again by Qin Lie in the chest.

Xu Dong knew in his heart that they had already gone, and if they continued to fight recklessly, he would surely die.

Without any hesitation, Xu Dong smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away, and didn't care about the lives of his brothers at all.

Seeing that the eldest brother had all run away, the monkeys, who were already frightened, no longer had any fighting spirit, and immediately fell down and scattered, and ran in the direction of Xu Dong.

If they fought desperately against Qin Lie, they would have at least survived for a few more minutes, and maybe they would be able to help others get a chance to escape.

Qin Lie rushed out with one stride, killing one person with one knife.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the machete in his hand as a flying knife.

call out!

The tip of the knife pierced the chest of the other man directly, giving him a heart-warming feeling.

Seeing the tragic death of his companion in front of him, the other person was so frightened that he had a nervous breakdown.

Instead of running away, he knelt on the ground.

"Brother, don't kill me, please don't kill me."

In order to survive, the man even kowtowed to Qin Lie regardless of his dignity.

Adhering to the principle of eliminating evil, Qin Lie cut him down without showing any mercy.

However, before his knife touched this man, he heard a pop, and the man was so frightened that he became incontinent!

Smelling the disgusting stench, Qin Lie instantly lost the thought of doing it.

He turned the knife, slashed the man's neck with the back of the knife, knocked him unconscious, and then quickly chased Xu Dong and the monkey.

Soon, Qin Lie came to another room.

"Don't come here, or I'll kill her!"

At this time, the man named Monkey was holding the little sister hostage, and the knife was placed on her neck. With just a move of his finger, the little sister would kill the incense Xiaoyu.

Qin Lie glanced at the monkey and then swept around, but did not find Xu Dong, and did not know where this guy was hiding.

"You let her go, and I'll spare you not to die."

Qin Lie looked at the monkey and said lightly.

"Hmph, do you think I'll believe you?"

The monkey said while holding the girl back.

"I'll say it one last time, let her go, and I'll spare you not to die."

Qin Lie pressed hard.

At the same time, the sound like a death knell rang again in the monkey's ear.

The monkey was terrified, but he didn't listen to Qin Lie. Instead, he quickly ran to an iron gate, then opened it and rushed in.

In order to prevent the monkey from escaping, Qin Lie quickly chased after him.

However, after entering the door, Qin Lie suddenly realized that something was wrong, because it was too cold here.

Take a closer look, it turned out to be a cold storage!

Qin Lie was wondering why the monkey ran inside when the door of the cold storage suddenly slammed shut.

"not good!"

Qin Lie's heart suddenly felt something wrong.

He wanted to open the cold storage door, but it was too late.

"Hahahaha, you've been tricked!"

Looking at Qin Lie, who was trapped in the cold storage with him, the monkey uncharacteristically laughed uncontrollably, his eyes full of resentment.

"You're laughing, I can't get out, and you don't want to go out either."

Qin Lie said coldly.

"I didn't plan to go out. To tell you the truth, I have stomach cancer, and even if I go out, I can't live for a year. Now that I can drag you to the funeral, I'm worth it!"

The monkey replied proudly.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately understood why this guy looked like a piece of flesh and blood. He was definitely tortured by stomach cancer, so he was so thin that he became the ghost he is now.

Qin Lie didn't waste any more words with the monkey, and quickly searched the cold storage to see if he could find a way to open the door of the cold storage.

"Don't waste your time. This cold storage can only be opened from the outside. If people outside don't open the door, you can only wait here to die."

The monkey said with a grim smile, he naturally understood what Qin Lie was thinking.

Although he knew that the monkey should not lie, Qin Lie didn't give up and continued to scan the surroundings.

However, at this moment, Qin Lie found that the exhaust pipe above his head began to discharge cold air into the cold storage, which caused the temperature in the cold storage to drop sharply again. Even though Qin Lie was wearing thermal underwear, he couldn't help but hit one at this time. Chills.

"Brother, everyone is going to die anyway. Would you like to have a good time before you die? I can let you go first."

The monkey released the little sister who was holding him in his arms and said, the meaning is quite obvious.

"Don't worry, even if I die, I won't be a beast like you."

Qin Lie replied coldly.

"I don't know how to lift."

The monkey cursed, and reached out to pick up the little sister's clothes.

However, at this moment, Qin Lie stepped forward and kicked the monkey out.

Then Qin Lie took out his mobile phone and just wanted to call Chen Jinhu for help, only to find that the mobile phone had no signal at all, and he couldn't even make a call to the police.


Seeing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but curse.

"Hey, stop pretending to be a gentleman, hurry up and have a good time while it's hot, isn't he fragrant, or you won't be able to get in if you want to get in when this woman freezes."

The monkey said foul language with a ferocious face, and he was ready to meet death anyway.

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