The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 698 I Don't Wear Smelly Men's Clothes


Qin Lie roared angrily, and the murderous intent in his eyes scared the monkey back a few steps.

Seeing that the temperature in the cold storage was getting lower and lower, and he couldn't get out, Qin Lie became irritable.

Although he is not afraid of death, he still doesn't want to die, especially since he has not yet enjoyed this colorful world, he is even more reluctant to die so young.

But he knew in his heart that he couldn't solve the problem in a hurry. The only thing he could do now was to pray that Chen Xiaoyu and the others would find something wrong and come to rescue him as soon as possible.

And with his strength, it shouldn't be a problem to persist in the cold storage for one night, but the little sister in front of him is probably not so cold-resistant.

Especially since the other party is still in a coma, if she doesn't wake up quickly, she will freeze to death within two hours.

As he said, Qin Lie quickly helped the little sister up.

"Hey, wake up."

Qin Lie first tried to call Xiao Taimei, but she was so drunk that she didn't respond at all.

Qin Lie didn't waste any more time, and directly put his fingers into Xiao Taimei's mouth and pressed the base of her tongue.


The next second, the little sister immediately vomited wildly. The food was mixed with the taste of fermented wine, and it smelled sour.

But at this time Qin Lie didn't care to dislike her anymore, so he could only keep pressing the base of Xiao Taimei's tongue repeatedly to let her spit out as much wine in her stomach as possible.

Ten minutes later, the little sister seemed to have spit out all the contents in her stomach, leaving only the sound of retching.

Qin Lie then wiped his hands, and then massaged the Neiguan acupoint of the little sister.

Neiguan acupoint is also known as hangover point. Massage this place can dredge water and dampness, calm the mind, calm the mind, regulate qi and stomach, and has a very significant effect on hangover.

After massaging for about three minutes, Qin Lie lifted Xiao Taimei's top and massaged the Zhongwan acupoint on her abdomen.

This acupoint is the Ren meridian of the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body, and it also has a certain effect on relieving drunkenness and nausea.

The Zhongwan point is followed by Zusanli on the leg, and finally the Taichong and Zhongfeng points on the sole of the foot.

Although Xiao Taimei's dress is quite unconventional, but because of her youth, her skin is tender and white, especially the three-inch golden lotus, which competes with some white pandan, and will not make people feel disgusted during massage. .

Just when Qin Lie was about to massage the little sister again, the little sister suddenly opened her eyes.

Seeing Qin Lie rubbing her feet, the little sister, who had recovered a bit of sobriety, thought she had encountered some pervert with a special hobby, and kicked Qin Lie in the face.

"I wipe, why are you kicking me!"

Qin Lie asked angrily.

"Get out of the way. If you dare to approach me again, I'll...I'll...I'll hack you to death."

The little sister has a strong sense of self-protection. She grabbed the machete on the ground and aimed it at Qin Lie.

"Okay, put the knife down, I saved you just now!"

Qin Lie replied quickly.

"You think I don't know that you want to molest me, get out of my way!"

The little sister shouted again, not believing Qin Lie at all.

"It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, I don't know good people."

Hearing this, Qin Lie did not explain much, and took the initiative to keep a distance from her.

Seeing this, the little sister relaxed a little and struggled to stand up.

However, she hadn't completely woken up from the wine, and her head was still very dizzy. If she wasn't worried that Qin Lie was plotting against her, she would really like to have a good sleep.

"Where is this place and why is it so cold?"

After a while, the little sister asked Qin Lie.

"This is a cold storage, can it be called a cold storage if it is not cold?"

Qin Lie gave the little sister a blank look and said.

"Why am I here?"

The little sister then asked.

"You're drunk, that guy tied you here. I was trying to save you. I didn't expect to be tricked, and he was tricked into this place."

Qin Lie explained briefly.

Little Taimei frowned, trying her best to recall what happened before, but at that time she was already unconscious and couldn't remember what happened at all.

Then the little sister turned her eyes to the monkey again.

After a while, her brows furrowed even tighter.

"Aren't you the staff member on the blood donation car the day before yesterday?"

The little sister looked at the monkey and asked.

"That's right, it's big brother. Anyway, we are all dying. Would you like big brother to show you a good time? Wouldn't it be fun for us to be a desperate mandarin duck together?"

The monkey looked at the little sister with a wicked smile.

"Bah, shameless!"

The little sister immediately scolded the monkey angrily.

After seeing that the monkey is not a good person, the little sister is more vigilant.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The monkey laughed uncontrollably, and then took out a small packet of white powder from his pocket.

I saw him pinching a little with his fingers, and then inhaling directly into his nose.

After inhaling these things, the monkey's spirit became obviously hyperactive.

This made Qin Lie immediately judge that those white powders were definitely drugs!

"Beauty, come on, big brother is very strong, I promise to make you happy!"

Under the influence of drugs, the nature of monkeys is exposed.

"Don't touch me, or don't blame me for being rude."

The little sister threatened the monkey with a machete, but unfortunately, the threat of her little girl was really no deterrent at all.

The monkey grinned and kept approaching the little sister. When the little sister was nervous, she slashed directly at the monkey, but the monkey easily escaped, and then he knocked the knife out of the little sister's hand and turned towards her face. kiss on the past.

"Go away, don't touch me!"

Little Taimei struggled loudly, but she couldn't get rid of the monkey at all.

Just when the little sister was about to be taken advantage of by the monkey, Qin Lie shot.

He knocked the monkey to the ground with one punch, and then simply broke both of the monkey's legs.

But this was not the end, Qin Lie took off the down jacket and pants from the monkey again.

"You are wearing this dress, don't freeze to death."

Although the little sister didn't seem to believe in herself, Qin Lie still handed him the clothes she had ripped off from the monkey.

"I don't wear stinky men's clothes."

The little sister immediately rejected Qin Lie's kindness.

"Don't wear Laozi's clothes."

Qin Lie didn't get used to the little sister, and just put the down jacket and pants on himself.

Even so, Qin Lie still felt a little cold because the temperature in the cold storage was as low as minus 20 to 30 degrees, and the air vent was still not releasing cold air.

The monkey without clothes kept begging, hoping that Qin Lie would give him a dress to wear.

But Qin Lie's fate now is entirely thanks to him, and naturally he will not be merciful.

In just ten minutes, the monkey died on the spot due to severe hypothermia, and after another twenty minutes, his body was frozen into an ice sculpture.

As for the little sister, the situation was not much better at this time. Her lips were purple from the cold, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

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