"Put it on, or you'll be frozen into a popsicle in no time."

Qin Lie knew very well that Xiao Taimei's clothes could not withstand the cold of the cold room at all, so he finally took off the clothes he just plucked from the monkey and handed them to her.

This time, the little sister didn't refuse any more, and she quickly put it on after the clothes.

After adding a layer of clothes, the little sister, who originally felt that she was about to freeze, felt some warmth.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have treated you that way just now, please forgive me."

Feeling Qin Lie's kindness, the little sister quickly apologized to Qin Lie.

"Don't worry, I'm not that small."

Qin Lie replied nonchalantly.

He doesn't know the little sister, and it's normal for the other party to be vigilant toward him, and other women would probably have the same attitude.

Seeing that Qin Lie was not angry with herself, the little sister was slightly relieved.

But the thought of being trapped in the cold storage made her worried again.

"Do you think we will freeze to death here?"

The little sister asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, we'll be able to get out alive."

Qin Lie replied with certainty that his words were not only to encourage the little sister, but also to cheer himself up, otherwise they would only die faster once they were in chaos.

The little sister knew that Qin Lie was comforting herself, but the haze that enveloped her heart did not dissipate.

After scanning left and right, the little sister asked again: "Have you brought your mobile phone and see if you can get through to the police."

"It's useless, the phone has no signal."

Qin Lie was worried that the little sister would not believe it, and even took out his mobile phone.

But at this time, he discovered that because the temperature was too low, the phone had been automatically turned off, and it couldn't even be turned on.

After putting the phone that turned into a brick back into his pocket, Qin Lie thought about a way to save himself.

But after racking his brains, he didn't think there was any way to get him out of here.

Unwilling to sit still, Qin Lie went to the innermost part of the cold storage to take a look. There were large cardboard boxes filled with slaughtered frozen chickens.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie waved at the little sister.

"Come here, I'll take these boxes out later, and you dump all the chickens in them."

Qin Lie instructed the little sister.

"Why do you do this?"

The little sister asked in confusion.

"You'll find out later."

Qin Lie didn't explain much, and took the little sister to act immediately.

Boxes of frozen chickens were dumped on the ground, and the cardboard boxes were piled aside by Qin Lie.

When the two were working together, the little sister suddenly let out an "ah" scream.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"Head, there is a head!"

The little sister Hua Rong paled and pointed to the road ahead.

Qin Lie walked over and picked up the cardboard box. Sure enough, he found a human head under the cardboard box!

From the looks of it, it should be a girl.

In addition to this head, there were also some corpses in the box.

Apparently, the girl was brutally dismembered!

"Big... big brother, what should I do?"

The little sister hid behind Qin Lie and asked indifferently, it could be seen that she was really frightened.

"Don't panic, it's just a dead person, nothing to be afraid of."

Qin Lie comforted the little sister, thought about it, and put the head back into the cardboard box.

"You rest here for a while, and I'll look at the other boxes."

Qin Lie then said to the little sister.

"No, I'll follow you."

Little Taimei grabbed Qin Lie's clothes tightly and said.

She was almost scared to death just now, but now she doesn't dare to stand in front of the head alone.

"That's fine."

Hearing this, Qin Lie said nothing and opened the other boxes one by one.

As he expected, he found other corpses in several other boxes, and he didn't know how long these corpses had been stored in the cold storage.

However, Qin Lie was bold, he was not afraid at all, he continued to vacate the other boxes, and the little sister followed him every step of the way.

Teng Teng, another head rolled out.

This time it was a man.

Fortunately, Qin Lie was by his side, otherwise the little sister would have fainted from fright on the spot.

After all the nearly 100 cardboard boxes were emptied, Qin Lie counted them. There were three corpses in total, and each of them had been dismembered-disintegrated into pieces. The cruelty of the murderer was simply outrageous!

"Brother, why are there so many dead people here?"

The little sister held Qin Lie's arm tightly, her heart beating non-stop.

"You ask me who I ask."

Qin Lie replied helplessly.

In his opinion, the deaths of these people must have something to do with the monkeys, but the monkeys were frozen into ice sculptures, so naturally no one answered his doubts.

Without taking care of these corpses, Qin Lie first laid two layers of cardboard boxes on the ground, and then put the cardboard boxes together to form a circle, surrounding him and the little sister in the middle.

Although this can't really warm them up, at least it can help them block the air-conditioning, which is enough to give them an extra layer of hope of living.

"Take off your coat and hug me."

Qin Lie said suddenly.

"What do you want to do?"

Hearing Qin Lie's words, the little sister became vigilant again.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to take advantage of you, the main reason is that we can keep each other warm. Of course, if you don't want to, forget it, don't blame me if you freeze to death later."

Qin Lie quickly explained.

He is a man with strong blood and energy. He has a lot of firepower in his body. In addition to practicing martial arts all year round, his physical quality is far superior to ordinary people. He will definitely not freeze to death for a while.

However, this little sister seems to have no antifreeze against him. Her lips are becoming more and more purple, and her body is shaking more and more. This is obviously an early symptom of hypothermia.

If Qin Lie doesn't give her some heat quickly, she will definitely become another ice sculpture.

Even if she knew that Qin Lie didn't intend to do anything wrong, the little sister was obviously still grumpy.

But she could feel that her body was getting colder and colder, and she might go to see God if it went on like this.

In the face of the threat of death, the little sister finally didn't care about whether the male or female was intimidated, she took off her coat and hugged Qin Lie tightly, and Qin Lie wrapped the coat she took off outside the two of them. .

Leaning on that sturdy chest, the little sister who was about to freeze, finally felt the warmth that she had not seen for a long time, and her heart regained a rare peace.

The little sister hugged tightly, the softness of her chest directly pressed against Qin Lie, and Qin Lie could smell the faint fragrance on her body while breathing.

But Qin Lie didn't have any evil thoughts at all.

After all, they are now in the cold storage, and it is unknown whether they can survive or not. He is not interested in thinking about men and women now.

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