Time passed silently. For the first time, Qin Lie felt that time passed so slowly, it was a torment.

But he couldn't do anything but wait patiently.

"Hey, little sister, don't sleep."

Seeing that the little sister in her arms seemed to want to sleep, Qin Lie quickly woke her up.

You must know that this is a cold storage, and once she falls asleep, she is likely to sleep forever.

"I don't want to sleep either, but I'm too sleepy."

The little sister rubbed her eyes.

The alcohol in her body has not been completely excreted, and the surrounding temperature is still so low, she is cold and sleepy now.

"Then why don't I bring those three heads over to refresh your spirits?"

Qin Lie said half-jokingly.

"Don't don't."

Hearing this, the little sister woke up instantly.

"Look, I scared you, I was joking with you."

Qin Lie couldn't help laughing at the look of the little sister's pale face.

"This joke is not funny at all."

The little sister said angrily, she was almost scared out of her soul just now.

"Then what, let's have a chat, so that we can also divert the sleepiness."

Qin Lie suggested.

"What do you want to talk about?"

The little sister asked.

"From astronomy and geography to humanities and secularism, you can talk about whatever you want, mainly to prevent you from falling asleep."

Qin Lie replied.

He is very self-control, even if he doesn't sleep all day and night, it doesn't matter at all, but this little sister obviously doesn't have his determination. He has to find something for the little sister to do to save her from sleeping.

"I can tell you something from my heart, but you have to make sure that what I said today you absolutely cannot tell the second person."

The little sister hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that every word you say will rot in your stomach."

Qin Lie replied confidently.

After hearing Qin Lie's promise, the little sister continued: "My name is Tang Lingxue. My family is in Longcheng. Our family is very rich. I will never be short of money if I don't work."

"But I wasn't very happy. I always felt like a canary in captivity. Everything had to be arranged by my parents, and I had no personal freedom at all."

"I especially envy those ordinary people. Although their family background is not good, but they can realize their own value and pursue what they want through their own efforts, and their life will be more meaningful."

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but smile.

"You are a typical person who does not know happiness in the midst of happiness. How many people would like to be a rich girl like you."

He has no father or mother, and has lived with his grandfather since he was a child. He used to envy those rich people the most.

Because they can not only wear new clothes, live in a big house, drive a car, but also eat meat every day. This is a life Qin Lie only dared to imagine.

"Maybe you're right, but I'm really, really, really disgusted with my current life. Do you know why I'm like this? It's all because of my dictator dad."

"In the past, I was really a good girl, but my dad always forced me to do all kinds of things I didn't like. Slowly, I began to become rebellious, and I didn't do anything he asked me to do. He I like what I don't like, I fight against him every day, and I feel a sense of accomplishment when I see him in a hurry."

Tang Lingxue continued, her words were full of resentment towards her father.

"I don't know too much about your family. Logically, I shouldn't talk too much, but I still want to remind you that there are no parents in this world who don't love their children. Sometimes they may be wrong, but their intention is definitely It's good."

"I personally think it's better for you to communicate more with your father and less confrontation with him, so as to resolve the gap between you."

Qin Lie persuaded earnestly.

"The tone of your words is exactly the same as that of my father. He says that everything he does is for my own good, but even if it is true, he can disrespect my wishes and force his will onto me, right?"

"And let me tell you, my dad is an old stubborn, dictator, he never thought he missed it, and I couldn't communicate properly with him at all."

Tang Lingxue said angrily.

"Forget it, I won't interfere with your housework."

As the saying goes, it is difficult for an honest official to decide on housework, not to mention that Qin Lie has just met Tang Lingxue, and he has no right to say anything about their family.

"Don't just talk about me, talk about you, how is your father, does he take care of you strictly?"

Tang Lingxue turned around.

"Hey, my dad never cared about me."

Qin Lie smiled miserably.

"That's great, I really hope my dad is like your dad and doesn't care about me, so I'll be free."

Tang Lingxue said with admiration.

"Damn, I'm an orphan. I didn't know who my parents were since I was a child. I want them to have no one to take care of me!"

When Qin Lie said this, he could not help but feel a deep resentment in his heart that had already calmed down.

He really hates his biological parents. They gave birth to themselves but did not support themselves. Such parents are simply not worthy of being called parents.

Compared with Tang Lingxue, he is truly pitiful!

"Sorry, I didn't know this was your situation."

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Tang Lingxue couldn't help but feel apologetic.

She knew very well that what she said just now was undoubtedly revealing Qin Lie's scar.

"It's okay, it's all over, I'm doing well now, I don't need any parents at all."

Qin Lie said with a smile, but no one could tell that he had a different heart in what he said.

"Then what, let's talk about something else, by the way, do you have any hobbies?"

Tang Lingxue didn't want to mention Qin Lie's sadness any more, and quickly changed the subject.

"If you want to talk about hobbies, it may be practicing martial arts. I've been practicing for more than ten years. It's not me who is bragging. There are really few people of the same age who can beat me."

Qin Lie replied quickly.

His strength is only one step away from the top masters, but compared to Qiu Bai, there is still a big gap between the top masters like Xing Tian.

"Are you really that good?"

Tang Lingxue asked suspiciously.

"Of course, I don't like bragging."

Qin Lie replied arrogantly.

"Then can you come and be me as a bodyguard? Those stinky men will harass me again in the future. If you harass me, hit them. As for the salary, you can pay by yourself."

Tang Lingxue immediately suggested.

Hearing that Tang Lingxue actually wanted to hire him, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, I have a job now, but I don't have time to be your bodyguard."

Qin Lie politely declined.

If it were a year ago, Tang Lingxue said that he should be a bodyguard, and he would have agreed.

But now that Qin Lie's net worth exceeds 10 billion yuan, and the cosmetics company's business is making more money, he will naturally not go to work for others.

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