"How much can you earn from your job? I'll give you ten times! Besides, you won't be subject to any restraints with me. Just because you save my life, I can treat you like a friend."

Tang Lingxue said solemnly.

Qin Lie is her savior. If Qin Lie can be her bodyguard, it will be a kind of repayment to Qin Lie.

"My own company now earns 10 to 20 million yuan a day. If you really pay me ten times the salary, I don't mind considering working for you."

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"Forget it, when I didn't say anything."

Tang Lingxue originally thought that Qin Lie was just an ordinary office worker, but she didn't expect that he was the boss himself. Naturally, she couldn't spend ten times the salary to hire Qin Lie.

After that, Tang Lingxue and Qin Lie chatted a lot, and they had a deeper understanding of each other.

At about four in the morning, Tang Lingxue had no energy to chat with Qin Lie anymore.

Because she had vomited up all the contents in her stomach, and now she is starving and growling.

Qin Lie didn't force her, but he would talk to Tang Lingxue every three or five minutes to prevent her from falling asleep.


Dragon City, Palm Springs Villa.

After getting up in the morning, Ye Yuqing went to Qin Lie's room to take a look, only to find that Qin Lie had not returned all night.

Ye Yuqing didn't care too much about this. After all, Qin Lie used to go out to run errands and didn't come back all night.

But out of concern, Ye Yuqing called Qin Lie, only to find out that Qin Lie's phone was turned off after this call.

After pondering for a while, Ye Yuqing contacted Chen Jinhu again.

The phone went through quickly.

"Hey, Jin Hu, is Qin Lie with you?"

Ye Yuqing asked.

"No, didn't he go to the concert with you last night?"

Chen Jinhu replied.

"He didn't know what to do on the way back after we watched the concert. He didn't come back all night, and I called him just now and his phone was turned off. Do you know where he went?"

Ye Yuqing then asked.

"I don't know. Brother lie didn't tell me anything."

Chen Jinhu shook his head.

"He'll be fine."

Ye Yuqing frowned.

She knew that Qin Lie had offended many people secretly and secretly, especially Xu Fanzhou, Du Yuheng and these guys even wanted Qin Lie to die.

"Sister, don't worry, I'll find someone to check first to see if I can find brother lie."

After saying this, Chen Jinhu hung up the phone.

He called Qin Lie first, made sure Qin Lie's phone was still off, and then contacted Mr. Fan.

Boss Fan is one of the leaders of Longcheng. He has a wide range of contacts. When he heard Qin Lie was suspected of missing, he immediately issued an order to find Qin Lie in the whole city.

Within an hour, Boss Fan found out that Qin Lie had gone to the Eastern Suburbs, but since the Eastern Suburbs were not within his sphere of influence, it would be time-consuming to investigate further.

Ye Yuqing and several others called the police after discussion because they were worried about Qin Lie's safety.

In this way, we can find out the whereabouts of Qin Lie more quickly.

At this time, Qin Lie, who had been freezing all night, also began to tremble involuntarily. Tang Lingxue's condition was even worse, and his feet were almost unconscious.

Qin Lie knew that if this continued, the two of them would have to die here. After a little hesitation, he called Tang Lingxue up.

"Ling Xue, we must be active from now on so that we can keep our body temperature."

Qin Lie said to Tang Lingxue with a solemn expression.

"I'm so hungry, I just don't have the energy to move."

Tang Lingxue said with a bitter face.

"In that case, I'll get you a roast chicken to eat, and then move on when you're full."

Qin Lie thought for a while.

"The chickens here are all mixed with dead bodies, so I don't eat the chickens here."

Tang Lingxue immediately refused.

"I'll just ask you, do you want to die or live?"

Qin Lie said solemnly.

"Of course I want to live."

Tang Lingxue replied without thinking.

"Listen to me if you want to live, you must eat this chicken!"

Qin Lie said sharply.

Of course he didn't want to eat the chicken here, but if he didn't, he would die, he had no choice.

Hearing this, Tang Lingxue couldn't help being silent.

She understood that what Qin Lie said was true, but when she thought that the chickens here were once piled with corpses, she felt nauseated.

Qin Lie ignored Tang Lingxue, took out the lighter, and lit the cardboard box.

Originally, he was going to save the cardboard box until the end and then light it for warmth, but in order to get the roast chicken, he had to burn them in advance.

However, Qin Lie soon discovered that many of the cardboard boxes here were mixed with ice, which could not be burned at all. Instead, bursts of thick smoke choked them.

Qin Lie can only take out the part of the carton without the biscuits and burn it, but the roast chicken is very wasteful. Seeing that he has burned all the carton that can be burned, the roast chicken is only roasted for five minutes. cooked.

Qin Lie fully carried forward Lei Feng's spirit of self-sacrifice. He gave Tang Lingxue all the roasted parts, and he ate two charred chicken feet and chicken necks to pad his stomach.

After eating something, Tang Lingxue's physical strength finally recovered. Under the leadership of Qin Lie, the two began to walk back and forth.

It's just that this is a cold storage room with minus 30 degrees, even if Tang Lingxue has not stopped, she still feels extremely cold.

"Qin Lie, I'm so tired. I just want to sleep well now. Leave me alone. I'll admit it when I die."

Seeing that another two hours had passed, Tang Lingxue, who could not see any hope, finally collapsed and sat on the ground to give up her belief in survival.

"Hold on, I believe we can get out alive."

Qin Lie continued to cheer Tang Lingxue.

"Don't deceive yourself, there are no ghosts in this place. When others find us, we will be frozen to death."

As he spoke, tears fell from Tang Lingxue's eyes.

"Don't cry, you must not cry here, or your face should be frozen."

After reminding Tang Lingxue, Qin Lie quickly wiped the tears from his face, and then comforted her a few more words.

After Tang Lingxue calmed down a little, Qin Lie pulled her up, and the two started pacing back and forth.

With Qin Lie's encouragement, Tang Lingxue gritted her teeth and persisted for three more hours.

But in this extremely cold environment, the energy consumption in the human body is already very fast, and she has not been able to replenish any ability for a long time, she is really exhausted.

Even Qin Lie felt a deep tiredness at this time.

"Qin Lie, I really can't hold on anymore. Leave me alone. Take off my clothes and put them on you. We can live as one."

Tang Lingxue was completely desperate at this time. She knew very well that she was a burden. If Qin Lie ignored her, there was still hope for her to live.

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