The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 714 Zhao Xiaoying Invites You To Dinner

"Okay, let's drive."

Qin Lie knew that Tang Lingxue did it unintentionally, but he didn't hold on to it any longer.

Tang Lingxue didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly drove back to the city.

When passing by a clinic, Qin Lie asked Tang Lingxue to stop, he went in to clean the wound, and simply put some medicine.

In fact, his injuries were not serious at all, they were all skin injuries, but it would be faster if some anti-inflammatory drugs were given.

"Qin Lie, I'm really sorry, I really didn't know it would hurt you."

At the door of the Palm Springs villa, Tang Lingxue apologized to Qin Lie again.

"Don't blame yourself, I forgot what happened just now."

Qin Lie smiled and said, he didn't want Tang Lingxue to cause any more psychological burden because of this.

"Thank you for being so generous, I'll see you when I have time."

After saying goodbye to Qin Lie, Tang Lingxue drove home, while Qin Lie walked home.

Sitting on the sofa, Qin Lie couldn't help recalling the various things that had happened to him during this time.

Once upon a time, he always felt that God was too mean to him, even if he had no parents and no parents, he finally made a girlfriend or a green tea bitch.

But since the plane crash, he found that his luck seems to be getting better and better, especially recently, there has been a flood of peach blossoms.

It's just that having too many women is not a good thing, just like now, he really doesn't know how to deal with Tang Lingxue.

"Forget it, it's all up to God's will."

Qin Lie didn't bother himself anymore, and left the matter to fate to arrange.

Looking at the time, it was already eleven o'clock. Qin Lie came to the kitchen and was about to see what else was in the refrigerator, so he made a quick stir-fry when the doorbell rang suddenly.

Qin Lie opened the door and saw that it was his neighbor Zhao Xiaoying.

Today's Zhao Xiaoying is very beautifully dressed, with a mink fleece jacket and a high-neck bottoming shirt, a white woolen skirt on the lower body, and a pair of red high-heeled shoes. There is a little more charm in the innocence, which is really quite charming.

"Xiaoying, do you have anything to do with me?"

Qin Lie asked calmly, but he didn't show any pig brother appearance in front of Zhao Xiaoying.

"My friend gave me a piece of tuna, and I couldn't finish it by myself, so I came here to invite you to come to my house for dinner."

Zhao Xiaoying said.

"It's a bit of a bad time for you to come. Sister Yuqing and the others are going to the concert in the magic capital, and I'm alone at home."

Qin Lie smiled and replied.

"Then go to my house to eat. I'm too small to eat all by myself."

Zhao Xiaoying continued to invite.

"Keep it for yourself and eat it slowly. Cut as much as you want, then wrap it in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator. It shouldn't go bad for two or three days."

Qin Lie politely declined.

"Let's go, Brother Qin, don't be polite to me, or else the fish will be wasted if it goes bad again."

In order not to let Qin Lie refuse, Zhao Xiaoying directly grabbed his arm.

Seeing Zhao Xiaoying's good intentions, Qin Lie agreed, and after closing the door, he came to Zhao Xiaoying's house.

"You're still the only one in your family?"

Qin Lie asked after entering the door.

"Well, my last drama just finished, and I have been resting at home for the past few days. My assistant has returned to my hometown."

Zhao Xiaoying replied, and then took out a piece of tuna meat from the refrigerator.

Qin Lie estimated that this piece of meat was about three kilograms, and a girl estimated that it would take several meals to finish it.

"Brother Qin, can you handle this tuna? I can only eat it and not handle it."

Zhao Xiaoying said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, leave it to me."

After Qin Lie finished speaking, he picked up the tuna and entered the kitchen.

Zhao Xiaoying's kitchen is very clean, and all kinds of knives are neatly placed.

Qin Lie first used absorbent paper to absorb the water on the tuna, then found a sharp knife to clean the skin, blood, flesh and fascia of the tuna, and finally cut the tuna into 5mm pieces of small flakes.

"Xiaoying, I'll keep this small piece for you, you can eat it tomorrow."

Qin Lie said after cutting almost two-thirds.

"No, it's all cut."

Zhao Xiaoying said.

"OK then."

Hearing this, Qin Lie cut up the remaining tuna meat, and Zhao Xiaoying found ice cubes from the refrigerator and placed the fish meat piece by piece on the ice cubes, so that the frozen tuna would taste better.

"Brother Qin, you eat this tuna first, and I'll cook two more dishes for us to eat."

Zhao Xiaoying continued.

"Come on, I'm good at cooking."

Qin Lie said very actively.

"You're a guest, how can I let you cook? You'd better sit there and rest."

Zhao Xiaoying didn't agree with Qin Lie's proposal, she put on her apron and went into the kitchen. Qin Lie could only go back to the living room and sit down temporarily.

About twenty minutes later, Zhao Xiaoying's dish was ready.

A hot and sour potato shredded, a tomato scrambled eggs, are relatively simple home-cooked dishes.

In addition, Zhao Xiaoying bought the packaged Dezhou Braised Chicken, which was heated in the microwave and served on the table.

"Brother Qin, come over for dinner."

Zhao Xiaoying called Qin Lie, and she quickly gave Qin Lie a bowl of cooked rice, and then opened a bottle of red wine.

"Brother Qin, today's food is a bit simple, don't dislike it."

Zhao Xiaoying said after sitting down.

"As you said, this dish is already very rich."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

There were only two of them, and four dishes were enough to eat.

"Come here, brother Qin, first try this tuna sashimi."

Zhao Xiaoying greeted very warmly.

Qin Lie was rude, picked up a piece of fish, dipped it in some soy sauce, and put it in his mouth.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

Zhao Xiaoying asked expectantly.

"It's delicious, the fish is very sweet, you should eat it too."

Qin Lie immediately praised.

Tuna is called the king of sashimi because it tastes so delicious when eaten raw.

Although the fish meat Qin Lie ate just now doesn't melt in your mouth, the meat is very tender and delicious. It is definitely a rare delicacy.

Hearing Qin Lie's comment, Zhao Xiaoying also moved her chopsticks.

"This meat is so fresh and sweet, I think it tastes better than what I had in a Japanese food store before."

Zhao Xiaoying is also full of praise for the tuna meat.

After eating for a while, Zhao Xiaoying picked up the wine glass again.

"Come on, Brother Qin, I respect you. Thank you for helping me fix my computer last time."

When it comes to computer repairs, Qin Lie's mind unconsciously came up with the large-scale portrait photos he saw that day, followed by some indescribable pictures.

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