"Brother Qin, why don't you talk? Is it because the food I cook is not delicious?"

Seeing that Qin Lie did not respond, Zhao Xiaoying asked quickly.

"No, I was just thinking about something."

Qin Lie, who had regained his senses, quickly picked up the wine glass and touched Zhao Xiaoying.

Fortunately, Zhao Xiaoying didn't know what he had just imagined, otherwise he would be embarrassed to death.

Next, the two chatted while drinking, time passed quietly before noticing, Zhao Xiaoying was already a little drunk.

"Brother Qin, I can't do it anymore. My head is a little dizzy. Let's drink here today. I have to go back to the house and sleep for a while."

Zhao Xiaoying waved her hand and got up and started to prepare to go upstairs.

But because she was drunk, she walked staggeringly, as if she would fall down at any time.

Seeing this, Qin Lie took the initiative to walk over.

"I'll take you back to your room."

Qin Lie said.

"it is good."

Zhao Xiaoying nodded in response.

With the help of Qin Lie, Zhao Xiaoying returned to her bedroom.

"Brother Qin, can you pour me a glass of hot water, I'll drink a hangover medicine, I feel so sick in my stomach"

Zhao Xiaoying frowned and asked.

"no problem."

Qin Lie agreed and quickly came downstairs.

However, because the water dispenser was not turned on, Qin Lie could only turn on the water dispenser to reduce the hot water.

When he returned to Zhao Xiaoying's bedroom upstairs, Zhao Xiaoying had already changed into a silk pajamas and lay face down on the bed, with Zhao Xiaoying's clothes and a black lace-edged bra on the head of the bed.

Obviously, she was already in a vacuum at this time.

"Xiaoying, I brought you the water, you can take the medicine before going to sleep."

Qin Lie patted Zhao Xiaoying on the shoulder lightly.

"What medicine?"

Zhao Xiaoying opened her eyes slightly and asked blankly.

"Suspension medicine, didn't you say you want to take hangover medicine?"

Qin Lie reminded.

"Oh, I see."

After Zhao Xiaoying replied, she struggled to get up from the bed.

Qin Lie quickly took a hangover pill from the table and handed it to her.

After taking the medicine, Zhao Xiaoying suddenly grabbed Qin Lie's arm.

"Brother Qin, sleep with me, I'm so lonely by myself."

Zhao Xiaoying looked at Qin Lie with blurred eyes.

"Xiaoying, you're drunk, hurry up and go to bed."

Qin Lie hurriedly replied, and then tried to break free from Zhao Xiaoying's hand.

Who knew that Zhao Xiaoying suddenly pressed Qin Lie's hand to her chest.

Feeling the softness of his fingertips, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Brother Qin, am I not good-looking, don't you want me?"

The corners of Zhao Xiaoying's mouth twitched, and she looked at Qin Lie with a wink. The bone-splattering voice seemed to have a special magic power, and it made people's bodies feel numb.

Qin Lie's heartbeat started to speed up, his blood vessels swelled, and the small tent was propped up uncontrollably.

At this moment, the drunk Zhao Xiaoying is like a seductive blooming peony that can be picked by anyone.

As long as Qin Lie is willing, he can easily get countless stunners that make countless otakus dream about.

Just when Qin Lie was sitting and struggling fiercely, Zhao Xiaoying leaned on the bed and fell asleep.

"I wipe..."

Seeing that Zhao Xiaoying picked up her fire, but she went to sleep, Qin Lie's heart instantly galloped past ten thousand grass and mud horses.

But he is not the kind of villain who takes advantage of people's dangers.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the desire in his heart, Qin Lie covered Zhao Xiaoying with a quilt and left her house.

He can't stay at Zhao Xiaoying's house any longer, or else he will not be able to do something wrong later.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Zhao Xiaoying, who was already "sleeping", suddenly sat up from the bed.

She glanced downstairs through the window, looked at Qin Lie who was leaving with a tent, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"You can't escape my palm."

After whispering to herself, Zhao Xiaoying got up and went to the restaurant downstairs, turned on the record player she bought, and continued to pour herself and drink while listening to the music.

Qin Lie didn't know this at all. After returning home, in order to get rid of the fire, he directly took a shower.

After taking a shower, Qin Lie was blowing his hair when the phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, Brother Lie, the details of the two people you asked me to check have been checked out. The one named Yang Jintang really ran away after a deadlock with their leaders, but Du Fuming should be a commercial spy sent by the Condor Group! "

After the call was connected, Chen Jinhu immediately reported.

"Is the news reliable?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"Rest assured, absolutely reliable."

Chen Jinhu replied with certainty.

"Okay, then you come to the Palm Springs community now, and I'll go see He Linfeng with you later."

After saying this, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

After Chen Jinhu arrived at the community, Chen Jinhu introduced Du Fuming's background in detail to Qin Lie.

According to Chen Jinhu, Du Fuming's wife, Ma Liping, is a gambler. She is too lazy to gamble, but she likes to gamble. As a result, someone set up a game. Not only did she lose all of Du Fuming's savings over the years, she also owed more than 2 million to usury.

As for his son, it is even more worrying. He became addicted to drugs at the age of seventeen this year and is currently undergoing compulsory treatment in a drug rehabilitation center.

Du Fumingtang came to He Linfeng's company to act as a commercial spy just to get money to pay off the loan sharks.

After learning about the situation, Qin Lie, who originally wanted to expose Du Fuming on the spot, immediately changed his mind.

"Jin Hu, can you find the group who set up the trap for Ma Liping?"

Qin Lie asked.

"Of course I can. I know all the information about these people now. By the way, the loan shark and the person who cheated on her are in the same group."

Chen Jinhu replied.

"Find this group of people for me, and let them spit out all the money they stole from Ma Liping."

Qin Lie continued.

"It's simple, I'll contact Boss Fan now."

After Chen Jinhu finished speaking, he immediately called Fan Chang.

It was only a small person in Longcheng who set up a trap to deceive Ma Liping. When Fan Chang, the top tyrant in Dongcheng, appeared in front of him, he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately returned all the more than five million that he had defrauded from the trap.

Then Qin Lie went to the drug rehab center where Du Fuming's son was working, and helped him contact the best drug rehab teacher.

After doing all this, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie didn't rush to eat, and went directly to Tianlin Technology Co., Ltd.

At this time, He Linfeng was still leading the team to do scientific research.

"Brother He, let everyone put their work aside first. I'll take you to a dinner party and leave work early tonight."

Qin Lie instructed He Linfeng.

As the current actual controller of the company, Qin Lie has come to the company for the second time except when he signed a contract to acquire the shares held by the previous shareholder. Eat a meal, it can be considered that everyone is familiar with each other.

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