"Young Master Qin, this is of my own accord."

Liang Jingchu's lips pursed slightly and replied shyly.

"What did you say?"

Hearing Liang Jingchu's words, Qin Lie was stunned.

"I said it was all of my own accord."

Liang Jingchu lowered his head and whispered.

Although she is new to the entertainment industry, she still understands some unspoken rules of the entertainment industry.

She knew very well that she had to sacrifice something if she wanted to be in the position, and her most precious thing was her body.

In addition, Wang Sanri had done her ideological work before, so she was willing to take the initiative to give Qin Lie a hug.

Qin Lie glanced at Liang Jingchu, she kept pinching her fingers and pursing her lips tightly, even the base of her neck was red because of her shyness.

Qin Lie's mouth twitched, and he took the initiative to come to Liang Jingchu's side, and gently hooked her chin.

"Are you sure you're with me tonight?"

Qin Lie stared at Liang Jingchu with a half-smile.

"Indeed... sure."

Liang Jingchu's voice was nervous, and her eyes were even more evasive, and she didn't dare to look at Qin Lie at all.

"Well, you don't regret it."

Qin Lie smiled slightly and hugged Liang Jingchu's waist.

He clearly felt that at that moment, Liang Jingchu's body suddenly tightened, his heartbeat began to accelerate suddenly, and his face became even redder.

At this moment, Liang Jingchu's face has turned into a red apple, and the delicate skin seems to be able to squeeze out water with a light pinch.

"Okay, I'll stop teasing you. Go home."

Qin Lie smiled and quickly took his hand away from Liang Jingchu's waist.

"What's wrong, Young Master Qin? What am I doing wrong?"

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't touch her again, Liang Jingchu became uneasy.

"Don't be nervous, it's none of your business."

Qin Lie smiled and then continued to explain, "Although there are unspoken rules everywhere in the entertainment industry, there is absolutely no such rubbish in our company."

"In my case, everything is based on strength. As long as you have strength, the company will continue to pour resources into you, and promise to make you a first-line star, but if you don't have strength, I'm sorry, we won't waste any resources in on you."

Qin Lie opened the entertainment company mainly to expand the business territory, not to use his power to make some unspoken rules. He would not or disdain to do those things.

"Young Master Qin, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Liang Jingchu couldn't help showing a look of shame on his face.

"You're right, it's the society that's wrong. Just don't give yourself to others so casually in the future. Today, you are lucky to meet me. If you meet others, you will regret it later. already."

Qin Lie educated Liang Jingchu Dao as a past person.

"Well, I remember."

Liang Jingchu nodded solemnly, feeling grateful to Qin Lie.

She knew very well that she had met a good boss this time, and if she met someone else, it was estimated that her flower would have been destroyed.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go too."

Qin Lie didn't talk to Liang Jingchu any more, got up and took her to the bar together.

Originally, he thought he hadn't settled the bill, but only after asking the waiter did he realize that the bill had been settled.

"Mr. Qin, I'm leaving, bye."

After saying goodbye to Qin Lie, Liang Jingchu took a taxi and left first. Qin Lie went to the hotel opposite to check out the room first, and then called Xing Feng, who was eating out, to go home together.

However, Qin Lie's phone rang when he had just arrived home and his butt was still hot.

To Qin Lie's surprise, it was Tang Hongxiao who called him.

"Hey, Don Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

After picking up the phone, Qin Lie asked politely, "Let me tell you, that Xu Dong's criminal has already subverted the law."

Tang Hongxiao replied.

Ever since it was found out that their daughter was being targeted by human organs dealers, the Tang family started a hunt for Xu Dong.

It's just that this guy Xu Dong is also smart, and he fled to the Golden Triangle when the situation was not good.

Although the Tang family is powerful, the situation in the Golden Triangle is more complicated, and it is difficult for the Tang family to find Xu Dong for a while, so it took so many talents to let him pay the price he deserves for the countless crimes he committed.

"Great, thank you Tang Uncle for killing the people."

Qin Lie said happily.

There is no sympathy for Qin Lie, a deranged criminal like Xu Dong. If it wasn't for his busyness, Qin Lie would definitely cut his skin and cramps into a human being, so that his life would be better than death.

"Thank you, that bastard dared to beat my daughter's idea, and he died! It's a pity that I couldn't kill him myself."

Tang Hongxiao said with hatred.

To him, Tang Lingxue was more important than his own life, anyone who tried to hurt his daughter would have to die!

"By the way, Qin Lie, I'm calling you today and I want to tell you something else. I got news that someone will go to your pharmaceutical factory to cause damage in the next few days. You have to take precautions in advance."

Tang Hongxiao turned around.

"Is your news reliable?"

Qin Lie's expression changed.

"Absolutely reliable, but I don't know the exact time and the mastermind behind the scenes."

Tang Hongxiao replied.

"Okay, I see, thank you Don Uncle for reminding me."

Qin Lie immediately thanked him.

"You're welcome, I'll hang up first, and I'll let you know when I have other news."

After saying this, Tang Hongxiao hung up the phone.

After returning to the bedroom, Qin Lie told Ye Yuqing what Tang Hongxiao told him just now.

After hearing the news, Ye Yuqing's face also sank.

"Do you think Pfizer is going to attack us?"

Ye Yuqing guessed.

"They are the most suspicious, but it is not ruled out the possibility of others doing it. After all, our company is now a big company, and I don't know how many people want to get rid of us."

Qin Lie said coldly.

As the saying goes, being rich is like killing one's parents.

The previous fairy cream was smeared by Fu Leishi secretly because it touched the interests of other companies.

And the current Shenlongdan is almost the same as the previous fairy cream, even more so than before.

After all, fairy cream is subject to the factors of raw materials, and it is still in short supply until now. In addition, the types of cosmetics produced by Qingqing Beauty are relatively simple, and the impact on other cosmetics peers is not particularly large.

But Shenlongdan is different. A seemingly inconspicuous little pill can completely replace Viagra, Shenbao, Maca and other health care drugs.

In addition, with the anti-sky effect of promoting the secondary development of the body, it even makes all kinds of so-called high-tech products that sell dog meat in the name of promoting body growth have no living space.

Even many hospitals that perform delayed surgery on men have experienced a sharp drop in performance due to the appearance of Shenlongdan, which has touched so many interest groups at once.

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