"Has the pharmaceutical factory stepped up its precautions?"

Ye Yuqing asked again.

"Don't worry, I have recruited a new batch of security guards, all of whom are veterans. They are guarding the pharmaceutical factory. Not to mention that they are impregnable, and ordinary nights can't even enter the gate. And there are surveillance cameras everywhere in the pharmaceutical factory. Even those professional killers don't want to sneak in quietly"

Qin Lie replied.

"That's good." Ye Yuqing nodded, and then reminded, "Although the outside thieves are guarded, we must also guard against the inner thieves, and be careful to cause Xiao Qiang."

"I have taken into account what you said. First, the production workshop is more closely monitored than the outside world. Second, I also placed nails inside the workers, which is enough to prevent problems before they occur."

Qin Lie replied.

"Very well, let's just wait and see what happens next, grab one and kill the other. I want to see how many are not afraid of death."

Ye Yuqing said coldly.

She is well aware of the cruelty of shopping malls, so she will never be soft-hearted towards the enemy.

Qin Lie naturally raised his hands to agree with Ye Yuqing's words, whoever dares to show his head this time, he will fight to the end, even Pfizer is no exception.


In the next few days, Qin Lie will go to work in the pharmaceutical factory every day and be prepared for emergencies anytime, anywhere.

However, to his surprise, the past few days have been surprisingly calm and nothing has happened. The only change may be that Shenlongdan has become more and more popular.

However, Qin Lie was not happy about it.

He knew very well that this was definitely the tranquility before the storm, and the calmer it was now, the crazier the enemy would be when they attacked.

At night, Qin Lie was sleeping soundly, but was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

When he saw that the call was from Wang Weimin, the chief of the security section of the pharmaceutical factory, Qin Lie immediately woke up. He knew that something must have happened, otherwise Wang Weimin would not have been able to call himself in the middle of the night.

"President Qin, something happened. Someone set himself on fire after being poisoned in the workshop of the pharmaceutical factory."

As soon as the call was connected, Wang Weimin's anxious voice came from the other end.

"Control the scene, I'll be there soon!"

Qin Lie quickly put on his clothes after replying.

"what happened?"

Ye Yuqing, who was awakened, rubbed her eyes and asked.

"There's something wrong with the pharmaceutical factory, I have to hurry up and take a look."

Qin Lie replied simply.

"I will go with you."

Hearing this, Ye Yuqing lost sleepiness, got dressed and went to Tai'an Pharmaceutical Factory with Qin Lie.

When they arrived at the pharmaceutical factory, the police had already come one step ahead of them and were taking notes.

Qin Lie found Wang Weimin and re-understood the situation.

According to Wang Weimin, an ordinary mechanic named Jiang Yuan in the No. 2 production workshop suddenly poured an unknown liquid into the pharmaceutical equipment while working overtime this evening. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan poured the gasoline prepared in advance on himself. He set himself on fire on the spot and burned a batch of unprocessed medicinal materials.

Although other workers used fire extinguishers to put out the fire on Jiang Yuan's body, the burns were so severe that Jiang Yuan died when the doctor arrived at the scene, and the body has now been sent to the hospital morgue.

The unidentified liquid medicine department in the pharmaceutical equipment has been detected, and it is potassium cyanide solution.

Considering that potassium cyanide is highly toxic, a batch of semi-finished products processed tonight in the entire No. 2 workshop needs to be treated without pollution.

Including the burned medicinal materials, the direct economic loss tonight is estimated to be as little as two million.

This loss is only a drop in the bucket for Qin Lie, but some people set themselves on fire in a pharmaceutical factory. This is definitely big news, and it is bound to seriously affect their normal production and operations.

However, I am really afraid of what will happen. Qin Lie has not yet figured out how to deal with this matter. Law enforcement officers from the three departments of the Food and Drug Administration, the Market Administration, and the Industry and Commerce Bureau actually came to the pharmaceutical factory at the same time.

According to the evidence presented by the Food and Drug Administration, someone real-name reported that Tai'an Medicine was shoddy, using illegal drugs, and many other violations. The reporter was Jiang Yuan, who had set himself on fire.

In this way, the pharmaceutical factory was jointly investigated by the three departments. During the investigation period, the pharmaceutical factory needed to cooperate with the suspension of business for rectification.

Even though Qin Lie knew that he was framed by others, this was a conspiracy, and he really couldn't do anything until the investigation of the three departments was over.

In order to avoid someone taking the opportunity to deliberately discredit Shenlongdan, Qin Lie first released an announcement, directly pointing out that Jiang Yuan's death was a conspiracy against their company, and incidentally sold it to win the sympathy of the majority of netizens.

Because they have accumulated a good reputation before, so after the clarification announcement was issued, almost all of them on the Internet supported them, which made Qin Lie relax a lot.

After a short rest, Qin Lie contacted Chen Ce directly after dawn.

"Minister Chen, I don't know if you have watched the news. Our company has been framed and is currently in the process of suspending business for rectification. Can you tell me something and let us resume production first? As for the investigation, we must cooperate fully."

Qin Lie asked bluntly.

Although Chen Ce is the head of the Propaganda Department and belongs to different departments from the Industry and Commerce Bureau, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Market Administration, if he is willing to come forward, it should only be a matter of one sentence to help them solve this matter.

In fact, if Qin Lie went to the Tang family for help, it would definitely be easier to solve the problem.

But as he said before, the kindness that the Tang family owes him is limited after all, and he can't go to the Tang family for help as soon as something happens, so it will be useless to ask for help from the Tang family when he really encounters serious trouble in the future.

"I really don't know about this. I'll call to find out, and I'll give you an answer in ten minutes."

After Chen Ce hung up the phone, he immediately contacted the people from the Food and Drug Administration to understand the situation.

After determining that Qin Lie had a high probability of being framed, he immediately used his connections to get the three departments to lift the ban on Tai'an Pharmaceutical's suspension of business for rectification.

"Qin Lie, I have lifted the ban for you."

Chen Ce said after connecting the phone.

"Thank you, Minister Chen."

After hearing the news, Qin Lie quickly thanked him.

"You're welcome, this is a trivial matter for me. In fact, if I really want to say thank you, I'll tell you that I've already met the Tang family, and we had a great conversation."

Chen Ce continued.

He had asked Qin Lie to help him connect with the Tang family before. There was no movement for many days. He originally thought there was no hope. Who knew that the Tang family suddenly contacted him yesterday, and the two sides also reached a tacit understanding, which made He is very grateful to Qin Lie.

"Then I wish Minister Chen Gaosheng in advance."

Qin Lie complimented with a smile.

"Don't, don't, it's too early to say this. If you can't get a promotion, it will be a slap in the face."

Chen Ce replied quickly.

"That's impossible. As long as you have the help of the Tang family, your promotion will be a matter of time."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

The Tang family has a pivotal influence in the political world. At present, Chen Ce has obviously connected with the Tang family. As long as he does not make big mistakes, the future will definitely be smooth.

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