The old man's house seems to be quite rudimentary, just like an illegal building built by a homeless person. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have thought that the once powerful underground emperor would live in such a place. .

At this time, an old man with white beard and hair, unkempt, and dirty clothes, was squatting on the ground to repair the farm implements in his hands. Through the messy long hair, he could vaguely identify the other person as the legendary leftover egg. The old man Situ Xuan!

"Ahem, are you Mr. Situ?"

Qin Lie came to the old man's side and took the initiative to greet him.

Out of respect, he did not call the other party's nickname Old Man Leftovers.

But Situ Xuan continued to repair the farm tools in his hand as if he had not heard anything.

"Mr. Situ, my name is Qin Lie, I..."


Qin Lie was just about to introduce himself, but he was interrupted by Situ Xuan before he finished speaking.

Qin Lie is not surprised by Situ Xuan's attitude, because according to the villagers who led them, Situ Xuan is a strange old man who is withdrawn and moody. When you encounter a lunatic, take the initiative to hide away.

"Mr. Situ, I know you are still blaming yourself for what happened back then, but maybe you don't know..."

"Go away! Or die!"

Situ Xuan turned around and glared at Qin Lie, those eyes, like eagles and wolves, full of violence and brutality, even Qin Lie felt his scalp tingle.

And he could see that even though Situ Xuan retired for many years, his strength should be even more terrifying than he was back then, and just one look is enough to make people shudder.

Once Situ Xuan kills him, he may have no chance of surviving at all.

Not daring to talk nonsense any more, Qin Lie immediately took out the photo of Kudo Qianxue.

"Mr. Situ, do you think you know this little girl?"

Seeing that Qin Lie was still disturbing his own purity, Situ Xuan turned around and was about to forcibly throw him down the mountain, but when he saw the photo in Qin Lie's hand, he was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Situ Xuan appeared in front of Qin Lie as if teleporting, and grabbed the photo in his hand.

"Clouds? This is a picture of clouds!"

Looking at the photo, the originally indifferent Situ Xuan finally showed a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Mr. Situ, the person in the photo is not your daughter, but your granddaughter."

Qin Lie quickly corrected.

Situ Xuan's daughter's name is Situ Yunduo. Qin Lie has never seen her childhood photos, but it is not difficult to see from Situ Xuan's reaction that the little girl should be very similar to her mother, otherwise Situ Xuan will not be misunderstood.

"What did you say!"

Hearing Qin Lie's words, a monstrous pressure suddenly erupted from Situ Xuan's body. At that moment, it seemed as if a wild beast had woken up from a deep sleep.

Qin Lie subconsciously took two steps back and opened some distance from Situ Xuan.

He has a strong intuition, Situ Xuan seems to be more terrifying than his master!

"Mr. Situ, let me clarify first. I have no hostility towards you. I came here today mainly to tell you that your granddaughter is still alive. This is her photo."

Qin Lie quickly replied, for fear that Situ Xuan would treat him as a bad guy again.

"Where is my granddaughter now?"

Situ Xuan immediately questioned.

Even though he was very restrained, Qin Lie could still see his excitement at this moment from his rapidly trembling chest.

"She is now called Kudo Chiyuki and was adopted by a Japanese in Kobe. Don't worry, she is living a good life now."

Qin Lie continued.

"Take me to see her immediately!"

Situ Xuan said impatiently.

For so many years, he has been immersed in the grief of his daughter's death, but now Qin Lie tells him that he still has a granddaughter alive, which undoubtedly rekindles his hope of life.

There is only one thought left in his mind now, that is, to see his granddaughter immediately, to protect her and take good care of her, and never let her be hurt in the slightest.

"Mr. Situ, I think you should take a shower and change your clothes first, or your current appearance may scare the little girl."

Qin Lie reminded kindly.

Situ Xuan's sloppy appearance is not much different from that of a savage. He mainly smells bad. Even if Qin Lie doesn't dislike him, the little girl will suddenly cry when she sees such a strange old man.

"I don't have water to bathe here, and I don't have any other clothes."

Situ Xuan replied confidently.

Over the years, because of his frustration, Situ Xuan has long stopped caring about his image. Except for taking a bath in the mountain spring in summer, he never takes a bath in winter, and he doesn't even wash or change his clothes.

"Okay then, I'll take you to wash down the mountain."

Hearing Situ Xuan's words, Qin Lie could only take him down the mountain directly.

Aomori Village is a small village with no public bathhouses at all. Qin Lie was embarrassed to go to other villagers’ homes, so he simply took him back to Yamanashi Prefecture.

I have to say that Situ Xuan really stinks. Qin Lie didn't even dare to close the car window along the way.

After arriving in Yamanashi Prefecture, Qin Lie and the others took Situ Xuan to buy new clothes, then took him to take a bath, and asked Mr. Tony to cut his hair.

After all this, Situ Xuan, who originally looked like a beggar, instantly returned to his former immortal style, which undoubtedly echoed the old saying, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

After a brief lunch, the three Qin Lie rushed back to Kobe.

Along the way, Situ Xuan didn't say a word, and kept staring at the photo, occasionally rubbing the photo lightly.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lie and the others finally arrived at Kudo Qianxue's adoptive parents' house.

The adoptive parents received a call from Qin Lie in the morning, so they had been waiting for them at home in advance.

"Yun Duo, Yun Duo, I'm Dad!"

Looking at his granddaughter, who was carved out of the same mold as his own daughter, the always cold Situ Xuan burst into tears in an instant.

But Kudo Qianxue was still young after all, she didn't know Situ Xuan at all, and subconsciously hid behind her adoptive parents.

"Mr. Situ, don't make a mistake, she is not your daughter, she is your granddaughter, and her name is Kudo Qianxue now. And please calm down a little, don't scare her."

Qin Lie quickly reminded.

Hearing this, Situ Xuan quickly wiped his tears and forced himself to calm down.

"Xiaoxue, I'm your grandpa, can you call me grandpa?"

Situ Xuan looked at Kudo Qianxuedao with a hopeful face.

But the little girl didn't respond, just looked at him timidly.

"Cough, um, I forgot to tell you. She grew up with Japanese people. She can only speak Japanese and can't understand what you are saying."

Qin Lie explained with a dry cough.

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