The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 778 I Want To Worship You As My Teacher

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Situ Xuan hurriedly put on his tongue-in-cheek Japanese, but unfortunately, his granddaughter still ignored him, which made him feel a sense of loss.

But soon he regained his smile, trying to make himself look like a kind old grandpa.

After all, this is his own granddaughter!

Originally, after the death of his daughter, his life completely plunged into darkness, and he lived in a daze every day, but now that he has a granddaughter, his life finally has meaning again!

Even if it's just for his granddaughter, he will live well.

Next, Situ Xuan patiently communicated with Kudo Qianxue, while her adoptive parents acted as translators and did ideological work for her.

About half an hour later, Kudo Chiyuki finally opened his mouth for the first time and called out to his grandfather in Japanese.

Hearing this grandfather, Situ Xuan cried with joy on the spot!

In the following time, Situ Xuan was no longer the king who traversed the underground world, but became an old man who loved his granddaughter, telling jokes to Kudo Qianxue, and doing all kinds of weird actions to make her happy.

The hard work pays off, and thanks to his efforts, Kudo Qianxue's attitude towards him has also changed little by little.

Although he is still a little unfamiliar with him, at least he has taken the initiative to talk to him, which makes Situ Xuan's mouth almost unable to close his mouth with joy.

That night, Situ Xuan and Qin Lie ate together at Kudo Qianxue's adoptive parents' house.

After the meal was over, Situ Xuan continued to tease his granddaughter. During this period, Qin Lie did not disturb them at all.

At nine o'clock in the evening, after Kudo Qianxue fell asleep, Qin Lie and the others said goodbye and left, and stayed at a nearby hotel.

"Mr. Situ, do you need to do a paternity test to see if Qianxue is really related to you by blood?"

In the room, Qin Lie took the initiative to open the topic.

"No, I can be sure that she is my own granddaughter."

Situ Xuan replied with certainty.

Kudo Qianxue has completely inherited her mother's beauty, he is enough to be sure that she is his granddaughter, especially the feeling of blood connection, it is impossible to fake.

"Then I congratulate Mr. Situ on reuniting with his family."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Situ Xuan waved his hand and asked coldly.

He knew very well that Qin Lie couldn't help him find his granddaughter for no reason, he was definitely asking for something.

And he never liked to owe favors, as long as Qin Lie's request was not excessive, he would agree.

"Hey, I do have something to ask Mr. Situ. I hope you can come out of the mountain again and come to my company as an offering. I promise to provide you with the best treatment."

Qin Lie smiled and directly stated his purpose.

Originally, he wanted to let Situ Xuan help himself to destroy the Kameda family and the Muto family, but after seeing the horror of Situ Xuan with his own eyes, he immediately changed his mind.

Such a master, it is not worthwhile to trade with him only for a hammer. If he can be pulled into his own warship, that is the real benefit.

"I have long since quit the arena, and I will not join any other forces."

Situ Xuan refused Qin Lie without thinking.

Although Qin Lie said it nicely and asked him to be worshipped, but to put it bluntly, he just wanted to be a thug, he would not agree.

"Since Mr. Situ is unwilling, then forget it. I will not force it. I hope you can live a good life with Miss Qianxue when you are old, and I will not disturb you again in the future."

Qin Lie replied very readily.

Of course he wanted to pull Situ Xuan to his own boat, but Situ Xuan is a top expert, and such people have temperaments. Qin Lie knows that it is absolutely impossible to be hard, so he deliberately came to such a move to retreat into advance and play hard to capture. !

Situ Xuan obviously didn't expect Qin Lie to answer like this, and he couldn't help frowning.

After pondering for a while, he took the initiative to say, "I don't like to owe favors. If you have any requests, you can mention them. Except for joining your company, I can agree to everything else."

"Are you sure?"

Qin Lie raised his brows.

"Sure. But there is a premise, I must be able to do what you ask me to do."

Situ Xuan replied.

"Well, I hope to worship you as my teacher. I have admired you very much since I was a child. If I can worship you as my teacher, I will die without regrets."

Qin Lie immediately changed his tune.

Although he already had a master, he and his master Qiu Bai were both teachers and friends. Even if he took Situ Xuan as his teacher again, he would not be considered cheating and destroying his ancestors.

What's more, Situ Xuan's strength is unfathomable, and he is absolutely qualified to be his master.

And after having such a relationship, Situ Xuan and him will be a family in the future. If he encounters any trouble again, will Situ Xuan still die?

"No, I swore long ago that I would no longer accept apprentices."

Situ Xuan refused again.

"Mr. Situ, just now you said that you would agree to any request I made. You can't break your promise and get rich."

Qin Lie said with a wry smile.

"I don't care, I said if you don't accept it, you won't accept it. You change your request."

Situ Xuan replied with a firm attitude, and there was absolutely no room for negotiation.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be such a dishonest person. If Miss Qianxue finds out about this, it will damage your image in her heart."

Qin Lie sighed, pretending to be yin and yang.

"Don't talk about Qianxue!"

Situ Xuan frowned.

He doesn't care what others think of him at all, but Kudo Qianxue is his only weakness at the moment, and he doesn't want his granddaughter to think that he is a person who doesn't believe what he says.

"Mr. Situ, you are an elder, and you should set a good example for Miss Qianxue. Of course, if you insist on breaking your promise, then wait until I say nothing."

Qin Lie deliberately put a high hat on Situ Xuan, but he wanted to see what choice Situ Xuan made.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Situ Xuan frowned even tighter.

He knew very well that Qin Lie was digging a hole to make him jump, but he couldn't help Qin Lie.

After all, Qin Lie helped him find his only relative and gave him a new life. If he did anything to Qin Lie again, wouldn't he be an ungrateful person?

"Since you want to worship me as your teacher, then I will give you a chance, as long as you can take my punch and not fall, I will take you as a disciple, but if you can't take it, then don't mention it again in the future. ."

Situ Xuan said again, this is the only best solution he can think of.

"Okay, this is what you said, let's make a deal!"

Hearing Situ Xuan's words, Qin Lie was overjoyed.

Although he knew that he was not Situ Xuan's opponent, he was not a waste, and taking Situ Xuan's move was not a problem at all.

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