Alan has been by Kong Yunze's side for a year and a half. During this year and a half, there were eleven girls she knew who were lured by Kong Yunze.

And the results of these eleven people were without exception, and in the end, all of them died!

As for the two locked in the iron cage, they were already in the basement before she was deceived by Kong Yunze.

In other words, the two girls were tortured by Kong Yunze for at least two years.

For Kong Yunze, torturing these girls was a joy, so he never killed them.

But I have to say that Kong Yunze is too cunning. He never leaves any traces in his actions, so that until today, no one knows the bad things he has done.

If Qin Lie hadn't seen through his true colors this time, I'm afraid he was still a handsome young man. At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the police's excavation of Kong Yunze's villa was coming to an end.

After a day of excavation, the police found sixteen skeletons from the basement of Kong Yunze's villa, with dozens of organs soaked in potions.

In addition, they also found two snakeskin bags, all of which were broken human bones.

Because there are too many broken bones, they still need to slowly count and test to confirm how many people these bones belong to.

Even though the police officers involved in Kong Yunze's case were experienced veterans, the cruelty of Kong Yunze still refreshed their cognition.

In order to prevent more innocent girls from being victimized, the police directly listed Kong Yunze as a Class A wanted criminal, and at the same time issued a wanted order on the entire Internet.

With the release of the wanted order and the photos of the skeleton, Kong Yunze's identity as a perverted murderer has been confirmed.

Thanks to Kong Yunze running early when he saw the situation was not good, if he was a day later, he would definitely be beaten into meat sauce by the angry crowd.

Seeing that Kong Yunze could not be found, angry netizens immediately surrounded the Kong family and shouted for the Kong family to hand over Kong Yunze.

For a time, the Kong family, who had been low-key for many years, was also pushed to the forefront.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed since Qin Lie was rescued.

During these three days, Qin Lie used all his personal connections to search for Kong Yunze's whereabouts.

But this guy seems to have evaporated from the world, Qin Lie is still almost where he is.

Qin Lie is not too surprised by this. After all, Kong Yunze is very insidious and cunning. If he is so easy to find, it is impossible for him to deceive everyone for so many years.

After eating in the morning, Qin Lie came to the hospital where Xing Feng lived.

"How is it, are you feeling better today?"

Qin Lie came to Xing Feng's ward and asked.

"It's much better, but if you want to go to the ground, it is estimated that you will have to rest for at least ten days and a half months. I will definitely not be able to help you in a short time."

Xing Feng replied with a wry smile.

I don't know how many injuries he has suffered in Yanwang Island for many years, but there are very few serious injuries like this time.

The most important thing is that this time he did almost nothing, and was seriously injured by the falling cement block.

If it weren't for the timely delivery to the doctor, coupled with the advanced medical technology now, I am afraid that he would be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life.

"Don't worry, you can rest assured to recover."

Qin Lie appeases Xing Feng.

As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days for Xing Feng to break his leg and injure his spine this time. He was lucky to survive.

"By the way, Young Master Qin, is there any news from Kong Yunze?"

Xing Feng turned around.

"not yet."

Qin Lie shook his head and said.

"Then hurry up, this guy is a poisonous snake, it's too dangerous to let him live."

Xing Feng continued.

"Well, I know, I've tried my best to find him."

Qin Lie knew very well that Kong Yunze was a ticking time bomb. One more day he lived would put him and his family and friends in danger for one more day. He had to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Time passed, and night came.

Qin Lie was eating with Bai Xianglan and the others when the phone rang suddenly.

is an unfamiliar number.

But Qin Lie still took it.

"Hello, who is it?"

Qin Lie asked after answering the phone.

"Young Master Qin, I'm He Hongguang, something happened to my eldest brother."

On the other end of the phone, a man said anxiously. , He Hongguang Qin Lie knew, he was one of Fan Chang's confidants, and now he said that his eldest brother had an accident, which was obviously talking about Fan Chang.

"What happened to Mr. Fan?"

Qin Lie asked hurriedly.

"My eldest brother was arrested by Liangzhou Baoye, and Baoye said, let me find a person with enough weight to bring 30 million to redeem the people. If he doesn't see anyone within three days, he will kill the eldest brother!"

He Hongguang said anxiously.

"Why did Boss Fan go to Liangzhou?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"My eldest brother's ancestral home is in Liangzhou, and today he went home to visit the grave..."

After that, He Hongguang quickly explained what happened today succinctly.

According to He Hongguang, Fan Chang took a group of brothers to drink after the tomb sweeping today, but one of the brothers accidentally offended a local local snake.

The other party later called a group of people and wanted to make Fan Chang's men kneel and apologize. Fan Chang naturally couldn't agree, and the two sides clashed like this.

But what Fan Chang didn't know was that the local snake turned out to be Lord Bao's person. That night, Lord Bao brought people around the hotel where Fan Chang was staying and forcibly took Fan Chang away.

Fan Chang has been doing a lot of help during this time, especially in order to help him before, he even led people to work with the Xiao family in the hospital.

Now that Fan Chang is in trouble, Qin Lie can't just stand by.

So, after listening to what He Hongguang said, Qin Lie comforted him, and then he took people to Liangzhou overnight.

Liangzhou is located in the northwest of China. In terms of prosperity, it is naturally impossible to compare with the land in the south of the Yangtze River, but the folk customs here are sturdy, which undoubtedly gave birth to many underground forces.

And Baoye is the underground emperor of Liangzhou, and he is definitely a big man in Liangzhou who eats all black and white!

Bao Ye, whose original name was Yang Linbao, was a second-rate child since he was a child. He was sent to the juvenile detention center for stabbing someone to death when he was a teenager.

Because he was ruthless enough, and he raised a large group of outlaws, he slowly became bigger and stronger in Liangzhou.

To this day, the Liangzhou Underworld Lord Bao has become the absolute boss, and almost all other forces dare not offend him at all, otherwise there is only one result waiting for them, destruction!

At half past eleven, Qin Lie arrived at Liangzhou Airport.

He Hongguang quickly greeted him.

"Young Master Qin, let's hurry up and save Big Brother. Master Bao is quite brutal. If it takes too long, I don't know how Big Brother will be abused by them."

He Hongguang urged impatiently.

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