"Lead the way."

Qin Lie knew that the time was short, but he did not delay, and immediately left the airport with He Hongguang.

More than 40 minutes later, Qin Lie and the others came to a private club in the old town of Liangzhou.

This clubhouse is Yang Linbao's property, and he designated it to pay the money and the people here.

"Jiang Lei, you wait outside with someone. I'll go in and trade. If something happens, you remember to pick me up."

Qin Lie said to Jiang Lei.

Yang Linbao can be regarded as a big boss in Liangzhou. Generally, a person like him should not do things that go back on his word, but Qin Lie still has a good mind.

In this way, if something happens, Jiang Lei is outside, and they won't be wiped out.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Jiang Lei solemnly replied.

"Hong Guang, take this with you."

Qin Lie said, and gave He Hongguang another bomb vest.

Of course, this bomb vest is actually fake, Qin Lie brought it just in case, it's best if you don't use it.

He Hongguang understood what Qin Lie meant, and immediately put the bomb vest under his clothes.

After everything was ready, Qin Lie and He Hongguang came to the gate of the clubhouse.

There were four sturdy men standing at the door. When they saw Qin Lie coming over, they immediately became vigilant.

"What are you doing?"

One of the big men asked immediately.

"Tell Master Bao that we are here to redeem people."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"Wait, I'm going to inform Master Bao."

The big man replied, and then quickly entered the clubhouse.

In about five minutes, the big man came out.

"Master Bao wants to see you, come with me."

After arrogantly speaking to Qin Lie, the big man started to lead the way, and Qin Lie followed closely behind.

After a while, Qin Lie and the others came to a room in the center of the clubhouse.

This room is quite large. A group of people are drinking and having fun. In the corner of the room, Fan Chang is tied up and hung in the air.

At this time, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and there were bloodstains on his body. It could be seen that he should have been beaten badly just now.

"Big brother!"

After seeing Fan Chang, He Hongguang immediately shouted.

Hearing someone calling him, the drowsy Fan Chang raised his head.

When he saw Qin Lie appear, a surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

He knew very well that Qin Lie had an amazing background, and now that he was personally involved, it would not be difficult for him to rescue himself.

"It's coming pretty fast."

A middle-aged bald man stood up and looked at Qin Lie with a smile.

Before Qin Lie came, he simply checked Yang Linbao's information and knew that the bald head was Yang Linbao.

"Master Bao, Brother Fan didn't offend you very much. Isn't it too much for you to label him like this?"

Qin Lie looked at Yang Linbao with a calm expression and said without joy or anger.

"The surnamed Fan is running wild on my territory, and even beat up my brother. What's wrong with me cleaning him up? You can beat me up if you're not convinced."

Yang Linbao grinned and said confidently.

Although Qin Lie is not afraid of Yang Linbao, as the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake, not to mention that this time he came here mainly to save Fan Chang, and he didn't want to do it if he didn't.

"When you hit the man, you're also out of anger. This is a check of 30 million yuan. You accept it and let Brother Fan go."

Qin Lie said, and took out the 30 million check.

"30 million was the price I offered before, but now the price has increased. Take 300 million out, and I will let you take it away, otherwise you will get out."

Yang Linbao opened his mouth directly.

Not to mention 300 million, even 3 billion Qin Lie can come up with it, but Yang Linbao is clearly extorting, and he naturally cannot let the other party get his wish.

"Master Bao, you promised to bring 30 million over within three days. Now you are suddenly sitting on the ground and raising the price. This is obviously not in line with the rules of the rivers and lakes. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the people in the rivers and lakes?"

Qin Lie went on to say that he still wanted to rescue Fan Chang by peaceful means.

"Hahaha, what you said is a joke. Looking at Liangzhou, unless he is tired of living, who would dare to laugh at me Yang Linbao?"

Yang Linbao laughed recklessly.

"Master Bao, I know that you are an underground emperor in Liangzhou, but what about leaving Liangzhou? You can't stay in Liangzhou for the rest of your life, right?"

Qin Lie said meaningfully.

"Stinky boy, you fucking threaten me!"

Yang Linbao's eyes widened, and the same murderous intent appeared on his face.

"It's not a threat, it's just a piece of advice. I'm here today mainly to take away Big Brother Fan. As long as you don't force others to be difficult, Master Bao, we'll be friends. When you go to Longcheng, I'll definitely entertain you with good food and wine. How does it look?"

Qin Lie replied lightly.

Although Yang Linbao's people were all around him, Qin Lie was a bold artist, and he was not at all cowardly.

"Good boy, warn me on my site, do you really think I'm scared by Yang Linbao? I'll tell you clearly, if you don't take out 300 million today, don't even think about going out of this room!"

Yang Linbao said with a sneer.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people at the wine table stood up in unison, and several of them even took out their guns and aimed them at Qin Lie.

As long as Yang Linbao gives an order, Qin Lie and the others will die!

"Master, what do you mean?"

Although he was pointed at by the gun, Qin Lie was still as steady as Mount Tai, and there was no panic on his face.

"It doesn't make any sense, it's just that my brother is short of money. I want to borrow some money from you to spend it, but I don't know if you agree or not."

Yang Linbao replied with a smile.

"What if I don't agree?"

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"Disagree? Hey, then don't blame me for being rude."

Yang Linbao gave a sinister smile, and did not conceal his killing intent at all.


At this moment, a door in the room suddenly opened, and then a familiar figure came out.

"Kong Yunze!"

Seeing this person, Qin Lie's expression changed.

When he thought of Fan Chang's arrest, he instantly understood everything.

This is obviously a game set up by Kong Yunze, and its purpose is to lure himself into the bait!

I have to say that Kong Yunze is really insidious, even Qin Lie never thought that he would dare to take the initiative to calculate himself.

"Master Kong, why did you come out so quickly, I haven't had enough fun yet."

Yang Linbao looked at Kong Yunze with a flattering smile.

No one knew that a large part of the reason he was able to make his fortune was because of the secret support of Kong Yunze. Otherwise, let alone becoming the boss of Liangzhou's underground world, he would have been killed long ago.

So for Kong Yunze, he has always been grateful. This time, when Kong Yunze found him and said he wanted him to help calculate Qin Lie, he agreed without saying a word.

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