"You want to play later and there is time."

Kong Yunze replied indifferently, and then fixed his eyes on Qin Lie, "How about it, didn't expect this to be a game I set up?"

Kong Yunze asked proudly.

"I really didn't expect you, a bereaved dog, to dare to come out. It seems that you are really tired of living."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

Admittedly, he did not expect this to be a trap, but he has always been prepared for anything, and he prepared everything in advance before coming in.

So this time he didn't panic at all.

Hearing Qin Lie say that he is a lost dog, Kong Yunze's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Originally, I wanted to give you a good one, but I just said what you just said, I will make you a human in a while, and I will make you live as a dead man!"

Kong Yunze said with a grim expression.

He was originally a lofty young master of the Kong family who was looked up to by people.

But as the video was exposed, he was completely ruined, and his whole person was completely ruined.

Now, let alone going home, he has to wear a mask to cover his face even on the street, for fear of being recognized.

And all this is thanks to Qin Lie!

For Qin Lie, he already hated it!

He must let Qin Lie experience the most painful torture in the world, only in this way can he vent his hatred!

"I'm sorry, I may disappoint you. You can't help me today."

Qin Lie said mockingly.

"What are you pretending to me, now as long as I give an order, you will die without a burial!"

Kong Yunze said disdainfully.

He tried his best to bring in Qin Lie, Qin Lie is absolutely inescapable!

"Hong Guang, let them see the treasure on you."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

Hearing this, He Hongguang suddenly unzipped his clothes, revealing the bomb vest inside.

"You all put down the guns for me, or I'll detonate the bombs on my body now, and we'll all perish by then!"

He Hongguang roared at the people around him fiercely.

Seeing the bomb on He Hongguang's body, whether it was Kong Yunze or Yang Linbao, his expressions changed.

They didn't expect Qin Lie to hide such a hand.

"How about it, isn't it a surprise?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"I don't believe you dared him to detonate a bomb!"

Kong Yunze said with a gloomy expression.

"Since you don't believe it, let your men shoot."

Qin Lie replied calmly.

The more calm he appeared, the less rashly he dared to act in Kong Yunze's heart.

After all, in Kong Yunze's heart, Qin Lie was just an ordinary person with a humble status. He was much nobler than Qin Lie, and he didn't want to be buried with Qin Lie.

Kong Yunze stared at Qin Lie with a gloomy face, killing intent surged in his heart, but in the end he didn't dare to let his people do it.

But if Qin Lie left like this, he was really unwilling.

"How about it, do you want to do it? If you don't do it, let Boss Fan go. I have to go back to sleep later, but I don't have time to play with you here."

Qin Lie said again.

"Master Kong, what should we do now?"

Yang Linbao looked at Kong Yunze and asked in a low voice.

As the underground emperor of Liangzhou, he can be said to be powerful, but after enjoying these beautiful lives, he is more afraid of death than when he was young, and he definitely does not want to die with Qin Lie.

Kong Yunze didn't speak, his eyes kept changing, and after a while, a lie suddenly came to his mind.

"Brother, this matter today is a grudge between me and Qin Lie. If you are willing to leave voluntarily, I can give you 100 million to ensure that you will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth in the future."

Kong Yunze said to He Hongguang.

The bomb vest is on He Hongguang's body. As long as He Hongguang withdraws, Qin Lie will be the turtle in the urn and will not be able to turn any waves.

Qin Lie also didn't expect that Kong Yunze would buy He Hongguang in front of him, which made him panic.

If He Hongguang really defected, then he would be in danger.

"One hundred million? Tsk tsk, it's really a big deal, but I don't want your stinky money, you better let us go quickly, otherwise, I will blow up all of you, and with so many of you buried with me, I will die. It's worth it!"

Fortunately, Qin Lie's worries were unnecessary, and He Hongguang directly rejected Kong Yunze with a sneer.

He Hongguang is one of Fan Chang's confidants, and over the years, he has received great favors from Fan Chang.

For someone like him, love is priceless, so let alone one hundred million, even if it is one billion or ten billion, he can't betray Fan Chang.

Hearing He Hongguang's words, Kong Yunze's face became more and more gloomy.

"Qin Lie, you can set off a bomb and we will die together. I want to see if you have the courage!"

Kong Yunze roared furiously.

"Don't worry, you shoot first, and when you shoot, I will naturally detonate the bomb."

Qin Lie replied calmly.

The bomb vest that He Hongguang was carrying was actually a fake, and could not be detonated at all, but it was obviously enough to deter Kong Yunze.

Kong Yunze had a lot of killing intent in his heart, but he didn't want to die, especially since he definitely didn't want to die with Qin Lie.

In this way, Kong Yunze did not let anyone shoot, and Qin Lie did not detonate the bomb. The two sides formed a very delicate balance.

At the same time, Jiang Lei had already learned through the headset that tonight's transaction was a trap, and he immediately led people to act.

Jiang Lei and others are all retired special forces, plus they have been training devils all the time, their strength is even better than when they were in the army before.

Most of Yang Linbao's subordinates are small gangsters, and they're okay against ordinary people, but in front of Jiang Lei and the others, they're simply vulnerable.

Silently, Jiang Lei had already brought someone to solve the guards on the periphery, and then brought someone to the room where Qin Lie was.


The door was knocked open, and Jiang Lei rushed in directly.

"Don't move, whoever moves will kill you!"

Jiang Lei let out a loud roar, and the muzzle began to move back and forth on Kong Yunze and the others.

The human bomb was beyond Kong Yunze's expectations. Seeing that Qin Lie had a backer, Kong Yunze instantly understood that his plan had failed.

It is impossible to kill Qin Lie today.

"Kong Yunze, how are you, are you going to burn all the jade and stone?"

Seeing Jiang Lei and the others appear, Qin Lie became more and more calm.

"Don't be complacent, your life is mine, and I will definitely kill you!"

Kong Yunze said with murderous intent.

Qin Lie took everything from him. He wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood. As long as he was alive, he would definitely kill Qin Lie.

"That's what I want to tell you too. After you wash your neck, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!"

Qin Lie also did not hide his killing intent.

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