"Jiang Lei, bring Brother Fan here."

There was no more meaningless battle of words, Qin Lie ordered Jiang Lei directly.

Jiang Lei responded and walked to Fan Chang's side. During this process, he had been on high alert. As long as Kong Yunze and the others dared to make a move, he would dare to shoot.

Fortunately everything went well.

After putting Fan Chang down, Jiang Lei helped him to Qin Lie's side.

"Kong Yunze, if you don't do it, then I'll leave first."

After dropping this sentence with a smile, Qin Lie took Fan Chang out of the clubhouse together.

Jiang Lei and others kept staring at Kong Yunze and the others until Qin Lie left, and they retreated.


Watching Qin Lie escape from under his own eyes, Kong Yunze almost clenched a good tooth.

But he couldn't do anything.

Outside the clubhouse, after Qin Lie asked He Hongguang to take care of Fan Chang, he directly brought people back to the clubhouse.

Qin Lie has used a lot of manpower in the past few days and has not been able to find Kong Yunze. Now that Kong Yunze has taken the initiative to show up, he naturally cannot let this person leave alive.

"No matter who it is, as long as it dares to stop us, kill without mercy!"

Qin Lie ordered coldly.

Today, he must get rid of Kong Yunze and never suffer from future troubles!

"Bang bang bang!"

Seeing Qin Lie and the others go back and forth, Yang Linbao's men shot first.

As soon as the gunshot rang, Kong Yunze was immediately alarmed.

When he learned that Qin Lie had actually killed a carbine, he was also angry.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you break in. Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

"Kill me!"

Kong Yunze believed that there were a lot of people on their side, so he didn't avoid it at all, and took the initiative to lead people to fight back.

Qin Lie and Jiang Lei have a total of five people, while Kong Yunze has three or more people. There is a huge disparity in the number of the two sides, but Jiang Lei and the others are both elite and cooperate quite tacitly. Often the opponent knows what to do with a gesture. .

On the other hand, on Kong Yunze's side, although there were many people, it was completely a mess. Let alone cooperation, he couldn't even shoot a gun.

As the battle continued, more and more people fell on Kong Yunze's side, while Qin Lie and the others remained unscathed.

Fear began to spread in the hearts of Yang Linbao's men, and the rest of the people had begun to gradually lose their fighting spirit.

"Yang Linbao, let your people stand up to me!"

The most extreme egoist, seeing that the situation was not good, Kong Yunze did not fight to the death. After handing this place to Yang Linbao, he immediately smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away.

Kong Yunze's run, Yang Linbao didn't dare to fight recklessly, and started to run at the same time.

As the saying goes, the tree fell and the hozen scattered. Seeing that his eldest brother had all run away, the remaining younger brothers had no intention of fighting, and fled in all directions.

If they fought to the death, they might have been able to live a little longer. When they ran, they gave their backs to Qin Lie and the others, and they all died faster.

When Qin Lie and the others chased them to the backyard, Kong Yunze had already started the car and started running.

Seeing this, Qin Lie rushed to another Rolls-Royce.

Sitting in the Rolls-Royce was Yang Linbao. He was starting the car, but because he was too flustered, he started several times without starting.

At this moment, Qin Lie smashed the window glass with one shot, and then aimed the gun at Yang Linbao.

"Brother, don't kill me, please don't kill me."

Yang Linbao quickly raised his hands to surrender.

"get out!"

Qin Lie shouted sharply.

"Okay okay."

Yang Linbao didn't dare to refuse, and quickly got out of the car.

Just when Qin Lie was about to get into the car, Yang Linbao suddenly pulled out another gun.

Unfortunately, Qin Lie had been guarding him for a long time. The moment he drew his gun, Qin Lie turned around and pulled the trigger directly.


The gunshots sounded, Yang Linbao was shot in the head, and he couldn't rest his eyes!

Qin Lie ignored Yang Linbao's subordinates, drove the Rolls-Royce and chased after Kong Yunze.

Fortunately, there was a straight road ahead. Although Kong Yunze drove out two minutes earlier, Qin Lie was driving a Rolls-Royce, while Kong Yunze was only driving a Mercedes-Benz E-Class. The gap between the two sides began to narrow rapidly.

After nearly ten minutes of chasing, Qin Lie had already caught up with Kong Yunze.

He didn't feel any distress. He stepped on the accelerator and hit the Mercedes in front of him.


A violent crash sounded, and the front of the Rolls-Royce immediately opened.

Then, again and again, Qin Lie kept hitting the Mercedes-Benz that Kong Yunze was driving.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Kong Yunze took the initiative to reduce his speed, drove alongside Qin Lie, and then kept swerving and collided with Qin Lie.

After some collisions between you and me, both Mercedes-Benz and Rolls-Royce have changed beyond recognition.

It's not enough that Rolls-Royce is a luxury car, it is much stronger than Mercedes-Benz, and Qin Lie sitting in the car is not hurt at all.

When they came to a full intersection ahead, they happened to hit a red light, but neither Qin Lie nor Kong Yunze slowed down and rushed over at the fastest speed.

Right here, an open car carrying muck suddenly drove over. Seeing that he was about to crash into a car and kill people, Qin Lie didn't dare to go side by side with Kong Yunze anymore, and immediately turned the steering wheel to the right, while Kong Yunze Turn the steering wheel to the left.


Qin Lie's reaction speed was already very fast, but the front of his car still hit the rear of the muck truck.

In the next second, Qin Lie's Rolls-Royce made a 360-degree rotation directly on the spot, and then fell heavily on the road.

On the other side, when Qin Lie was in a car accident, Kong Yunze was instantly overjoyed.

"Haha, God really helped me!"

Just when Kong Yunze was about to stop the car to kill Qin Lie, something very sad happened, another car suddenly rushed out and loaded directly into his car.

The Mercedes-Benz rolled several times in succession, and finally stopped on the roadside isolation belt.

Inside the Rolls-Royce, Qin Lie only felt dizzy for a while, and it took three or four minutes for him to recover.

Without wasting time, Qin Lie unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car scared.

"Grass, let this guy run away again!"

Looking at the empty road, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel hatred in his heart.

But the moment he turned his head, a surge of ecstasy flooded his heart.

He didn't expect that Kong Yunze also had a car accident, and his car accident was obviously more serious than his own. At this moment, the Mercedes-Benz was seriously deformed, and Kong Yunze was also trapped in the car.

Qin Lie didn't delay and ran over immediately.

In the car, Kong Yunze had already been smashed to the brink of blood at this time, but he knew that Qin Lie was coming soon, and he didn't care that he was seriously injured, so he quickly got out of the car.

The moment he looked up, Qin Lie also came over.

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