
After coming to Kong Yunze's side, Qin Lie lifted his leg and just kicked, Kong Yunze didn't react at all and flew out.

However, Kong Yunze is a master after all. While flying out, he rolled on the ground and quickly got up.

"Qin Lie, come on, it's either your death or my death today!"

Kong Yunze looked at Qin Lie decisively.

He knew very well that unless Qin Xiaolong was defeated, he could not leave alive.

In this case, he simply gave his life to it.

If he wins, he still has a chance of survival, if he loses, the big deal is death.

"Don't worry, you must die today!"

Qin Lie said with a sneer.

From the day Kong Yunze kidnapped Bai Xianglan, Qin Lie has already sentenced him to death. Today, he finally stopped this guy, he will never let the tiger go back to the mountain again!

Kong Yunze didn't respond any more, like a poisonous snake, staring at Qin Lie with a gloomy expression, his aura rising steadily.

Qin Lie didn't act in a hurry, and adjusted his state at the same time.

The invisible momentum began to collide between the two, and both Kong Yunze and Qin Lie raised their energy to the extreme.


A minute later, Kong Yunze was the first to break the balance and took the lead.

Few people in the outside world know that Kong Yunze began to practice martial arts at the age of five, and has been under the tutelage of many martial arts masters for more than 20 years.

Because of this, in the impression of outsiders, Kong Yunze has always been a handsome young man, but he has long since become a martial arts master with unfathomable strength.

However, Qin Lie's strength was also at its peak, so from the very beginning, the two had a fierce collision.

dong dong dong...

A series of dull voices sounded, and Kong Yunze's fist kept hitting Qin Lie's body. If Qin Lie wasn't rough and fleshy, he would have been beaten to death.

However, Kong Yunze was not feeling well either. Qin Lie's fist was like a hammer, and the violent collision injured his internal organs.

But Kong Yunze did not flinch.

Because he knew that once he backed away he would only die faster.

In this way, both of them used the ultimate move, and they wanted to kill each other.


Qin Lie deliberately resisted Kong Yunze's punch, and at the same time let go and punched Kong Yunze's chest. Kong Yunze couldn't hold back any longer, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The car accident just now caused Kong Yunze to suffer internal injuries. After this mouthful of blood was spit out, his injury became more serious than before, and his breath became sluggish.

Seeing this, Qin Lie didn't give Kong Yunze another chance to breathe, and attacked Kong Yunze like a storm.

Five minutes later, Kong Yunze couldn't hold it any longer and fell to the ground with a thud.

Kong Yunze was already covered in blood, and the breath on his body was extremely weak.

He tried to get up from the ground, but failed several times.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I, Kong Yunze, would be defeated in your hands, let's do it."

Kong Yunze smiled miserably.

Although he was about to face death, Kong Yunze was very calm and did not cry out for Qin Lie to let him go.

This is not only because Kong Yunze's dignity does not allow him to do this, but also because he knows that the relationship between himself and Qin Lie is already raging, and even if he really knelt down and begged him, Qin Lie couldn't let himself leave alive.

"Kong Yunze, you can go on the road in peace."

Qin Lie replied indifferently, and he was about to kill Kong Yunze.

"Wait a minute, can I say a few more words?"

Kong Yunze suddenly stopped Qin Lie and said.

"Go ahead."

Qin Lie thought for a while, but in the end he didn't rush to do it.

Kong Yunze struggled to sit up, then leaned against the flower pond.

"Can you get me a cigarette?"

Kong Yunze asked again.

Hearing Kong Yunze's request, Qin Lie couldn't help frowning.

He didn't know if Kong Yunze wanted to play another trick, so he actually didn't plan to meet his request.

"Don't worry, I just want to smoke a cigarette again, nothing else, as long as you can meet my last request, I can kill myself in front of you later, which will save you from being charged with murder. "

Kong Yunze grinned and said, of course he knew what Qin Lie was worried about.

But Qin Lie's worry is completely unnecessary, because he has suffered a very serious internal injury, and he can't make any counterattacks at all.

Qin Lie stared at Kong Yunze for a few seconds, and finally agreed with him.

However, Qin Lie only then remembered that since Chen Xiaoyu became pregnant, he had quit smoking, and he did not carry cigarettes at all.

"Sorry, I've quit smoking, I don't have any smoke on me."

Qin Lie replied directly.

"Hey, I didn't expect that my last wish before my death would not come true. It seems that God wants me to die without resting my eyes."

Kong Yunze smiled, but his smile was obviously full of grief and bitterness.

"If you have any last words, just say, I'll give you three more minutes, and I'll send you on your way in three minutes."

Qin Lie said very directly.

"Qin Lie, do you think I'm happy?"

Kong Yunze suddenly asked such a sentence.

"how could I know."

Qin Lie replied coldly.

"Many people envy me for having a good background, but I really hope I'm just an ordinary person."

"Because my parents have not respected my wishes since I was a child, I have to live according to their requirements. I feel like I am a mindless puppet."

"However, even so, God still didn't have pity on me. He even made me a goddamn eunuch. I've never urinated standing like a normal man in my fucking life!"

"Later, I chose to study abroad, in fact, I wanted to use foreign medicine to cure my disease. Unfortunately, I have seen many doctors, and I have taken many medicines. I am still a waste!"

"In this way, I started to hate God for injustice, and my psychology began to slowly become distorted, especially after I killed my girlfriend for the first time, my heart was completely blackened."

"For me, women are a form of humiliation and I can only be happy if I torture them and make them feel the pain I've been through."

"But I've been very smart since I was a child. I disguise very well. In the eyes of the world, I'm the most perfect man in the world. If it wasn't for you, I would probably keep disguising until I inherited the position of the head of the Kong family. , to be the most powerful man in the world."

"To be honest, I still hated you before, but now that I think about it, I really deserve to die. I have killed too many people to satisfy my perverted psychology, and I have more to die for. So you don't have to worry about it, I'll do it later. Apologize with death to save your hands from getting dirty again."

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